نقاش المستخدم:Ali ahmed andalousi/أرشيف 3
هذا أرشيف النقاشات السابقة حول مستخدم:Ali ahmed andalousi. لا تقم بتحرير محتويات هذه الصفحة. إذا كنت ترغب في بدء مناقشة جديدة أو إحياء مناقشة قديمة، يرجى القيام بذلك في صفحة النقاش الحالية. |
أرشيف 1 | أرشيف 2 | أرشيف 3 | أرشيف 4 | أرشيف 5 | ← | أرشيف 10 |
وسام 500 تعديل!
قمت بحذف صورة تاريخ المغرب
- المستخدم الزميل «Ali ahmed andalousi» تحية طيبة . انت قمت بتعديل في صفحة العلاقات العثمانية بممالك المغرب الأقصى وحذفت صورة إمتداد الدولة السعدية وتركت صورة امتداد الدولة العلوية، ولم تكتب اي توضيح عن سبب الحذف . هل من توضيح منكم ؟ شكرا
حذف سريع لـ قالب:معلومات سلطان مغربي 1
مرحبًا. تم ترشيح الصفحة قالب:معلومات سلطان مغربي 1 التي قمتَ بإنشائها للحذف السريع؛ وذلك بسبب أنها مستوفية لواحد أو أكثر من معايير الحذف السريع، وهذا يعني أن الصفحة ستُحذف في أقرب وقت ممكن. إذا كان لديك اعتراض على عملية الترشيح، يُمكنك إضافة أي نقاط هامة في صفحة نقاش المقالة، أو يُمكنك طلب استرجاعها إذا تم حذفها من خلال هذه الصفحة -إذا كنتَ متأكدًا أن الصفحة غير مخالفة-. شكرًا لك. --Ali ahmed andalousi (نقاش) 20:09، 5 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
Wikidata weekly summary #423
- Events
- Past: Wikidata Parliament of Ghana contest launch (replay)
- Upcoming: Biohackathon 2020 Barcelona 2020 November 9th - 13th The accepted wikidata related proposal: Knowledge graphs and wikidata subsetting
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #20, July 12
- Upcoming: Celtic Knot conference, July 9-10, including several sessions about Wikidata, a Wikidata helpdesk
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Why Ariadne uses Getty AAT over Wikidata
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #10 - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Ptable displays the periodic table automatically extracted from information provided by Wikidata; it also provides a check that all the elements are there with some basic properties. Additional pages provide charts of the nuclides under different criteria such as half-life. Each element or nuclide is linked to its Wikidata item for more information or to edit if necessary.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Abstract Wikipedia was approved.
- OpenRefine 3.4 beta 2 was released.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Open Data portal, theorised by, DOI formatter, set in environment, academic appointment
- External identifiers: House Divided ID, thefreedictionary medical term ID, People's Representative Council of Indonesia ID, Grove Art Online ID, Supreme Court of Sweden case number, KBpedia ID, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency OBJECTID, Oxford Bibliographies ID, Swiss Timber Bridges ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: taxon synonym string, PM20 subject code, PM20 geo code, number of downloads, Interactive element, course, Zoning symbol, vanDerWaalsConstant, has pattern
- External identifiers: AlloCiné theater ID, Cistercian Biography Online ID, Pitchfork artist ID, Archive Of Our Own tag, Austrian encyclopedia of music online, Swiss Tunnel ID, ANZSRC 2020 FoR ID, CPJF ID, TripAdvisor ID 2, Wien Kulturgut: Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum ID, public transport stop, Homebrew formula name, Offizielle Deutsche Charts song ID, British Museum object ID, ToS;DR service numerical identifier, code EHESS d'une commune, IAPH code, ProtonDB video game ID
- Query examples:
- France has a new Prime Minister: see the list of all ministers in French history (very long scroll). If you want to know more, see this notebook
- Open data portals in Wikidata (using the newly created property Open Data portal (P8402))
- Objects that are named after people on Wikidata (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on the consistent design system (Phabricator board)
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other
- Polishing the first step of Federation (using Wikidata's Properties in another Wikibase installation) (incl. preventing users from selecting a federated property with a non-supported data type (phab:T252012) and preventing users from accessing Special:NewProperty when federation is enabled (phab:T255576) and viewing a list of all properties when federation is enabled (phab:T246339))
- Continuing research and interviews around the topic of making it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers
- Doing first testing of mockups and prototypes of the first version of the Query Builder - coding can start soon
- Convert a few properties from string to external identifier: Linguasphere code (P1396), KOATUU identifier (P1077) and ISIN (P946)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #424
- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: New co-facilitator introductions and tools for editathons, 14 July. Agenda
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #12, 18 July Facebook, YouTube
- Past: Celtic Knot Wikimedia language conference, online, July 9-10. Videos, documentation and slides of sessions are accessible from the program page.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Using OpenRefine with Wikidata for the first time, by Addshore
- Using Wikidata in Mathematica and Wolfram, by Toni Schindler
- Fostering the presence of museums on Wikipedia and Wikidata, by Debora Lopomo
- Extending the Met’s reach with Wikidata, by Jennie Choi
- Wikidata-related videos from the Celtic Knot Conference:
- Wikidata and how you can use it to support minority languages (Mohammed Sadat)
- Wikidata-powered infoboxes (Pau Cabot)
- Hands-on Wikidata and lexicographical data (Nicolas Vigneron and Léa Lacroix)
- FAIR linguistic data thanks to norm data – Wikidata as part of the research project VerbaAlpina (Christina Mutter)
- Sámi placenames on Wikidata (Jon Harald Søby)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - Wikidata editing #11 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Introducing the Wikidata powered Dictionary of Welsh Biography timeline (Jason Evans), YouTube
- Video: Diving into Wikidata workshop (Will Kent), YouTube
- Video: Linked data for libraries with Wikibase, Infrastructure track (Jens Ohlig), YouTube
- Tool of the week
- DragNDrop.js makes it possible to show a Wikipedia article and drag items to Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Dowker-Thistlethwaite name
- External identifiers: AlloCiné theater ID, Maniadb artist ID, Group Properties wiki ID, Oberwolfach mathematician ID, Archive Of Our Own tag, GameBanana video game ID, Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Image link, numeric ID, peak bagging classification, vanDerWaalsConstantA, vanDerWaalsConstantB, road name formatter, road number formatter, Medical Service, Ofsted inspection rating, OpenStreetMap numeric user ID, traffic sign template image, Vietnamese middle name
- External identifiers: Wiki Loves Earth Ukraine identifier, OHM Relation ID, Filmstarts title ID, UK Research and Innovation person ID, SmallGroup ID, Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID, SAH Archipedia building ID, SAH Archipedia architect ID, Our Campaigns candidate ID, VPE railway line ID, Churches in Limburg, The Draft Review ID, ANZSCO 2013 ID, ANZSOC ID, ASCRG ID, Encyclopédie berbère, 雑誌コード, OpenStreetMap user name, National Registry of Exonerations Case ID, Svenska Akademiens Ordbok ID, QLD Biota ID, Australian Weed ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued building out documentation for Federated Properties (phabricator:T255651) and making interface improvements to the first stage of the feature (incl. phabricator:T246886, changes to special pages that interact with both Items/Properties, and phabricator:T255581, changes to Special:ListDataTypes when federation is enabled)
- More work on the consistent design system
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other to make development easier
- Finalizing research and interviews to better understand what could be improved in the way developers access Wikidata's data (APIs, SPARQL)
- Testing the first prototype of the Simple Query Builder with some editors to get final input before coding starts
- Sorting of language links on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects was broken (presumably by a change in MediaWiki core). A fix is being worked on. (phabricator:T257625)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
دعوة يوم ويكيبيديا المغربي الثالث
مرحبًا Ali ahmed andalousi/أرشيف 3! كونك من المهتمين بالمغرب فتسعدنا دعوتك للمساهمة في مشروع يوم ويكيبيديا المغربي الثالث، وهو مشروعٌ تعاونيٌّ يهدف لتطوير وتغطية وإنشاء المحتويات المُتعلّقة بالمغرب في ويكيبيديا. إذا أردت المساهمة، فضلًا زر صفحة المشروع، حيث يُمكنك المشاركة في النقاشات ومطالعة قائمة بالمهام التي يُمكن العمل عليها. سيقام هذا اليوم الويكيبيدي في 18 يوليو 2020. تحياتي لك نيابةً عن المساهمين في المشروع. |
Mohamed Belgazem (نقاش) 22:51، 14 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
- شكرا لك سأسعد بالمشاركة في يوم ويكيبيديا المغربي Ali ahmed andalousi (نقاش) 23:11، 14 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
مقالة أحمد المنصور الذهبي
السلام عليكُم أخي علي، أولا أُحييك على مجهودك الرائع في تطوير المقالة. أما فيما يخُص مُلاحظاتي على المقالة، فمن خلال إطلالة سريعة لاحظتُ ما يلي :
- المقالة تحتوي على أخطاء لُغوية عديدة، مثال : أقاليم المستحدثة، مجال الفلاحي، ...
- انتبه للأخطاء الإملائية خُصوصا الهمزة والألف.
- أرجو أن تقوم بإغناء مُقدمة المقالة أكثر.
إن أصلحت ما أوردتُه لك أعلاه فهي بالتأكيد تستحق الترشيح، كونها شاملة تقريبا لكافة الأمور المُتعلقة بحياة الشخصية. إن احتجت لأي شيء لا تتردد في السؤال. تحياتي لك. Mohamed Belgazem (نقاش) 20:39، 15 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
- صديق @Mohamed Belgazem هل تستطيع مشاركتي في العمل عليها من خلال العمل على الملاحظات الهامة التي ذكرتها حتى نستطيع ترشيحها معا يوم ويكيبيديا المغربي الثالث ؟؟؟ Ali ahmed andalousi (نقاش) 20:51، 15 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
- والله لا أستطيع ذلك، أظن أنك تُريد ترشيح المقالة كعمل مُشترك مع الزميل عبد الرحمان كما هُو مذكور في صفحة المشروع. Mohamed Belgazem (نقاش) 20:54، 15 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
- عبد الرحمان أضاف اسمه البارحة دون أن يراسلني لنتفق أولا. لكن بالنظر لمساهماته لا أظن أنه يستطيع أن يفيد في التطوير المقالة بالشكل المطلوب وعلى العموم شكرا جزيلا لك على الملاحظات القيمة أخي محمد. Ali ahmed andalousi (نقاش) 21:04، 15 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
- والله لا أستطيع ذلك، أظن أنك تُريد ترشيح المقالة كعمل مُشترك مع الزميل عبد الرحمان كما هُو مذكور في صفحة المشروع. Mohamed Belgazem (نقاش) 20:54، 15 يوليو 2020 (ت ع م)
وسام يوم ويكيبيديا المغربي الثالث!
مرحبا Ali ahmed andalousi/أرشيف 3، إليك وسام يوم ويكيبيديا المغربي الثالث تقديرا لمُساهماتك المُميّزة في هذا اليوم والتي أثرت المُحتوى المُتعلق بالمغرب في موسوعة ويكيبيديا العربية.
Wikidata weekly summary #425
- Discussions
- New request for comments: General semi protection for all property pages
- Events
- Upcoming: The First Wikidata Workshop: Second Call for Papers. Papers due: August 10, 2020 | Workshop date: October 29, 2020
- Upcoming: next Wikidata office hour, July 21st at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST) in the Wikidata Telegram group. Query Service special with guests from WMF Search Team.
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXIV: Posicionamento digital relativo with Ederporto - July 23 17:00 UTC (14:00 BRT). In this technical training, we'll study the possibilities and functionalities of relative digital positioning in images and do practical activities on this topic using historical photographs of the city of São Paulo. The event will be held in Portuguese. Join us!
- Upcoming video: July 21 - Wikipedia Weekly Network - Entity Schemas and Shape Expressions (ShEx) Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming video: July 25 - Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #13 Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming: Kidok-Workshop, online workshop about church building data. In German, non-native users welcome. Currently looking for a date in the upcoming week and people to help!
- Upcoming video: Beyond Wikipedia - Knowledge that even a computer can understand. July 22, 2020 at 17:00 UTC. In this talk, Zbyszko Papierski will present Wikidata Query Service as one way that developers can interact with Wikidata.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities botany pilot using Wikidata QIDs
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #11 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Wikispore Day, including an interview of Denny Vrandečić about Abstract Wikipedia at 34'00
- Video: Merging elements on Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: Wikibase Ecosystem - taking Wikidata further (by Lydia Pintscher), YouTube
- Tool of the week
- User:Frettie/consistency_check_add.js check consistency and add missing relations of a Wikidata object like father/son...
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Breaking change: removing special pageterms behavior on repo wikis, use entityterms instead (relevant for people using pageterms submodule of the query API module on Wikibase repository wikis)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: version control system, interactive elements, course, peak bagging classification, public transport stop, descriptive solubility, applies if regular expression matches, energy consumption per transaction, content partnership category, Van Der Waals Constant a, Van Der Waals Constant b
- External identifiers: Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID, EHESS ID of a French commune, OpenHistoricalMap relation ID, IAPH code, Knot Atlas identifier, Knotinfo identifier, Swiss Tunnel ID, Wien Kulturgut: Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum ID, Österreichisches Musiklexikon Online ID, Swedish Riksdag document ID, Artprice artist ID, AnyDecentMusic album ID, SAH Archipedia architect ID, Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID, Cistercian Biography Online ID, Digital Library of the Caribbean ID, Homebrew formula name, Our Campaigns candidate ID, UK Research and Innovation person ID, Unique Street Reference Number, Benerail station ID, Churches in Limburg, Vmusic.bg artist ID, US Quaternary Fault ID, ASCRG 2016 ID, ANZSOC 2011 ID, ANZSCO 2013 ID, Political Graveyard politician ID, SAH Archipedia building ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: BTI Status Index, BTI Governance Index, lyricsmule, number of majors offered, nationality (cultural identity), image of view, web interface software
- External identifiers: Native Plants Database ID, Český hudební slovník osob a institucí ID, OpenCritic critic ID, DATAtourisme ID, ASCCEG 2019 ID, AHECC 2017 ID, ANZSIC 2006 ID, Unsplash User ID, South Africa EMIS code, Denkmaldatenbank Thurgau ID, HLTV Player ID, HLTV Team ID, SÚKL code, Nomenclature de tous les noms de rosiers, Science Fiction Awards Database author id, Fototeka person ID, Henrik Ibsen skrifter ID
- Query examples:
- Painters in Wikidata with the surname Ruiz (Source)
- Cities with female mayor (Source)
- MPs in the current UK parliament with identified mythical ancestors (Source)
- Indian subcontinent rail lines (Source)
- List of countries by age of the head of government (Source)
- Cities of the United States between 100,000 and 600,000 inhabitants with the counties and states they are located in (Source)
- Newest database reports: list of 1000, 2000 (without statements) and 10000 (filtered) random items
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on the consistent design system
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other to make development easier:
- load WikibaseClient through the JSON file (phab:T257435),
- decoupling Client from Lib/Repo in the JavaScript code (phab:T256054),
- reduce the uses of Repo classes (phab:T255885, phab:T255882)
- Move all the special pages (phab:T257444), API modules (phab:T257443) and hooks (phab:T257445) from the PHP entry point to the JSON file
- Merge the registration of WikibaseLib into the Repo and Client extensions (phab:T257432) and merge WikibaseView into Repo (phab:T258043)
- Prepare the first development phase for the Simple Query Builder
- Reference game: run a scraper, work on a dashboard that will gives an overview of the potential references that have already been judged in the game
- Fix a bug related to maximum limit of search results (phab:T256885)
- Resolve some configuration issues regarding Entity Sources (phab:T254315)
- Federated Properties:
- Changes to special pages that interact with both items/properties when federation is enabled (phab:T246886)
- Changes to Special:ListDatatypes when federation is enabled (phab:T255581)
- Add new monolingual language codes: mic (Miꞌkmaq), gil (Kiribati)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #426
- Events
- The Wikidata track of the LD4 conference on Linked Data in Libraries takes place on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 July. Free, upon registration.
- Seeking feedback on a possible WikiCite@Wikidata's 8th Birthday online conference; and what content/format/timing preferences you have. Please respond to this short survey. [Privacy policy: https://w.wiki/XfN]
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Liam Wyatt on WikiCite and its future plans, ways to get involved, and discussions that are happening in the community, 28 July. Agenda
- Past: Wikidata and Wikibase office hour with a focus on the Query Service, July 21st. Notes of the discussions
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #14, August 1 Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #23, August 2
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Croiser des données avec OpenRefine by Ash_Crow (in French, how to match data from inside and outside Wikidata with Open Refine)
- "OBA: An Ontology-Based Framework for Creating REST APIs for Knowledge Graphs"
- Library’s linked-data project gets new grant. "Known as Linked Data for Production, the project is part of a long-term collaboration among Cornell University Library, Stanford Libraries and the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Iowa. Through linked data, information about books and other items in library records will be enhanced by related information from external online sources". By Jose Beduya
- Wikidata Training Workshop 1, by Canadian Arts Presenting Association
- Video: Wikidata Lab XXIV on relative digital positioning (in Portuguese). YouTube
- Video: Women Writers in Review: Integrating special collections into Wikidata. YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - Entity Schemas and Shape Expressions (ShEx) Facebook YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #13 Facebook YouTube
- Tool of the week
- We would love suggestions for tools to include in this section of the weekly summary. Please add your suggestions directly under Status updates/Next#Backlog after checking that the tool isn't already listed.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Commons Query Service (WCQS) launches in Beta. This SPARQL endpoint for Structured Data on Commons can federate with Wikidata's Query Service. (Announcement & discussion)
- A new OpenRefine reconciliation service for Wikidata is available. Add it in OpenRefine with
or by replacingen
by any other Wikimedia language code.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: pertainym, BTI Governance Index, BTI Status Index, Ofsted inspection rating, distribution map of taxon
- External identifiers: Wiki-Rennes ID, Queensland Biota ID, Australian Weed ID, Encyclopedie berbere ID, Japanese magazine code, Lobbywatch.ch ID of a member of parliament, IVS ID, Svenska Akademiens Ordbok ID, National Registry of Exonerations Case ID, Described and Captioned Media Program producer ID, Český hudební slovník osob a institucí ID, PM20 geo code, PM20 subject code, DATAtourisme ID, OpenCritic critic ID, ASCCEG 2019 ID, SmallGroup ID, ANZSIC 2006 ID, AHECC 2017 ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: booking URL, member of lexicon, screen (display) resolution, in pixels, Size comparison diagram, Butcher tableau, related laws and regulations, Water area
- External identifiers: Archive Site Trinity College Cambridge ID, WISAARD ID, Jisho word id, UK Research and Innovation organisation ID, Opta football player ID, Opta football team ID, Opta football competition ID, Power plant operating licence (Turkey), Árvore de Interesse Público ID, MinDat taxon ID, Dizionario Biografico dei Protestanti in Italia ID, Twitter topics numeric ID, People Australia ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Changed the size of image previews to 1024 in the gallery view of the query service to avoid some images not loading sometimes (phabricator:T258241)
- Added an actual space between the entity title and the name of the fallback language (if any), so that the fallback language isn't selected anymore when double-clicking the entity title for copying (phabricator:T256857)
- Fixed the directionality of text pieces in placeholders that mix LTR and RTL (phabricator:T253812)
- Continued work on first pieces of design system to make coding new features easier in the future
- Continued untangling the code of Wikibase Client and Wikibase Repo to make it easier to develop on them
- Finished first piece of research on how to make it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers - more work to be done
- Preparing to start coding on the Query Builder to make it easier to create queries without having to know SPARQL
- Finished running the scraper that gets potential new references for unreferenced statements and preparing it for publishing
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
نشرة الأخبار والتحديثات في ويكيبيديا العربية للشهر السابق (يوليو 2020)
- حصل الزميل Michel Bakni (ن) على صلاحية الإدارة، وفقًا لهذا الترشيح.
- انتهاء فعاليات يوم ويكيبيديا العربيَّة السادس عشر.
- اعتماد مقترح ظهور اللون الأصفر في خاص:صفحات جديدة.
- اعتماد مقترح قصر الترجمة الآلية في ترجمة المحتوى على المراجعين تلقائيًا.
- اعتماد مهمة بوتية لإزالة روابط القائمة السوداء.
- إعلان عن ضبط نظام التوقيع في الميدياويكي، وفق متطلبات وضوابط مُحدّدة. (لمتابعة النقاش الجاري حول الموضوع في ويكيبيديا العربيَّة: اضغط هنا)
- إضافة جديدة في صندوق الأدوات لتسهيل طلب حماية المقالات، يمكن تفعيلها من خلال الخطوات التالية: تفضيلاتي ← الإضافات ← زر "اطلب حماية المقالة" في قسم أدوات في الشريط الجانبي لطلب حماية المقالات.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان التقنية، لإنشاء إضافة بمُلخصات تعديل جاهزة. لتفعيل الإضافة التجريبية: تفضيلاتي ← الإضافات ← أضف صندوقين منسدلين جديدين أسفل صندوق ملخص التحرير مع بعض الملخصات الافتراضية المفيدة
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان التقنية، حول تعديل قوالب الصيانة في ويكيبيديا العربيَّة.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان التقنية، حول مقترح تفعيل أداة الرد الجديدة لتصبح افتراضية لكل المستخدمين في ويكيبيديا العربية.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان التقنية، لحل مشكلة اسم المستخدم في نظام النقاشات الهيكلية.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان اللغويات، حول مقترح تعريف مجموعة من عناوين المقالات.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان السياسات، حول تعريف شرط الاستقرار في المحتوى المُتميّز.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان الاقتراحات، حول مقترح إخطار المستخدم عند حذف مقالته أو إلغاء تعديله.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان الاقتراحات، حول مقترح ضبط توقيت نشاط البوتات في أوقات غير أوقات الذروة.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان الاقتراحات، لاختيار تصميم لقالب وضع الطلب.
- نقاش جارٍ في ميدان المنوعات، حول مسألة الاستشهاد بمواقع الويب.
- عدد الزيارات: 259,646,191
- عدد المقالات الجديدة: 7,596
- عدد التعديلات: 481,795
- عدد المسجلين الجدد: 15,508
- عدد القوالب الجديدة: 852
- عدد التصانيف الجديدة: 6,000
- عدد الصور الجديدة: 460
- عدد عمليات الحذف: 14,854
- عدد عمليات المنع: 485
نشرة الأخبار-- 03:23، 1 أغسطس 2020 (ت ع م)
Wikidata weekly summary #427
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Wiki13
- Events
- Upcoming: Search Platform Office Hours—August 5th, 2020. This event will be an occasion to talk about the Query Service.
- Upcoming: Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #15, August 8 Facebook, YouTube
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #24, August 9
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata track at the 2020 LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries:
- (30 July) Wikidata Tutorial: Intro to the Basics (by User:Gamaliel)
- (30 July) Advanced Wikidata Tools and Concepts: More Than Just P's and Q's (by User:Mahir256)
- (30 July) Developing a Wikidata Project (by User:Will (Wiki Ed))
- (31 July) VanderBot: Using a Python script to create and update researcher items in Wikidata (by User:Baskaufs)
- (31 July) No bricks without clay: outcomes from the Stanford Wikidata Working Group (by User:Arcadialib)
- (31 July) LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour: Adding References to Wikidata (by User:Chicagohil)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #14 Facebook YouTube
- Video: Lexemes in Wikidata - structured lexicographical data for everyone (by Lydia Pintscher), YouTube
- Video: Wikidata presentation (in Turkish), YouTube
- Why You Should Do NLP Beyond English - Nice article giving some context about why it matters to have Lexemes in Wikidata in many different languages
- Wikidata track at the 2020 LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries:
- Tool of the week
- SQID allows you to analyse, browse and query Wikidata. SQID is inspired by Magnus Manske's Reasonator, but focuses on prominently featuring information about Wikidata classes and properties.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: height of center of mass, road number formatter, Vietnamese middle name, heraldic attitude, traffic sign template image
- External identifiers: Tree of Public Interest ID, Denkmaldatenbank Thurgau ID, DSSTOX compound identifier, South Africa EMIS code, Archive Site Trinity College Cambridge ID, WISAARD resource ID, Gateway to Research organisation ID, SÚKL code, Science Fiction Awards Database author ID, Power plant operating licence (Turkey)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: certified as, number of stages, convergence rate, step count, Alternative form, view, version type for works, advertisement copy
- External identifiers: LibraryThing series identifier, Swiss Industrial Heritage ID, TOPCMB ID, Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus ID, Sports-Reference.com college basketball school ID, SAT-matrikulo, Signal number, BHF author ID, BHF magazine ID, SPLC Group ID, SPLC Individual ID, Open Civic Data Division Identifiers, RKD thesaurus ID, TCLF ID, Presence compositrices ID of composer, Presence compositrices ID of work
- Query examples:
- Properties and the number of constraint definition statements on them - there are quite a few with 0 constraint definitions
- a graph of MPs and parties in the Swedish Parliament and with whom they worked together with to create motions 2018 SPOILER: >95% is just with people in the same party
- Wealthiest queer people on Wikidata (Source)
- Bubble chart showing the winners of the FA Cup (Source)
- Map of parks in Oslo missing images on Wikidata (Source)
- Commons queries:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- The last week was our quarterly prototyping week. We worked on the following projects. None of them are ready for prime-time yet but we'll continue with them.
- Slices: We've had a lot of requests for accessing dumps of a smaller part of Wikidata's data since rarely anyone needs the complete data in Wikidata. The tricky part is figuring out which part is needed and if any of that can be generalized. We looked into for example how to make dump generation faster so we could potentially produce more smaller dumps that only cover a part of Wikidata's data, either thematically (e.g. humans) or by type of data (e.g. only statements and English labels and aliases but not sitelinks or descriptions).
- REST API: As part of our effort to make it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers we looked into a REST API. We tried to see if we could cover the existing action API modules in a REST API. We could. We'll take this as input for our ongoing API work now.
- Improving quality ratings through ORES: ORES can judge the quality of an Item automatically. It is currently not very good at it however. We tried a few things to make it more accurate and found some easy wins we'll probably make happen in the next weeks.
- Query manipulator: One of the ways we could potentially improve the load situation of the Wikidata Query Service is by automatically analyzing and then redirecting a bunch of queries to other systems that are more suitable for that particular type of query. The nice thing about that would be that the person/program sending the query wouldn't have to care about it but it'd be done automagically for them. We tried to build such a system and the results look very promising but more work/experimenting is needed, especially together with the WMF Search team.
- The last week was our quarterly prototyping week. We worked on the following projects. None of them are ready for prime-time yet but we'll continue with them.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
رد: مقالة أحمد المنصور
مرحبتين. أخطرت الأخ @Michel Bakni: لِيقوم بِذلك كونه المُشرف على المُراجعة. تحيَّاتي--باسمراسلني (☎) 09:49، 9 أغسطس 2020 (ت ع م)
- {{شكرا لك}} أخ @باسم. Ali ahmed andalousi (نقاش) 11:22، 9 أغسطس 2020 (ت ع م)