Richaringan, Contributor to the Wiktionary, Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons and the Incubator
Contributor to the Wiktionary, Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons and the Incubator
『寂さる鍾塔のー、底んじ遠々とぅ立ちゅる、我ん一目んちゃーどぅ度引ち寄しっちゃん。我んねー飛どーる鳥んちゃーどぅ空んじ度観っちゃん。我んねー不思議な限界どぅとぅ遠さる他国どぅ想像っちゃんあま彼ったーや行じょーん。我んねーたびし彼ったーどぅ羽んちゃーぬ上願っちゃん。』 « The solitary bell tower, rising far away in the valley, has often attracted my attention; I often followed with my eyes the passing birds that flew above my head. I imagined the unknown borders, the distant climates where they go; I would have liked to be on their wings. » — François-René de Chateaubriand, René, 1802 (Translation in Okinawan by Richaringan)
About me
I live in France and my passion is linguistics. I like the Ryūkyūan civilization.
On the French-language Wiktionary, I mainly add entries about the Ryūkyūan languages. Also, on Wikipedia, I mainly write articles, but I often patrol too.