-- Calculates the width of the span box for [[قالب:Flaglist]]
-- based on the specified image size
local p = {}
function p.luawidth(size)
--For use within Lua
local w
if string.find(size,"^%d+x%d+px$") then -- width and height (eg. 20x10px)
-- use specified width
w = tonumber(string.match(size,"(%d+)x%d+px")) + 2 -- (2px for borders)
elseif string.find(size,"^%d+px$") then -- width only (eg. 20px)
-- use specified width
w = tonumber(string.match(size,"(%d+)px")) + 2
elseif string.find(size,"^x%d+px$") then -- height only (eg. x10px)
-- assume a width based on the height
local h = tonumber(string.match(size,"x(%d+)px"))
w = h * 2.2
w = math.floor(w+0.5) -- round to integer
else -- empty or invalid input
w = 25 -- default width for flagicons including borders
return tostring(w)
function p.width(frame)
--For external use
return p.luawidth(frame.args[1])
return p