local p = {}
local errors = ''
local nexistingcats = 0
local currtitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local testcasecolon = ''
local testcases = (currtitle.subpageText == 'مختبر')
if testcases then testcasecolon = ':' end
local navborder = true
local followRs = true
local listRs = false
local listofRs = {}
local misctrackingcats = {
'', -- [1] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats using cat parameter]]'
'', -- [2] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats using testcase parameter]]'
'', -- [3] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats range not using en dash]]
'', -- [4] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats range abbreviated]]
'', -- [5] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats range redirected (base change)]]
'', -- [6] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats range redirected (MOS)]]
'', -- [7] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats isolated]]
'', -- [8] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats default season gap size]]
'', -- [9] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats decade redirected]]
'', --[10] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats year redirected]]
'', --[11] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats roman numeral redirected]]
'', --[12] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats nordinal redirected]]
'', --[13] placeholder for [[تصنيف:Navseasoncats wordinal redirected]]
local avoidself = (currtitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats' and --avoid self
currtitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats/doc' and --avoid self
currtitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats/شرح' and --avoid self
currtitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats/sandbox' and --avoid self
currtitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats/ملعب' and --avoid self
(currtitle.nsText ~= 'Template' or testcases)) --avoid nested transclusion errors (i.e. {{Infilmdecade}})
--[[ Utility & category functions ]]
--Error message handling
--Also used by {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}.
function p.errorclass( msg )
return mw.text.tag( 'span', {class='error mw-ext-cite-error'}, '<b>Error!</b> '..string.gsub(msg, '&#', '&#') )
--Failure handling
--Also used by {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}.
function p.failedcat( errors, sortkey )
if avoidself then
return (errors or '')..'***Navseasoncats failed to generate navbox***'..
'[['..testcasecolon..'تصنيف:صيانة شريط تصنيف فشل في إنشاء صندوق شريط|'..(sortkey or 'O')..']]'
return ''
--Check for nav*() navigational isolation (not necessarily an error).
--Used by all nav*().
function isolatedcat()
if nexistingcats == 0 and avoidself then
misctrackingcats[7] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats isolated]]'
--Similar to {{LinkCatIfExists2}}: make a piped link to a category, if it exists;
--if it doesn't exist, just display the greyed link title without linking.
--Unused, in favor of catlinkfollowr().
function catlink( catname, displaytext )
-- mw.log("catname:'" .. catname .. "',displaytext:'" .. displaytext .. "'")
catname = mw.text.trim(catname or '')
displaytext = mw.text.trim(displaytext or '')
local grey = '#888'
local disp = catname
if displaytext ~= '' then --use 'displaytext' parameter if present
disp = mw.ustring.gsub(displaytext, '%s+%(.+$', ''); --strip any trailing disambiguator
local exists = mw.title.new( catname, 'Category' ).exists
if exists then
nexistingcats = nexistingcats + 1
return '[[:Category:'..catname..'|'..disp..']]'
return '<span style="color:'..grey..'">'..disp..'</span>'
--Similar to catlink() but follows {{Category redirect}}s.
--Returns { <#R target navelement>, <basetext of #R target> } if {{Category redirect}} followed;
--returns { <original navelement>, nil } otherwise.
--Used by all nav_*().
function catlinkfollowr( catname, displaytext )
catname = mw.text.trim(catname or '')
displaytext = mw.text.trim(displaytext or '')
if string.match( catname , ".*%s*ق%s*م%s*.*" ) and not string.match( displaytext .. " " , ".*%s*ق%s*م%s*.*" ) then
displaytext = displaytext .. " ق م"
-- mw.log("catname:'" .. catname .. "',displaytext:'" .. displaytext .. "'")
local grey = '#888'
local disp = catname
if displaytext ~= '' then --use 'displaytext' parameter if present
disp = mw.ustring.gsub(displaytext, '%s+%(.+$', ''); --strip any trailing disambiguator
local exists = mw.title.new( catname, 'Category' ).exists
if exists then
nexistingcats = nexistingcats + 1
if followRs then
local r = rtarget(catname)
if r == catname then
return { '[[:Category:'..catname..'|'..disp..']]', nil }
return { '[[:Category:'..r..'|'..disp..']]', r }
return { '[[:Category:'..catname..'|'..disp..']]', nil }
return { '<span style="color:'..grey..'">'..disp..'</span>', nil }
--Returns the target of {{Category redirect}}, if it exists, else returns the original cat.
--Used by catlinkfollowr() & all nav_*().
function rtarget( cat )
local catcontent = mw.title.new( cat or '', 'Category' ):getContent()
if string.match( catcontent or '', '{{ *[Cc]at' ) then
local regex = {
--from https://dispenser.info.tm/~dispenser/cgi-bin/rdcheck.py?page=Template:Category_redirect
--the following 11 pages (7 condensed) redirect to [[قالب:Category redirect]] (as of 6/2019):
{ '1', '{{ *[Cc]ategory *[Rr]edirect' }, --most likely match 1st
{ '2', '{{ *[Cc]at *redirect' }, --444+240 transclusions
{ '3', '{{ *[Cc]at *redir' }, --8+3
{ '4', '{{ *[Cc]ategory *move' }, --6
{ '5', '{{ *[Cc]at *red' }, --6
{ '6', '{{ *[Cc]atr' }, --4
{ '7', '{{ *[Cc]at *move' }, --0
for k, v in pairs (regex) do
local rtarget = mw.ustring.match( catcontent, v[2]..'%s*|%s*([^|}]+)' )
if rtarget then
if listRs then
table.insert( listofRs, '[[:Category:'..cat..']] → '..'[[:Category:'..rtarget..']]' )
rtarget = mw.ustring.gsub(rtarget, '^1%s*=%s*', '')
rtarget = string.gsub(rtarget, '^[Cc]ategory:', '')
return rtarget
return cat
--Returns a numbered list of all {{Category redirect}}s followed by catlinkfollowr() -> rtarget().
--Used by all nav_*().
function listfollowedRs( cat )
local nl = '\n# '
local out = ''
if currtitle.nsText == 'Category' then
errors = p.errorclass('The <b><code>|list-followed-redirects=yes</code></b> parameter/utility '..
'should not be saved in category space, only previewed.')
out = p.failedcat(errors, 'Z')
if listofRs[1] then
return out..nl..table.concat(listofRs, nl)
return out..nl..'No 1st order redirects found from [[:Category:'..cat..']].' --but 2nd order #Rs from derivative templates might exist
--Returns an unsigned string of the 1-4 digit decade ending in "0", else error.
--Used by nav_decade() only.
function sterilizedec( decade )
if decade == nil then return nil end
local dec = string.match(decade, '^[-%+]?(%d?%d?%d?0)$') or
string.match(decade, '^[-%+]?(%d?%d?%d?0)%D')
if dec then
return dec
--fix 2-4 digit decade
local decade_fixed234 = string.match(decade, '^[-%+]?(%d%d?%d?)%d%D') or
string.match(decade, '^[-%+]?(%d%d?%d?)%d$')
if decade_fixed234 then
return decade_fixed234..'0'
--fix 1-digit decade
local decade_fixed1 = string.match(decade, '^[-%+]?(%d)%D') or
string.match(decade, '^[-%+]?(%d)$')
if decade_fixed1 then
return '0'
errors = 'sterilizedec() error'
return nil
--Check for nav_hyphen default gap size + isolatedcat() (not necessarily an error).
--Used by nav_hyphen() only.
function defaultgapcat( bool )
if bool and nexistingcats == 0 and avoidself then
--using "nexistingcats > 0" isn't as useful, since the default gap size obviously worked
misctrackingcats[8] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats default season gap size]]'
--12 -> 12th, etc.
--Used by nav_nordinal(), nav_wordinal(), and {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}.
function p.addord( i )
return i
--[[if tonumber(i) then
local s = tostring(i)
local tens = string.match(s, '1%d$')
if tens then return s..'th' end
local ones = string.match(s, '%d$')
if ones == '1' then return s..'st'
elseif ones == '2' then return s..'nd'
elseif ones == '3' then return s..'rd' end
return s..'th'
return i]]
--[[ Formerly separated templates/modules ]]
--[[==========================={{ nav_hyphen }}=============================]]
function nav_hyphen( start, hyph, finish, firstpart, lastpart, minseas, maxseas, testgap )
-- mw.log('nav_hyphen:')
--Expects a PAGENAME of the form "Some sequential 2015–16 example cat", where
-- {{{1}}}=2015
-- {{{2}}}=–
-- {{{3}}}=16 (sequential years can be abbreviated, but others must be full year, i.e. "2001–2005")
-- {{{4}}}=Some sequential
-- {{{5}}}=example cat
-- {{{6}}}=1800 ('min' starting season shown; optional)
-- {{{7}}}=1999 ('max' starting season shown; optional; 1999 will show 1999-00)
-- {{{8}}}=0 (testcasegap parameter for easier testing; optional)
--sterilize start
if string.match(start or '', '^%d%d?%d?%d?$') == nil then --1-4 digits, AD only
local start_fixed = mw.ustring.match(start or '', '^%s*(%d%d?%d?%d?)%D')
if start_fixed then
start = start_fixed
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_hyphen can\'t recognize the number "'..(start or '')..'" '..
'in the first part of the "season" that was passed to it. '..
'For e.g. "2015–16", "2015" is expected via "|2015|–|16|".')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'H')
local nstart = tonumber(start)
--en dash check
if hyph ~= '–' and hyph ~= '-' then
misctrackingcats[3] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:صيانة شريط تصنيف لا يستخدم شرطة]]' --nav still processable, but track
--sterilize finish
if string.match(finish or '', '^%d+$') == nil then
local finish_fixed = mw.ustring.match(finish or '', '^%s*(%d%d?%d?%d?)%D')
if finish_fixed then
finish = finish_fixed
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_hyphen can\'t recognize "'..(finish or '')..'" '..
'in the second part of the "season" that was passed to it. '..
'For e.g. "2015–16", "16" is expected via "|2015|–|16|".')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'I')
if string.len(finish) >= 5 then
errors = p.errorclass('The second part of the season passed to function nav_hyphen should only be four or fewer digits, not "'..(finish or '')..'". '..
'See [[MOS:DATERANGE]] for details.')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'J')
local nfinish = tonumber(finish)
--sterilize min/max
local nminseas = tonumber(minseas) or -9999 --same behavior as nav_year
local nmaxseas = tonumber(maxseas) or 9999 --same behavior as nav_year
if nminseas > nstart then nminseas = nstart end
if nmaxseas < nstart then nmaxseas = nstart end
local lspace = ' ' --assume a leading space (most common)
local tspace = ' ' --assume a trailing space (most common)
if string.match(firstpart, '%($') then lspace = '' end --DNE for "Madrid city councillors (2007–2011)"-type cats
if string.match(lastpart, '^%)') then tspace = '' end --DNE for "Madrid city councillors (2007–2011)"-type cats
--calculate term length/intRAseason size & finishing year
local t = 1
while t <= 10 do
local nish = nstart + t --use switchADBC to flip this sign to work for years BC
if nish == nfinish or string.match(nish, '%d?%d$') == finish then
if t == 10 then
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_hyphen can\'t determine a reasonable term length for "'..start..hyph..finish..'".')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'K')
t = t + 1
--apply MOS:DATERANGE to parent
local lenstart = string.len(start)
local lenfinish = string.len(finish)
if lenstart == 4 then --"2001–"
if t == 1 then --"2001–02" & "2001–2002" both allowed
if lenfinish ~= 2 and lenfinish ~= 4 then
errors = p.errorclass('The second part of the season passed to function nav_hyphen should be two or four digits, not "'..finish..'".')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'L')
else --"2001–2005" is required for t > 1; track "2001–05"; anything else = error
if lenfinish == 2 then
if avoidself then
misctrackingcats[4] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:صيانة شريط تصنيف مدى مختصر]]'
elseif lenfinish ~= 4 then
errors = p.errorclass('The second part of the season passed to function nav_hyphen should be four digits, not "'..finish..'".')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'M')
if finish == '00' and avoidself then --full year required regardless of term length
misctrackingcats[4] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats range abbreviated]]'
--calculate intERseason gap size
local hgapdefault = 0 --assume & start at the most common case: 2001–02, 2002–03, etc.
local hgap = hgapdefault
local hgap_success = false
while hgap <= 5 do --verify
local prevseason2 = firstpart..lspace..(nstart-t-hgap)..hyph..string.match(nstart-hgap, '%d?%d$') ..tspace..lastpart
local nextseason2 = firstpart..lspace..(nstart+t+hgap)..hyph..string.match(nstart+2*t+hgap, '%d?%d$')..tspace..lastpart
local prevseason4 = firstpart..lspace..(nstart-t-hgap)..hyph..(nstart-hgap) ..tspace..lastpart
local nextseason4 = firstpart..lspace..(nstart+t+hgap)..hyph..(nstart+2*t+hgap)..tspace..lastpart
if t == 1 then --test abbreviated range first, then full range
if mw.title.new(prevseason2, 'Category').exists or --use 'or', in case we're at the edge of the cat structure,
mw.title.new(nextseason2, 'Category').exists or --or we hit a "–00"/"–2000" situation on one side
mw.title.new(prevseason4, 'Category').exists or
mw.title.new(nextseason4, 'Category').exists
hgap_success = true
elseif t > 1 then --test full range first, then abbreviated range
if mw.title.new(prevseason4, 'Category').exists or --use 'or', in case we're at the edge of the cat structure,
mw.title.new(nextseason4, 'Category').exists or --or we hit a "–00"/"–2000" situation on one side
mw.title.new(prevseason2, 'Category').exists or
mw.title.new(nextseason2, 'Category').exists
hgap_success = true
hgap = hgap + 1
if hgap_success == false then
hgap = tonumber(testgap) or hgapdefault --tracked via defaultgapcat()
--begin navhyphen
local navh = '{| class="toccolours hlist" style="text-align: center; margin: auto;"\n'..'|\n'
local i = -3
while i <= 3 do
local from = nstart + i*(t+hgap)
local from2 = string.match(from, '%d?%d$')
local to = tostring(from+t)
local to2 = string.match(to, '%d?%d$')
local tofinal = to2 --assume t=1 and abbreviated 'to' (the most common case)
if t > 1 or --per MOS:DATERANGE (e.g. 1999-2004)
(from2 - to2) > 0 --century transition exception (e.g. 1999–2000)
tofinal = to --default to the MOS-correct format, in case no fallbacks found
--check existance of 4-digit, MOS-correct range, with abbreviation fallback
if t > 1 and string.len(from) == 4 then --e.g. 1999-2004
--determine which link exists (full or abbr)
local full = firstpart..lspace..from..hyph..tofinal..tspace..lastpart
if not mw.title.new( full, 'Category' ).exists then
local abbr = firstpart..lspace..from..hyph..to2..tspace..lastpart
if mw.title.new( abbr, 'Category' ).exists then
tofinal = to2 --rv to MOS-incorrect format; if full AND abbr DNE, then tofinal is still in its MOS-correct format
elseif t == 1 then --full-year consecutive ranges are also allowed
local abbr = firstpart..lspace..from..hyph..tofinal..tspace..lastpart --assume tofinal is in abbr format
if not mw.title.new( abbr, 'Category' ).exists and tofinal ~= to then
local full = firstpart..lspace..from..hyph..to..tspace..lastpart
if mw.title.new( full, 'Category' ).exists then
tofinal = to --if abbr AND full DNE, then tofinal is still in its abbr format (unless it's a century transition)
--populate navh
if i ~= 0 then --left/right navh
local orig = firstpart..lspace..from..hyph..tofinal..tspace..lastpart
local disp = from..hyph..tofinal
local catlink = catlinkfollowr(orig, disp)
if catlink[2] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed, figure out why
local origbase = string.gsub(orig, '%d+[–-]%d+', '')
local rtarbase = string.gsub(catlink[2], '%d+[–-]%d+', '')
if origbase ~= rtarbase then
misctrackingcats[5] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats range redirected (base change)]]'
misctrackingcats[6] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats range redirected (MOS)]]'
if from >= 0 and nminseas <= from and from <= nmaxseas then
navh = navh..'*'..catlink[1]..'\n'
navh = navh..'*<span style="visibility:hidden">'..disp..'</span>\n'
else --center navh
navh = navh..'*<b>'..start..hyph..finish..'</b>\n'
i = i + 1
defaultgapcat(not hgap_success)
if listRs then
return listfollowedRs(firstpart..lspace..start..hyph..finish..tspace..lastpart)
return navh..'|}'
--[[==========================={{ nav_decade }}=============================]]
function nav_decade( firstpart, decade, lastpart, mindecade, maxdecade )
-- mw.log('nav_decade:')
--Expects a PAGENAME of the form "Some sequential 2000 example cat", where
-- {{{1}}}=Some sequential
-- {{{2}}}=2000
-- {{{3}}}=example cat
-- {{{4}}}=1800 ('min' decade parameter; optional)
-- {{{5}}}=2020 ('max' decade parameter; optional; defaults to next decade)
--sterilize dec
local dec = sterilizedec(decade)
if errors ~= '' then
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_decade was sent "'..(decade or '')..'" as its 2nd parameter, '..
'but expects a 1 to 4-digit year ending in "0".')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'D')
local ndec = tonumber(dec)
--sterilize mindecade & determine AD/BC
local mindefault = '-9999'
local mindec = sterilizedec(mindecade) --returns a tostring(unsigned int), or nil + error
if mindec then
if string.match(mindecade, '-%d') or
string.match(mindecade, 'BC')
mindec = '-'..mindec --better +/-0 behavior with strings (0-initialized int == "-0" string...)
elseif errors ~= '' then
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_decade was sent "'..(mindecade or '')..'" as its 4th parameter, '..
'but expects a 1 to 4-digit year ending in "0", the earliest decade to be shown.')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'E')
mindec = mindefault --tonumber() later, after error checks
--sterilize maxdecade & determine AD/BC
local maxdefault = '9999'
local maxdec = sterilizedec(maxdecade) --returns a tostring(unsigned int), or nil + error
if maxdec then
if string.match(maxdecade, '-%d') or
string.match(maxdecade, 'BC')
then --better +/-0 behavior with strings (0-initialized int == "-0" string...),
maxdec = '-'..maxdec --but a "-0" string -> tonumber() -> tostring() = "-0",
end --and a "0" string -> tonumber() -> tostring() = "0"
elseif errors ~= '' then
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_decade was sent "'..(maxdecade or '')..'" as its 5th parameter, '..
'but expects a 1 to 4-digit year ending in "0", the highest decade to be shown.')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'F')
maxdec = maxdefault
local tspace = ' ' --assume trailing space for "1950s in X"-type cats
if string.match(lastpart, '^-') then tspace = '' end --DNE for "1970s-related"-type cats
--AD/BC switches & vars
local parentBC = string.match(lastpart, '^BC') --following the "0s BC" convention for all years BC
lastpart = mw.ustring.gsub(lastpart, '^BC%s*', '') --handle BC separately; AD never used
--TODO?: handle BCE, but only if it exists in the wild
lastpart = mw.ustring.gsub(lastpart, '^ق م%s*', '')
local dec0to40AD = (ndec >= 0 and ndec <= 40 and not parentBC) --special behavior in this range
local switchADBC = 1 -- 1=AD parent
if parentBC then switchADBC = -1 end -- -1=BC parent; possibly adjusted later
local BCdisp = ''
local D = -math.huge --secondary switch & iterator for AD/BC transition
--check non-default min/max more carefully; determine right-offset
local roffset = 0
if mindec ~= mindefault then
if tonumber(mindec) > ndec*switchADBC then
mindec = tostring(ndec*switchADBC) --input error; mindec should be <= parent
if maxdec ~= maxdefault then --a non-default max will override offsetting behavior
if tonumber(maxdec) < ndec*switchADBC then
maxdec = tostring(ndec*switchADBC) --input error; maxdec should be >= parent
else --offset only if 1) max == maxdefault,
local thisyear = mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate( 'Y' )
local nthisdecade = tonumber(string.match(thisyear, '^%d%d%d')..'0')
if ndec <= nthisdecade then --and 2) we're not on a future-decade cat (e.g. Works set in the 2100s)
local diff = nthisdecade - ndec*switchADBC --in 2019: diff=30 for 1980, 0 for 2010, -20 for 2030
if diff < 0 then diff = 0 end --always show at least 1 decade ahead for present-decade+ cats
if diff >= 0 and diff <= 30 then
roffset = 40 - diff --in 2019: roffset=10 for 1980, 40 for 2010, 40 for 2030
local nmindec = tonumber(mindec) --similar behavior to nav_year & nav_nordinal
local nmaxdec = tonumber(maxdec) --similar behavior to nav_nordinal
--begin nav_decade
local bnb = '' --border/no border
if navborder == false then --for embedding in {{Navseasoncats with decades below year}}
bnb = ' border-style: none; background-color: transparent;'
local navd = '{| class="toccolours hlist" style="text-align: center; margin: auto;'..bnb..'"\n'..'|\n'
local i = (-50 - roffset)
while i <= (50 - roffset) do
local d = ndec + i*switchADBC
if i ~= 0 then --left/right navd
local BC = ''
BCdisp = ''
if dec0to40AD then
if D < -10 then
d = math.abs(d + 10) --b/c 2 "0s" decades exist: "0s BC" & "0s" (AD)
--BC = 'BC '
BC = ' ق م '
if d == 0 then
D = -10 --track 1st d = 0 use (BC)
elseif D >= -10 then
D = D + 10 --now iterate from 0s AD
d = D --2nd d = 0 use
elseif parentBC then
if switchADBC == -1 then --parentBC looking at the BC side (the common case)
--BC = 'BC '
BC = ' ق م '
if d == 0 then --prepare to switch to the AD side on the next iteration
switchADBC = 1 --1st d = 0 use (BC)
D = -10 --prep
elseif switchADBC == 1 then --switched to the AD side
D = D + 10 --now iterate from 0s AD
d = D --2nd d = 0 use (on first use)
if BC ~= '' and ndec <= 50 then
--BCdisp = ' BC' --show BC for all BC decades whenever a "0s" is displayed on the nav
BCdisp = ' ق م '
--determine target cat
local disp = 'عقد ' .. d ..BCdisp
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( firstpart..' '..d..''..tspace..BC..lastpart, disp )
if catlink[2] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
misctrackingcats[9] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats decade redirected]]'
--populate left/right navd
local shown = '*'..catlink[1]..'\n'
local hidden = '*<span style="visibility:hidden">'..disp..'</span>\n'
local dsign = d --use d for display & dsign for logic
if BC ~= '' then dsign = -dsign end
if (nmindec <= dsign) and (dsign <= nmaxdec) then
if dsign == 0 and (nmindec == 0 or nmaxdec == 0) then --distinguish b/w -0 (BC) & 0 (AD)
--"zoom in" on +/- 0 and turn dsign/min/max temporarily into +/- 1 for easier processing
local zsign, zmin, zmax = 1, nmindec, nmaxdec
if BC ~= '' then zsign = -1 end
if mindec == '-0' then zmin = -1
elseif mindec == '0' then zmin = 1 end
if maxdec == '-0' then zmax = -1
elseif maxdec == '0' then zmax = 1 end
if (zmin <= zsign) and (zsign <= zmax) then
navd = navd..shown
navd = navd..hidden
navd = navd..shown --the common case
navd = navd..hidden
else --center navd
if D >= -10 then
D = D + 10 --housekeeping b/w left/right sides
if parentBC then
--BCdisp = ' BC'
BCdisp = 'ق م '
if ndec == 0 then
switchADBC = 1 --next element will be 0s AD
D = -10 --for this special case, D is still -inf
BCdisp = ''
navd = navd..'*<b>عقد '..dec..' '..BCdisp..'</b>\n'
i = i + 10
if listRs then
return listfollowedRs(firstpart..' '..decade..''..tspace..lastpart)
return navd..'|}'
--[[============================{{ nav_year }}==============================]]
function nav_year( firstpart, year, lastpart, minimumyear, maximumyear )
-- mw.log('nav_year:')
--Expects a PAGENAME of the form "Some sequential 1760 example cat", where
-- {{{1}}}=Some sequential
-- {{{2}}}=1760
-- {{{3}}}=example cat
-- {{{4}}}=1758 ('min' year parameter; optional)
-- {{{5}}}=1800 ('max' year parameter; optional)
year = tonumber(year) or tonumber(mw.ustring.match(year or '', '^%s*(%d*)'))
local minyear = tonumber(string.match(minimumyear or '', '-?%d+')) or -9999 --allow +/- qualifier
local maxyear = tonumber(string.match(maximumyear or '', '-?%d+')) or 9999 --allow +/- qualifier
if string.match(minimumyear or '', 'BC') then minyear = -math.abs(minyear) end --allow BC qualifier (AD otherwise assumed)
if string.match(maximumyear or '', 'BC') then maxyear = -math.abs(maxyear) end --allow BC qualifier (AD otherwise assumed)
if year == nil then
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_year can\'t recognize the year sent to its 2nd parameter.')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'Y')
local tspace = ' ' --assume a trailing space b/w year & lastpart
if string.match(lastpart, '^%)') then --for [[تصنيف:Futurama (season 1) episodes]], etc.
tspace = ''
if minyear == -9999 then minyear = 1 end --to avoid 'season 1 BC', etc.
--AD/BC switches & vars
local yearBCElastparts = { --needed for parent = AD 1-5, when the BC/E format is unknown
--"BCE" removed to match both AD & BCE cats; easier & faster than multiple string.match()s
['example_Hebrew people_example'] = 'BCE', --example entry format; add to & adjust as needed
local parentAD = string.match(lastpart, '^%s*ق%s*م') --following the "AD 1" convention from AD 1 to AD 10
local parentBC = string.match(lastpart, '^BCE?') --following the "1 BC" convention for all years BC
firstpart = mw.ustring.gsub(firstpart, '%s*ق م$', '') --handle AD/BC separately for easier & faster accounting
lastpart = mw.ustring.gsub(lastpart, '^BCE?%s*', '')
local ADe = parentAD or '' --"BC" default
local BCe = parentBC or yearBCElastparts[lastpart] or '' --"BC" default
local year1to15AD = (year >= 1 and year <= 15 and not parentBC) --special behavior in this range
local switchADBC = 1 -- 1=AD parent
if parentBC then switchADBC = -1 end -- -1=BC parent; possibly adjusted later
local Y = 0 --secondary iterator for AD-on-a-BC-parent
if minyear > year*switchADBC then minyear = year*switchADBC end --input error; minyear should be <= parent
if maxyear < year*switchADBC then maxyear = year*switchADBC end --input error; maxyear should be >= parent
--determine interyear gap size to condense special category types, if possible
local ygapdefault = 1 --assume/start at the most common case: 2001, 2002, etc.
local ygap = ygapdefault
if string.match(lastpart, 'presidential') then
local ygap1, ygap2 = ygapdefault, ygapdefault --need to determine previous & next year gaps indepedently
local ygap1_success, ygap2_success = false, false
local prevseason = nil
while ygap1 <= 5 do --Czech Republic, Poland, Sri Lanka, etc. have 5-year terms
prevseason = firstpart .. ' ' .. (year-ygap1) .. tspace .. lastpart
if mw.title.new(prevseason, 'Category').exists then
ygap1_success = true
ygap1 = ygap1 + 1
local nextseason = nil
while ygap2 <= 5 do --Czech Republic, Poland, Sri Lanka, etc. have 5-year terms
nextseason = firstpart .. ' ' .. (year+ygap2) .. tspace .. lastpart
if mw.title.new(nextseason, 'Category').exists then
ygap2_success = true
ygap2 = ygap2 + 1
if ygap1_success and ygap2_success then
if ygap1 == ygap2 then ygap = ygap1 end
elseif ygap1_success then ygap = ygap1
elseif ygap2_success then ygap = ygap2
--begin navyears
local navy = '{| class="toccolours hlist" style="text-align: center; margin: auto;"\n' .. '|\n'
local i = -5
while i <= 5 do
local y = year + i*ygap*switchADBC
local BCdisp = ''
local ADdisp = ''
if i ~= 0 then --left/right navy
local AD = ''
local BC = ''
if year1to15AD then
if year >= 11 then --parent = 11-15 AD
if y <= 10 then --prepend AD on y = 1-10 cats only, per existing cats
AD = ' ق م '
elseif year >= 1 then --parent = 1-10 AD
if y <= 0 then
BC = BCe .. ' '
y = math.abs(y - 1) --skip y = 0 (DNE)
elseif y >= 1 and y <= 10 then --prepend AD on y = 1-10 cats only, per existing cats
AD = ' ق م '
elseif parentBC then
if switchADBC == -1 then --displayed y is in the BC regime
if y >= 1 then --the common case
BC = BCe .. ' '
elseif y == 0 then --switch from BC to AD regime
switchADBC = 1
if switchADBC == 1 then --displayed y is now in the AD regime
Y = Y + 1 --skip y = 0 (DNE)
y = Y --easiest solution: start another iterator for these AD ys displayed on a BC year parent
AD = ' ق م '
if BC ~= '' and year <= 5 then --only show 'BC' for parent years <= 5: saves room, easier to read,
BCdisp = ' ' .. BCe --and 6 is the first/last nav year that doesn't need a disambiguator;
end --the center/parent year will always show BC, so no need to show it another 10x
--populate left/right navy
local ysign = y --use y for display & ysign for logic
local disp = y .. BCdisp .. BC .. AD
-- mw.log( "=========================" )
--if AD ~= "" then
-- disp = y .. BCdisp .. BC .. AD
-- mw.log( "lastpart:'" .. lastpart .. "'" )
-- mw.log( "disp:'" .. disp .. "'" )
if BC ~= '' then ysign = -ysign end
if (minyear <= ysign) and (ysign <= maxyear) then -- ex: 1758, 1759, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765
local link = firstpart .. ' ' .. y .. tspace .. BC .. lastpart
--if AD ~= "" and not string.match( link .. " " , ".*ق%sم.*" ) then
if AD ~= "" and not string.match( lastpart .. " " , "^%s*ق%s*م.*" ) then
link = firstpart .. ' ' .. y .. tspace .. AD .. BC .. lastpart
-- mw.log( "link:'" .. link .. "'" )
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( link , disp )
if catlink[2] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
misctrackingcats[10] = '[[' .. testcasecolon .. 'Category:Navseasoncats year redirected]]'
navy = navy .. '*' .. catlink[1] .. '\n'
else -- ex: 1755, 1756, 1757
navy = navy .. '*<span style="visibility:hidden">' .. disp .. '</span>\n'
else --center navy; ex: 1760
if parentBC then BCdisp = ' ' .. BCe end
if parentAD then ADdisp = ' ' .. ADe end
local line = year .. BCdisp .. ADdisp
-- mw.log( "line:'" .. line .. "'" )
navy = navy .. '*<b>' .. line .. '</b>\n'
i = i + 1
if listRs then
return listfollowedRs(firstpart .. ' ' .. year .. tspace .. lastpart)
return navy .. '|}'
--[[==========================={{ nav_roman }}==============================]]
function nav_roman( firstpart, roman, lastpart, minimumrom, maximumrom )
-- mw.log('nav_roman:')
local toarabic = require('Module:ConvertNumeric/en').roman_to_numeral
local toroman = require('Module:Roman').main
--sterilize/convert rom/num
local num = tonumber(toarabic(roman))
local rom = toroman({ [1] = num })
if num == nil or rom == nil then --out of range or some other error
errors = p.errorclass('Function nav_roman can\'t recognize one or more of "'..(num or 'nil')..'" & "'..
(rom or 'nil')..'" in category "'..firstpart..' '..roman..' '..lastpart..'".')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'R')
--sterilize min/max
local minrom = tonumber(minimumrom or '') or tonumber(toarabic(minimumrom or ''))
local maxrom = tonumber(maximumrom or '') or tonumber(toarabic(maximumrom or ''))
if minrom < 1 then minrom = 1 end --toarabic() returns -1 on error
if maxrom < 1 then maxrom = 9999 end --toarabic() returns -1 on error
if minrom > num then minrom = num end
if maxrom < num then maxrom = num end
--begin navroman
local navr = '{| class="toccolours hlist" style="text-align: center; margin: auto;"\n'..'|\n'
local i = -5
while i <= 5 do
local n = num + i
if n >= 1 then
local r = toroman({ [1] = n })
if i ~= 0 then --left/right navr
if minrom <= n and n <= maxrom then
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( firstpart..' '..r..' '..lastpart, r )
if catlink[2] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
misctrackingcats[11] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats roman numeral redirected]]'
navr = navr..'*'..catlink[1]..'\n'
navr = navr..'*<span style="visibility:hidden">'..r..'</span>\n'
else --center navr
navr = navr..'*<b>'..r..'</b>\n'
navr = navr..'*<span style="visibility:hidden">'..'I'..'</span>\n'
i = i + 1
if listRs then
return listfollowedRs(firstpart..' '..roman..' '..lastpart)
return navr..'|}'
--[[=========================={{ nav_nordinal }}============================]]
function nav_nordinal( firstpart, ord, lastpart, minimumord, maximumord )
-- mw.log('nav_nordinal:')
local nord = tonumber(ord)
local minord = tonumber(string.match(minimumord or '', '(-?%d+)[snrt]?[tdh]?')) or -9999 --allow full ord & +/- qualifier
local maxord = tonumber(string.match(maximumord or '', '(-?%d+)[snrt]?[tdh]?')) or 9999 --allow full ord & +/- qualifier
if string.match(minimumord or '', 'ق م') then minord = -math.abs(minord) end --allow BC qualifier (AD otherwise assumed)
if string.match(maximumord or '', 'ق م') then maxord = -math.abs(maxord) end --allow BC qualifier (AD otherwise assumed)
local temporal = string.match(firstpart, 'القرن') or -- century
string.match(firstpart, 'الألفية') -- millennium
local tspace = ' ' --assume a trailing space after ordinal
if string.match(lastpart, '^-') then tspace = '' end --DNE for "19th-century"-type cats
--AD/BC switches & vars
local parentBC = mw.ustring.match(lastpart, '^%s*(ق%s*م)') --"1st-century BC" format
--ocal lastpartNoBC = mw.ustring.gsub(lastpart, '%sق م$', '') --easier than splitting lastpart up in 2; AD never used
local lastpartNoBC = mw.ustring.gsub(lastpart, '^%s*ق%s*م%s*' , '') --easier than splitting lastpart up in 2; AD never used
local BCe = parentBC or 'ق م' --"BC" default
local switchADBC = 1 -- 1=AD parent
if parentBC then switchADBC = -1 end -- -1=BC parent; possibly adjusted later
local O = 0 --secondary iterator for AD-on-a-BC-parent
if not temporal and minord < 1 then minord = 1 end --nothing before "1st parliament", etc.
if minord > nord*switchADBC then minord = nord*switchADBC end --input error; minord should be <= parent
if maxord < nord*switchADBC then maxord = nord*switchADBC end --input error; maxord should be >= parent
--determine right-offset, to not show unnecessary future millenia
local roffset = 0
if temporal and nord <= 3 then
if string.match(lastpartNoBC, 'الألفية ') and --only offset "1st millennium BC in Egypt" to "3rd-millennium people"-type cats
string.match(lastpartNoBC, 'millennium in fiction') == nil and --except these, which extend > 4th millennium
maxord == 9999 --only apply if max unspecified
if not parentBC and nord <= 3 then --1st, 2nd, & 3rd millennium parents
roffset = nord + 1
elseif parentBC and nord == 1 then --1st millennium BC only
roffset = 1
--begin navnordinal
local bnb = '' --border/no border
if navborder == false then --for embedding in {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}
bnb = ' border-style: none; background-color: transparent;'
local navo = '{| class="toccolours hlist" style="text-align: center; margin: auto;' .. bnb .. '"\n' .. '|\n'
local i = (-5 - roffset)
while i <= (5 - roffset) do
local o = nord + i*switchADBC
-- mw.log("i:(" .. i .. ")")
-- mw.log("o:(" .. o .. ")")
local BC = ''
local BCdisp = ''
if i ~= 0 then --left/right navo
if parentBC then
if switchADBC == -1 then --parentBC looking at the BC side
if o >= 1 then --the common case
BC = ' ' .. BCe
elseif o == 0 then --switch to the AD side
BC = ' '
switchADBC = 1
if switchADBC == 1 then --displayed o is now in the AD regime
O = O + 1 --skip o = 0 (DNE)
o = O --easiest solution: start another iterator for these AD o's displayed on a BC year parent
elseif o <= 0 then --parentAD looking at BC side
BC = ' ' .. BCe
o = math.abs(o - 1) --skip o = 0 (DNE)
if BC ~= '' and nord <= 5 then --only show 'BC' for parent ords <= 5: saves room, easier to read,
BCdisp = ' ' .. BCe --and 6 is the first/last nav ord that doesn't need a disambiguator;
end --the center/parent ord will always show BC, so no need to show it another 10x
--populate left/right navo
local oth = "" .. p.addord(o)
local osign = o --use o for display & osign for logic
local disp = 'القرن ' .. oth
local link = firstpart .. ' ' .. oth .. BCdisp .. tspace .. lastpart
if BCdisp ~= "" then
link = firstpart .. ' ' .. oth .. BCdisp .. tspace .. lastpartNoBC
if BC ~= '' then osign = -osign end
local hidden = '*<span style="visibility:hidden">' .. oth .. '</span>\n'
if temporal then --e.g. "3rd-century BC"
-- mw.log("temporal:'" .. temporal .. "'")
if (minord <= osign) and (osign <= maxord) then
local lastpart = lastpartNoBC --lest we recursively add multiple "BC"s
link = firstpart .. ' ' .. oth .. BCdisp .. tspace .. lastpart
-- mw.log("lastpart:(" .. lastpart .. ")= lastpartNoBC")
--if BC ~= '' then
-- lastpart = string.gsub(lastpart, temporal, temporal .. BC) --replace BC if needed
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( link , disp .. BCdisp )
if catlink[2] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
misctrackingcats[12] = '[[' .. testcasecolon .. 'Category:Navseasoncats nordinal redirected]]'
navo = navo .. '*' .. catlink[1] .. '\n'
navo = navo .. hidden
---- mw.log("hidden:(" .. hidden .. ")")
elseif BC == '' and minord <= osign and osign <= maxord then --e.g. >= "1st parliament"
-- mw.log("BC == ''")
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( link , disp )
if catlink[2] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
misctrackingcats[12] = '[[' .. testcasecolon .. 'Category:Navseasoncats nordinal redirected]]'
navo = navo .. '*' .. catlink[1] .. '\n'
else --either out-of-range (hide), or non-temporal + BC = something might be wrong (2nd X parliament BC?); handle exceptions if/as they arise
navo = navo .. hidden
else --center navo
if parentBC then BC = ' ' .. BCe end
local lii = ' القرن ' .. p.addord(o) .. BC
navo = navo .. '*<b> ' .. lii .. '</b>\n'
-- mw.log("lii:(" .. lii .. ")")
i = i + 1
if listRs then
return listfollowedRs(firstpart .. ' ' .. ord .. tspace .. lastpart)
return navo .. '|}'
--[[=================== ======{{ nav_wordinal }}=============================]]
function nav_wordinal( firstpart, word, lastpart, minimumword, maximumword, frame )
-- mw.log('nav_wordinal:')
local eng2ord = require('Module:ConvertNumeric/en').english_to_ordinal
local ord2eng = require('Module:ConvertNumeric/en').numeral_to_english
local sc = string.match(word, '^%u') --sentence-case check
local lc = string.lower(word) --operate on/with lc, and restore any sc later
local nword = eng2ord(lc)
local case = nil
if sc then case = 'U' end
--sterilize min/max
local minword = 1
local maxword = 99
if minimumword then
local num = tonumber(minimumword)
if num and 0 < num and num < maxword then
minword = num
local ord = eng2ord(minimumword)
if 0 < ord and ord < maxword then
minword = ord
if maximumword then
local num = tonumber(maximumword)
if num and 0 < num and num < maxword then
maxword = num
local ord = eng2ord(maximumword)
if 0 < ord and ord < maxword then
maxword = ord
if minword > nword then minword = nword end
if maxword < nword then maxword = nword end
--begin navwordinal
local navw = '{| class="toccolours hlist" style="text-align: center; margin: auto;"\n'..'|\n'
local i = -5
while i <= 5 do
local n = nword + i
if n >= 1 then
local nth = p.addord(n)
if i ~= 0 then --left/right navw
if minword <= n and n <= maxword then
local frame_args = frame:newChild{ args = { n, ord = 'on', case = case } } --easier to do this than modify Module:ConvertNumeric
local w = ord2eng( frame_args )
local catlink = catlinkfollowr( firstpart..' '..w..' '..lastpart, nth )
if catlink[2] and avoidself then --a {{Category redirect}} was followed
misctrackingcats[13] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats wordinal redirected]]'
navw = navw..'*'..catlink[1]..'\n'
navw = navw..'*<span style="visibility:hidden">'..nth..'</span>\n'
else --center navw
navw = navw..'*<b>'..nth..'</b>\n'
navw = navw..'*<span style="visibility:hidden">'..'0th'..'</span>\n'
i = i + 1
if listRs then
return listfollowedRs(firstpart..' '..word..' '..lastpart)
return navw..'|}'
--[[==========================={{ find_var }}===============================]]
--Also used by {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}.
function p.find_var( pn )
--Extracts the variable text (e.g. 2015–16, 3rd, 2000s, III, etc.) from a string
local pagename = currtitle.baseText
if pn and pn ~= '' then
pagename = pn
local cpagename = 'Category:'..pagename --limited-Lua-regex workaround
local season = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s%(](%d+[–-]%d+)[%)%s]') or --split in 2 b/c %f[%s$] doesn't work
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+[–-]%d+)$')
local nordinal = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+[snrt][tdh])[-%s]') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+[snrt][tdh])$')
local decade = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s]عقد%s(%d+)[%s-]') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s]عقد%s(%d+)%s') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s]عقد%s(%d+)$')
local century = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s]القرن%s(%d+)[%s-]') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s]القرن%s(%d+)%s') or
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s]القرن%s(%d+)$')
---- mw.log("cpagename:" .. cpagename .. " century:" .. (century or "") )
local year = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+)[%s%)]') or --%) for [[تصنيف:Futurama (season 1) episodes]], etc.
mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '[:%s](%d+)$')
local roman = mw.ustring.match(cpagename, '%s([IVXLCDM]+)%s')
local found = season or nordinal or century or decade or year or roman
if found then
if string.match(found, '%d%d%d%d%d') == nil then
--return in order of decreasing complexity/least chance for duplication
if season then return { 'season', season } end
if century then return { 'nordinal', century } end
if nordinal then return { 'nordinal', nordinal } end
if decade then return { 'decade', decade } end
if year then return { 'year', year } end
if roman then return { 'roman', roman } end
else --try word ('zeroth' to 'ninety-ninth' only)
local eng2ord = require('Module:ConvertNumeric/en').english_to_ordinal
local split = mw.text.split(pagename, ' ')
for i=1, #split do
if eng2ord(split[i]) > -1 then
return { 'wordinal', split[i] }
errors = p.errorclass('Function find_var can\'t find the variable text in category "'..pagename..'".')
return { 'error', p.failedcat(errors, 'V') }
--[[ Main ]]
function p.navseasoncats( frame )
local args = frame:getParent().args
local dby = args['decade-below-year'] --used by {{Navseasoncats with decades below year}}
local cbd = args['century-below-decade'] --used by {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}
local cat = args['cat'] --'testcase' alias for mainspace
local list = args['list-followed-redirects'] --utility to output all followed #Rs instead of a navbar
local follow = args['follow-redirects'] --default 'yes'
local testcase = frame.args["testcase"] or args['testcase']
local testcasegap = args['testcasegap']
local minimum = args['min']
local maximum = args['max']
if dby then
navborder = false
dby = string.gsub(dby, ' ', ' ') --unicodify forced whitespace
if cbd then
navborder = false
cbd = string.gsub(cbd, ' ', ' ') --unicodify forced whitespace
if follow and follow == 'no' then
followRs = false
if list and list == 'yes' then
listRs = true
if currtitle.nsText == 'Category' then
if cat then misctrackingcats[1] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats using cat parameter]]' end
if testcase then misctrackingcats[2] = '[['..testcasecolon..'Category:Navseasoncats using testcase parameter]]' end
local pagename = testcase or cat or dby or cbd or currtitle.baseText
local findvar = p.find_var(pagename)
if findvar[1] == 'error' then return findvar[2]..table.concat(misctrackingcats) end --basic format error checking in find_var()
local findvar_escaped = string.gsub( findvar[2], '%-', '%%%-')
local firstpart, lastpart = string.match(pagename, '^(.*)'..findvar_escaped..'(.*)$')
firstpart = mw.text.trim(firstpart or '')
lastpart = mw.text.trim(lastpart or '')
local start = string.match(findvar[2], '^%d+')
--determine the appropriate nav function
if findvar[1] == 'season' then --e.g. "1–4", "1999–2000", "2001–02", "2001–2002", "2005–2010", etc.
local hyphen, finish = mw.ustring.match(findvar[2], '%d([–-])(%d+)') --ascii 150 & 45 (ndash & keyboard hyphen); mw req'd
return nav_hyphen( start, hyphen, finish, firstpart, lastpart, minimum, maximum, testcasegap )..table.concat(misctrackingcats)
elseif findvar[1] == 'decade' then --e.g. "0s", "2010s"
return nav_decade( firstpart, start, lastpart, minimum, maximum )..table.concat(misctrackingcats)
elseif findvar[1] == 'year' then --e.g. "500", "2001"
return nav_year( firstpart, start, lastpart, minimum, maximum )..table.concat(misctrackingcats)
elseif findvar[1] == 'roman' then --e.g. "I", "XXVIII"
return nav_roman( firstpart, findvar[2], lastpart, minimum, maximum )..table.concat(misctrackingcats)
elseif findvar[1] == 'nordinal' then --e.g. "4th"
return nav_nordinal( firstpart, start, lastpart, minimum, maximum )..table.concat(misctrackingcats)
elseif findvar[1] == 'wordinal' then --e.g. "first", "ninety-ninth"
return nav_wordinal( firstpart, findvar[2], lastpart, minimum, maximum, frame )..table.concat(misctrackingcats)
else --malformed
errors = p.errorclass('Failed to determine the appropriate nav function from malformed season "'..findvar[2]..'". ')
return p.failedcat(errors, 'N')..table.concat(misctrackingcats)
return p