
Tamimi & AlTamimi usernames, both belong to me, or I belong to them !

What's in a name

My username comes from the name of my family name, "Al-Tamimi" or "Bani Tamim" ( التميمي - بني تميم ). A large Arabic family /a big tribe actually with a known well documnted non-breaking, continuous lineage line, reaching so far back to around 50 documented ancestors, that goes back way before the mellinia, and we can be easily found in every Arab country, and actually every where.

What's in a user name

Long time ago, I have been active in the very beginnings of the Wikipedia project and I contributed a few articles, but in later years, years after years passed without me doing any writing aciitivty in Wikipedia as lifestyle and responsibilities have done away with the spare time I used to let my editorial creativty breath.

However, I am still looking forward to the day when I can write and edit articles and further enrich the knowledge provided by Wikipedia.

Ok, here is a bio

I easily distinguish signal from noise, and signal in noise, and I really know what's tech, and what's buzz! well, at least enough not to be disillusioned by the biggest names in the IT industry, and that is because because because:

I have accumulated over 40 years of digital experience Used the internet before it became public! Still holding a 38 years old email address.

Born in Jordan Educated in Arizona Worked in NYC, London, Helsinki, Stockholm, Dubai, Singapore, Sydney

Coder, Programmer, Developer, Software Engineer

Basic, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, Assembly, C++, Java, ... Python, and v! (8086, i386, Pentium, .., Intel core i9/i9-10980XE)&(MC6800, M68k, ..., ARM-based Apple M1) DEC10, VAX/VMS, DOS, MacOS, Windows 3, UNIX, Win95, Linux Red Hat, Windows NT, osX, Linux, iOS, Android, .., Windows 11, UBUNTU Studio 21.4!

IEEE Technology Delegate to ICMIT2000

Presented several research papers including : Machines with Feelings, Humanizing the Machine, and Mechanizing the Human!

what else?

Thanks and best regards.
