Number | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Many episodic shows are identified by separate season and episode numbers. Alternately, some shows prefer the format of a single episode number that includes the season within it; this format can be used by omitting the season field." |
label | |
ISBN | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "International Standard Book Number; use the 13-digit ISBN where possible" |
audio-visual | " International Standard Book Number; for example: 978-0-8126-9593-9. Dashes in the ISBN are optional, but preferred. Use the ISBN actually printed on or in the book. Use the 13-digit ISBN – beginning with 978 or 979 – when it is available." |
ar | default | "الرقم الدولي الموحد للكتب؛ استخدم (ISBN - ردمك) المكون من 13 رقمًا إذا كان ممكنًا" |
label | |
required | |
ScriptQuote | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Original quotation for languages that do not use a Latin-based script. Must be prefixed with one of the supported language codes" |
label | |
Cartography | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Person or entity that did the cartography, if this needs to be differentiated from general authorship of the map. Displays preceded by "Cartography by"." |
label | |
TranscriptURL | type | "url" |
description | en | default | "URL of the transcript." |
label | |
TransChapter | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "An English language chapter heading, if the source cited is in a foreign language; 'language' is recommended" |
label | en | default | "Translated chapter" |
USENETID | suggested | default | false |
newsgroup | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "the newsgroup's message identifier; the value in the message header between angle-brackets < and >; do not include the angle-brackets in |message-id=; must include @" |
label | |
ZBL | description | en | default | "Zentralblatt MATH journal identifier" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | encyclopaedia | "ZBL" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: ZBL" |
default | "Zbl" |
ISSN | description | en | default | "International Standard Serial Number; 8 characters; may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen" |
journal | "International Standard Serial Number (print); 8 characters; usually split into two groups of four using a hyphen" |
audio-visual | "International Standard Serial Number; eight characters may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen, but not an en dash or a space." |
ar | default | "الرقم الدولي الموحد للمجلات الدورية؛ 8 أحرف؛ يمكن تقسيمه إلى مجموعتين من أربعة بواسطة إشارة ناقص" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "ISSN" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: ISSN" |
ArchiveURL | type | "url" |
suggested | |
description | en | web | "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archive-date'" |
pressrelease | "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the url becomes unavailable. Requires parameter 'archive-date'. " |
audio-visual | "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the url becomes unavailable. " |
interview | "URL of an archived snapshot, such as from Internet Archive, WebCite or" |
journal | "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archive-date'" |
podcast | "The URL of an archived snapshot of a web page." |
default | "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archivedate'" |
encyclopaedia | "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archive-date'" |
news | "The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archive-date'" |
ar | default | "عنوان الرابط لنسخة مؤرشفة من صفحة الويب، إذا كان الرابط الأصلي غير متاح؛ يتطلب وجود 'تاريخ الأرشيف'" |
label | en | default | "Archive URL" |
audio-visual | "URL: Archive URL" |
ar | |
example | ar | default | "*/" |
required | |
ID | description | en | default | "A unique identifier used where none of the specialized ones are applicable" |
audio-visual | "A unique identifier, used where none of the specialized identifiers are applicable" |
ar | default | "معرف فريد يُستخدم عند عدم توفر أي من المعرفات المتخصصة" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | encyclopaedia | "ID" |
audio-visual | "Identifier" |
default | "id" |
Encyclopedia | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Title of the source; may be wikilinked; displays in italics; alias of 'work'" |
label | |
TitleNote | description | en | default | "Unusual in cite book." |
newsgroup | "Department within the periodical" |
sign | "Department within the periodical" |
magazine | "Department within the periodical" |
journal | "Department (section) within the periodical" |
news | "Department within the periodical" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | |
NoPP | description | en | default | "Set to 'y' to suppress the 'p.' or 'pp.' display with 'page' or 'pages' when inappropriate (such as 'Front cover')" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | |
OL | description | en | web | "Open Library identifier" |
audio-visual | "Open Library identifier; do not include "OL" in the value." |
newsgroup | "Open Library identifier" |
news | "Open Library identifier" |
journal | "Open Library identifier" |
default | "Open Library identifier; do not include "OL" at beginning of identifier" |
encyclopaedia | "Open Library identifier" |
sign | "Open Library identifier" |
magazine | "Open Library identifier" |
report | "Open Library identifier" |
conference | "Open Library identifier" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "OL" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: Open Library" |
PostScript | type | "string" |
default | |
label | |
description | en | web | "The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined" |
encyclopaedia | "The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined" |
default | "The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined; to suppress use reserved keyword 'none'" |
sign | "The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined" |
required | |
Ref | description | en | pressrelease | "ID for anchor, overrides the default anchor. A nonempty value |ref=ID generates an anchor with the given ID; such a linkable reference can be made the target of wikilinks to full references, especially useful in short citations like shortened notes and parenthetical referencing. See anchors for Harvard referencing templates." |
default | "An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv and sfn templates" |
sign | "An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv template" |
encyclopaedia | "An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv template" |
audio-visual | "Generates anchor with the given ID, allowing it to be made the target of wikilinks to full references. The special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv template." |
ar | default | "معرف مرساة؛ يمكن أن يكون هدفا لروابط الويكي إلى المراجع الكاملة وفي حالة استعمال قالب «استشهاد مختصر» ، استعمل قيمة«harv» لتولد مرساة مناسبة لقوالب harv و sfn" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | pressrelease | "Anchor ID" |
audio-visual | "Anchor ID" |
default | "Ref" |
ar | |
Collaboration | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Name of a group of authors or collaborators; requires author, last, or vauthors which list one or more primary authors; follows author name-list; appends 'et al.' to author name-list." |
medrxiv | "Name of a group of authors, in addition to the ones listed in the Author parameters" |
citeseerx | "Name of a group of authors, in addition to the ones listed in the Author parameters" |
arxiv | "Name of a group of authors, in addition to the ones listed in the Author parameters" |
biorxiv | "Name of a group of authors, in addition to the ones listed in the Author parameters" |
label | |
Veditors | type | "string" |
example | en | default | "Smythe JB, ((Megabux Corporation))" |
description | en | default | "Comma separated list of editor names in Vancouver style; enclose corporate or institutional names in doubled parentheses" |
label | en | default | "Vancouver style editor list" |
SSRN | description | en | default | "Social Science Research Network" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "SSRN" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: SSRN" |
DisplayTranslators | type | "number" |
description | en | default | "number of translators to display before 'et al.' is used" |
label | en | default | "Display translators" |
ISMN | type | "string" |
example | en | default | "979-0-9016791-7-7" |
description | en | default | "International Standard Music Number; Use the ISMN actually printed on or in the work. Hyphens or spaces in the ISMN are optional." |
label | |
ol-access | autovalue | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "If the full text is free to read on OpenLibrary, type 'free'." |
label | en | default | "OpenLibrary access level" |
osti-access | autovalue | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "If the full text is free to read on OSTI, type 'free'." |
label | en | default | "OSTI access level" |
Conference | description | en | default | "Name of the conference, may include location if different from location and date if different from date or year." |
type | "content" |
required | |
label | en | default | "Conference" |
speech | "Event" |
ar | |
TransTitle | description | en | pressrelease | "English translation of the title if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after title. Use of the language parameter is recommended." |
default | "An English language title, if the source cited is in a foreign language; 'language' is recommended" |
medrxiv | "English translation of title" |
citeseerx | "English translation of title" |
audio-visual | "The English translation of the title if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after title. Use with the language parameter." |
biorxiv | "English translation of title" |
arxiv | "English translation of title" |
ar | default | "العنوان الأعجمي مترجمًا بالعربية" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | pressrelease | "English translation of source title" |
audio-visual | "English translation of title" |
default | "Translated title" |
ar | default | "العنوان المترجم بالعربية" |
PMID | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "PubMed Unique Identifier" |
audio-visual | "PubMed; use unique identifier" |
label | en | default | "PMID" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: PMID" |
required | |
Place | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | map | "The place where the map was made, if different from the place of publication" |
pressrelease | "Geographical place of publication. Displays after the title." |
audio-visual | "Geographical place of publication; generally not wikilinked; omit when the name of the work includes the location." |
newsgroup | "Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place'" |
encyclopaedia | "Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place'" |
default | "Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place" |
conference | "Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place'" |
interview | "Geographical place of publication; generally not wikilinked; omit when the name of the work includes the location" |
report | "Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked." |
web | "For news stories with a dateline, the location where the story was written; will be treated as the publication place if publication place is absent; alias of 'location'" |
ar | web | "بالنسبة للقصص الإخبارية التي تحتوي على خط تاريخ، الموقع الذي كتبت فيه القصة؛ سيتم التعامل معه على أنه مكان النشر في حالة عدم وجود مكان النشر" |
default | "مكان كتابة المرجع أو مكان النشر، ليس وصلة ويكي غالبا، لا تذكره إذا كان اسم المنشورة يتضمن المكان" |
label | en | map | "Location of Creation" |
default | "Location of publication" |
ar | |
required | |
Transcript | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Transcript of the original source." |
label | |
TitleType | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | map | "Additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case. The reserved keyword none can be used to disable the display of a type. Defaults to Map." |
interview | "Displays in parentheses following title" |
default | "Additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case" |
audio-visual | "Media type of the source; format in sentence case. Displays in parentheses following the title. Use one of the following as applicable: Motion picture, Television production, Videotape, DVD, Trailer, Video game, CD, Radio broadcast, Podcast." |
label | en | interview | "Media type" |
audio-visual | "Media type" |
default | "Type" |
suggestedvalues | "Motion picture" |
"Podcast" |
"Radio broadcast" |
"CD" |
"Video game" |
"Trailer" |
"DVD" |
"Videotape" |
"Television production" |
required | |
TimeCaption | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Changes the default text displayed before time" |
podcast | "Changes the default text displayed before time." |
label | en | default | "In-source location: Time caption" |
podcast | "Time caption" |
ChapterURL | type | "url" |
description | en | default | "The URL of the online location where the text of the chapter can be found" |
label | |
QuotePages | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "A list or range of pages quoted in "quote". Use either "quote-page" or "quote-pages", but not both. Separate non-sequential pages with a comma (,)." |
label | |
Periodical | suggested | mailinglist | true |
podcast | true |
web | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | web | "Title (name) of the website (or its short URL if no plain-language title is discernible); may be wikilinked; will display in italics. Having both 'publisher' and 'website' is redundant in many cases." |
mailinglist | "List where post was made" |
news | "Name of the newspaper, magazine or periodical; displays after title" |
journal | "Name of the source journal; may be wikilinked; displays in italics; alias of 'work'" |
podcast | "Title of the podcast" |
default | "Name of the work in which the cited book text is found" |
sign | "Name of the newspaper; displays after title" |
interview | "Name of the source periodical, may be wikilinked if relevant" |
magazine | "Name of the source magazine; may be wikilinked; displays in italics" |
ar | web | "عنوان (اسم الموقع) (أوو الرابط المختصر إذا تعذر الاسم)، يمكن أن يكون وصلة ويكي" |
default | " إذا كان هذا العنصر جزءا من عمل أكبر، اسم هذا العمل يشمل هذا أسماء المواقع والمجلات والموسوعات التي يعد المستشهد به جزءًا منها" |
magazine | "اسم المجلة، يمكن أن يكون وصلة ويكي" |
journal | "اسم الدورية المحكمة، يمكن أن يكون وصلة ويكي" |
news | "اسم الجريدة أو المجلة أو الدورية" |
label | en | web | "Name of the website" |
podcast | "Podcast" |
default | "Work" |
mailinglist | "Mailing list" |
sign | "Newspaper" |
magazine | "Magazine" |
journal | "Journal" |
news | "Name of publication" |
ar | web | "اسم الموقع" |
default | "العمل الأشمل" |
magazine | "المجلة" |
journal | "الدورية" |
news | "اسم المنشورة" |
example | en | news | "[[The Wall Street Journal]]" |
journal | "[[American Journal of Sociology]]" |
default | "[[Rotten Tomatoes]]" |
ar | news | "[[وول ستريت جورنال]]" |
default | "[[روتن توميتوز]]" |
required | |
Season | suggested | |
type | "number" |
description | en | default | "Season number, usually for US shows." |
label | |
AccessDate | suggested | report | true |
podcast | true |
newsgroup | true |
web | true |
journal | true |
type | "date" |
description | en | podcast | "Full date when the content pointed to by url was last verified to support the text in the article." |
default | "The full date when the original URL was accessed; do not wikilink" |
mailinglist | "Date you accessed the post" |
interview | "Date when url was accessed." |
audio-visual | "Full date when the contents pointed to by url was last verified to support the text in the article; do not wikilink" |
pressrelease | "Full date when original URL was accessed; use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations; do not wikilink. Not required for web pages or linked documents that do not change; mainly of use for web pages that change frequently or have no publication date. " |
ar | default | "التاريخ الكامل عند الوصول إلى الرابط الأصلي؛ لا تصله إلى ويكيبيديا" |
label | en | podcast | "Access date" |
audio-visual | "URL: Access date" |
mailinglist | "Access date" |
default | "URL access date" |
speech | "Access date" |
ar | default | "تاريخ الوصول للمسار" |
example | |
required | |
Chapter | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The chapter heading of the source; may be wikilinked or with 'chapter-url' but not both. For the contribution alias, see contributor-last" |
map | "The map section(s) of the feature referenced; example: A6, B9, L11, etc; overridden by at." |
ar | default | "عنوان الفصل الخاص بالمصدر؛ قد يكون مرتبطا بويكي أو مع 'مسار الفصل' ولكن ليس كلاهما معًا. للحصول على الاسم المستعار للمساهمة، راجع المساهم الأخير" |
label | en | default | "Chapter" |
map | "Section of map" |
ar | |
Series | required | |
type | "string" |
description | en | map | "Title of map series." |
audio-visual | "When the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal where the issue numbering has restarted" |
episode | "The name of the series the episode belongs to." |
conference | "Series identifier when the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal; alias of 'version'" |
encyclopaedia | "When the source is part of a series, such as a book series where the issue numbering has restarted; alias of 'version'" |
journal | "Series identifier when the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal; alias of 'version'" |
default | "Series identifier when the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal" |
ar | default | "السلسة عندما يكون المصدر جزءا من سلسة كتب أو دوريات" |
label | en | map | "Series" |
audio-visual | "Series" |
episode | "Series" |
conference | "Series" |
encyclopaedia | "Series" |
journal | "Series" |
default | "Series identifier" |
ar | |
DisplayEditors | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Controls the number of editor names that are displayed when a citation is published. To change the displayed number of editors, set display-editors to the desired number. For example, |display-editors=2 will display only the first two editors in a citation. By default, all editors are displayed. |display-editors=etal displays all editors in the list followed by et al." |
map | "number of editors to display before 'et al.' is used" |
label | en | default | "Display Editors" |
map | "Display editors" |
DOI | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Digital Object Identifier; begins with '10.'" |
audio-visual | "Digital object identifier; for example: 10.1038/news070508-7. It is checked to ensure it begins with 10." |
ar | default | "مُعرف الكائن الرقمي؛ يبدأ بـ '10.'" |
label | en | default | "DOI" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: DOI" |
required | |
Degree | suggested | |
type | "string" |
default | |
label | |
example | |
description | en | default | "The degree qualification received for the given thesis or dissertation." |
OrigDate | description | en | encyclopaedia | "Original year of publication; provide specifics" |
audio-visual | "Original publication date; displays after the date or year. For clarity, please supply specifics - such as 'First published 1859'." |
default | "Original date of publication; provide specifics" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | map | "Original Date" |
default | "Original date" |
audio-visual | "Original publication date" |
ar | default | "تاريخ النشر الأصلي" |
PMC | description | en | default | "PubMed Center article number" |
audio-visual | "PubMed Central; use article number for full-text free repository of a journal article, e.g. 345678. Do not include "PMC" in the value" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "PMC" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: PMC" |
SBN | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Identifier parameter for Standard Book Numbers" |
map | "Standard Book Number, use ISBN when possible" |
label | |
AuthorList-Last | suggested | map | true |
audio-visual | true |
newsgroup | true |
biorxiv | true |
encyclopaedia | true |
interview | true |
book | true |
citeseerx | true |
podcast | true |
thesis | true |
medrxiv | true |
conference | true |
report | true |
arxiv | true |
mailinglist | true |
default | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | medrxiv | "Complete name of the first author" |
arxiv | "Complete name of the first author" |
podcast | "Last name of a host" |
interview | "Last name of the first interviewee" |
default | "The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link' instead; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" |
ar | default | "الاسم الكامل أو اسم الشهرة للمؤلف$1، لا تستعمل وصلات الويكي، استعمل «وصلة-مؤلف» بدلا من ذلك." |
label | en | default | "Author last name" |
ar | |
numbered | true |
LCCN | description | en | default | "Library of Congress Control Number" |
audio-visual | "Library of Congress Control Number. When present, alphabetic prefix characters are to be lower case." |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "LCCN" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: LCCN" |
ContributorList-Mask | numbered | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Replaces the name of the first contributor with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing contributor separator; for example, 'with' instead" |
map | "Replaces the name(s) listed in 'others' with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing translator separator; for example, 'with' instead" |
label | en | default | "Contributor mask" |
map | "Others mask" |
ar | |
Newsgroup | suggested | |
type | "string" |
label | |
description | en | default | "Name of newsgroup; a link is automatically created; do not wikilink." |
Issue | suggested | report | true |
magazine | true |
journal | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | report | "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically" |
newsgroup | "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically" |
default | "Issue number of the periodical, if appropriate" |
journal | "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically, usually a number. Do not prepend with no." |
book | "Issue number. This parameter is not supported by and should generally not be used with cite book. Consider that a different cite template may be more appropriate, such as cite magazine or cite journal. See Help:Citation_Style_1#Pages." |
sign | "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically" |
magazine | "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically" |
news | "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically. Usually a number. Do not prepend with no. " |
conference | "Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically" |
ar | default | "رقم العدد في حالة كان المصدر جزءًا من سلسلة تصدر دوريًّا، رقم عادة." |
label | |
example | |
required | |
ConferenceURL | type | "url" |
description | en | default | "URL of conference proceedings, if different from url." |
label | |
bibcode-access | autovalue | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "If the full text is available from ADS via this Bibcode, type 'free'." |
journal | "If the full text is available from ADS via this Bibcode, type 'free'" |
label | en | default | "Bibcode access level" |
OCLC | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Online Computer Library Center number" |
audio-visual | "Online Computer Library Center" |
thesis | "The OCLC code of the thesis" |
label | |
InterviewerList-Link | numbered | true |
type | "wiki-page-name" |
description | en | default | "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the interviewer; can suffix with a numeral to add additional interviewers." |
ar | default | "عنوان مقالة ويكيبيديا الحالية للمحاور$1." |
label | en | default | "Interviewer link" |
ar | |
HDL | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Handle System identifier for digital objects and other resources on the Internet" |
label | en | default | " Handle System identifier" |
map | "Handle System identifier" |
MR | description | en | default | "Mathematical Reviews identifier" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "MR" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: Mathematical Reviews" |
PublicationPlace | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Publication place shows after title; if 'place' or 'location' are also given, they are displayed before the title prefixed with 'written at'" |
audio-visual | "If any one of publication-place, place or location are defined, then the location shows after the title; if publication-place and place or location are defined, then place or location are shown before the title prefixed with "written at" and publication-place is shown after the title." |
ar | default | "يظهر مكان النشر بعد العنوان. إذا تم إعطاء 'مكان' أو 'موقع' أيضا ، عرضهما قبل العنوان مسبوقا ب 'كتب في'" |
label | en | default | "Place of publication" |
audio-visual | "Place of publication (Alternate)" |
ar | |
required | |
ASINTLD | description | en | default | "ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US" |
ar | default | "نطاق ASIN لمواقع أمازون خارج الولايات المتحدة" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | |
Date | suggested | map | true |
audio-visual | true |
newsgroup | true |
interview | true |
podcast | true |
thesis | true |
conference | true |
mailinglist | true |
episode | true |
default | true |
type | "date" |
description | en | web | "Full date when the source was published; if unknown, use access-date instead; do not wikilink" |
pressrelease | "Full date of source being referenced in the same format as other publication dates in the citations. Do not wikilink. Displays after the authors and enclosed in parentheses. If there is no author, then displays after publisher." |
episode | "Full date when the source was published; if unknown, use access-date instead; do not wikilink" |
citeseerx | "Date of the source being cited. Use n.d. for no date, and c. for inexact dated." |
interview | "Date of source being referenced" |
biorxiv | "Date of the source being cited. Use n.d. for no date, and c. for inexact dated." |
podcast | "Date of the source being referenced." |
arxiv | "Date of the source being cited. Use n.d. for no date, and c. for inexact dated." |
medrxiv | "Date of the source being cited. Use n.d. for no date, and c. for inexact dated." |
conference | "Date of the source; do not wikilink. As listed in the publication" |
default | "Full date of the source; do not wikilink" |
mailinglist | "Original date of post" |
thesis | "Date of source being referenced. Can be full date (day, month, and year) or partial date (month and year, season and year, or year). Use same format as other publication dates in the citations." |
ar | web | "التاريخ الكامل لنشر المحتوى، إذا لم يكون معلومًا استعمل «تاريخ الوصول»، لا تستعمل الوصلات" |
default | "تاريخ الكتابة أو تاريخ النشر ، لا تستعمل الوصلات" |
report | "تاريخ كامل للمصدر؛ لا تقم بوصل ويكيبيديا" |
label | en | |
ar | default | "تاريخ المصدر" |
book | "التاريخ" |
example | |
required | |
ContributorList-Link | numbered | true |
type | "wiki-page-name" |
description | en | default | "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the contributor; can suffix with a numeral to add additional contributors." |
ar | default | "عنوان مقالة ويكيبيديا الحالية للمشارك$1." |
label | en | default | "Contributor link" |
ar | |
ArchiveFormat | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Format of the archived copy; examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML" |
map | "Format of the Archive" |
ar | default | "صيغة النسخة المؤرشفة مثلا pdf، doc، xls لا تحدد الصيغة إذا كانت html" |
label | |
Pages | suggested | conference | true |
book | true |
journal | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | report | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'" |
newsgroup | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'" |
encyclopaedia | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'" |
journal | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.')" |
interview | "A range of pages in the source that supports the content. Use either |page= or |pages=, but not both. Separate using an en dash (–); separate non-sequential pages with a comma (,); do not use to indicate the total number of pages in the source. Displays preceded by pp. unless |no-pp=y. Hyphens are automatically converted to en dashes; if hyphens are appropriate" |
default | "A range of pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source); displays after 'pp.'; use either page= or pages=, but not both" |
magazine | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'" |
sign | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'" |
news | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source); displays after 'pp.'" |
web | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source); displays after 'pp.'" |
conference | "Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'" |
label | en | report | "Pages" |
newsgroup | "Pages" |
encyclopaedia | "Pages" |
journal | "Pages" |
interview | "Pages" |
default | "Page(s) cited" |
magazine | "Pages" |
sign | "Pages" |
news | "Pages" |
web | "Pages" |
conference | "Pages" |
ar | |
example | en | map | "5-11" |
news | "2–3" |
default | "5–11" |
required | |
TranslatorList-Last | type | "string" |
description | en | map | "The surname of the translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional translators" |
default | "The surname of the translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional translators." |
medrxiv | "Translator's last name" |
biorxiv | "Translator's last name" |
citeseerx | "Translator's last name" |
arxiv | "Translator's last name" |
newsgroup | "Surname of translator. Do not wikilink" |
ar | default | "اسم المترجم$1 (أو اسمه الأخير)، لا تستخدم وصلات ويكي" |
label | en | default | "Translator's last name" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأخير للمترجم$1" |
numbered | true |
Minutes | type | "number" |
description | en | default | "Time the event occurs in the source; followed by "minutes in"." |
audio-visual | "Time the event occurs in the source; followed by "minutes in". " |
episode | "Time the event occurs in the source. When rendered, followed by "minutes in"." |
label | en | default | "Minutes" |
audio-visual | "In-source location: Minutes" |
episode | "Minutes into episode." |
ar | default | "الدقائق" |
audio-visual | "مكان الاستشهاد في المصدر بالدقائق" |
episode | "مكان الاستشهاد في المصدر بالدقائق" |
OSTI | description | en | default | "Office of Scientific and Technical Information identifier" |
audio-visual | "Office of Scientific and Technical Information" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "OSTI" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: OSTI" |
BIBCODE | description | en | default | "Bibliographic Reference Code (REFCODE); 19 characters" |
audio-visual | "Bibcode; used by a number of astronomical data systems; for example: 1974AJ.....79..819H" |
ar | default | "رمز المرجع الببليوغرافي (REFCODE)؛ 19 حرفًا" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "Bibcode" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: Bibcode" |
EISSN | type | "string" |
example | |
description | en | default | "International Standard Serial Number for the electronic media of a serial publication; eight characters may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen, but not an en dash or a space." |
journal | "International Standard Serial Number (online); 8 characters; usually split into two groups of four using a hyphen" |
label | en | default | "EISSN" |
journal | "eISSN" |
UrlStatus | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | interview | "If live, the display order is changed to show the archive link at the end" |
pressrelease | "When the URL is still live, but preemptively archived, then set |url-status=live. This changes the display order with the title retaining the original link and the archive linked at the end." |
audio-visual | "The status of the URL- live, dead, usurped/unfit (inappropriate content) or deviated (different content)" |
newsgroup | "If set to 'live', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live" |
magazine | "If set to 'live', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live" |
news | "If set to 'live', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live. Set to 'dead' if the original URL is broken. If the original URL is 'live' but no longer supports the article text, set to 'deviated'. Set to 'unfit' or 'usurped' if the original URL is no longer suitable (spam, advertising, etc.) which will make the original link not appear at all." |
journal | "If set to 'live', the title displays with the URL linked; if set to 'dead', the title displays with the archive URL linked" |
default | "If set to 'live', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live. Set to "dead" or 'usurped' for broken links. Entering 'unfit' or 'usurped' makes the original link not appear at all." |
ar | default | "إذا تم تعيينها على 'live'، يتم تعديل عرض العنوان؛ مفيد عندما يتم أرشفة الرابط مسبقًا ولكنه ما زال حيًا. قم بتعيينها على 'dead' أو 'usurped' للروابط المعطلة. إدخال 'unfit' أو 'usurped' يجعل الرابط الأصلي لا يظهر على الإطلاق." |
label | |
default | |
example | en | default | "'dead' or 'live'" |
suggestedvalues | "dead" |
"live" |
"unfit" |
"usurped" |
DoiBroken | description | en | default | "The date that the DOI was determined to be broken" |
map | "Date a valid DOI was found to be non-working/inactive" |
type | "date" |
required | |
label | en | default | "DOI broken date" |
map | "DOI Broken Date" |
Title | suggested | arxiv | true |
mailinglist | true |
citeseerx | true |
biorxiv | true |
episode | true |
medrxiv | true |
type | "string" |
required | report | true |
pressrelease | true |
audio-visual | true |
newsgroup | true |
interview | true |
book | true |
podcast | true |
thesis | true |
conference | true |
encyclopaedia | true |
map | true |
sign | true |
web | true |
journal | true |
label | en | audio-visual | "Source title" |
newsgroup | "Source title" |
news | "Source title" |
podcast | "Episode Title" |
default | "Title" |
encyclopaedia | "Source title" |
sign | "Source title" |
interview | "Source title" |
thesis | "Title of source" |
episode | "Episode title" |
ar | |
description | en | web | "The title of the source page on the website; will display with quotation marks added. Usually found at the top of your web browser. Not the name of the website." |
journal | "The title of the article; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in quotes." |
map | "Title of source. Can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or 'url' field may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in italics." |
newsgroup | "The title of the source page on the website; displays in quotes" |
sign | "The title of the source page on the website; displays in quotes" |
medrxiv | "Title of the paper cited" |
arxiv | "Title of the paper cited" |
podcast | "Title of the podcast episode." |
encyclopaedia | "The title of the article or entry in the encyclopedia; displays in quotes" |
magazine | "The title of the article; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in quotes." |
interview | "Title of the source. May be wiki-linked, or use url to add an external link, but no both." |
pressrelease | "Title of source. Displays in quotes." |
biorxiv | "Title of the paper cited" |
mailinglist | "Title of post" |
report | "The title of the article; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in quotes." |
conference | "The title of the article; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in quotes." |
thesis | "Title of source. Can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in italics. If script-title is defined, title holds romanized transliteration of title in script-title. " |
news | "The title of the article as it appears in the source; displays in quotes" |
citeseerx | "Title of the paper cited" |
episode | "Title of the episode" |
audio-visual | "The title of the source page on the website; displays in italics" |
default | "The title of the book; displays in italics" |
ar | book | "عنوان الكتاب" |
default | "عنوان المصدر" |
report | "عنوان المقالة؛ يمكن ربطه بمقالة موجودة في ويكيبيديا باستخدام الوصلة الويكي أو يمكن استخدام رابط خارجي، ولكن ليس الاثنين معًا. يعرض بين علامتي الاقتباس." |
ASIN | description | en | default | "Amazon Standard Identification Number; 10 characters" |
audio-visual | "Amazon Standard Identification Number; if first character of asin value is a digit, use isbn. " |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "ASIN" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: ASIN" |
jstor-access | autovalue | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "If the full text is free to read on Jstor, type 'free'." |
journal | "If the full text is free to read on JSTOR, type 'free'" |
label | en | default | "Jstor access level" |
journal | "JSTOR access level" |
SeriesNumber | type | "number" |
description | en | default | "Series number, usually for British shows." |
label | |
PublicationDate | type | "date" |
description | en | default | "Date of publication when different from the date the work was written; do not wikilink" |
map | "Date of publication when different from the date the work was created; do not wikilink" |
ar | default | "تاريخ المنشورة (وسيلة النشر) عندما يختلف عن وقت كتابة العمل، لا تستخدم وصلة ويكي" |
label | en | default | "Publication date" |
ar | |
example | |
required | |
InterviewerList-Mask | numbered | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Replaces the name of the first interviewer with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing interviewer separator; for example, 'with' instead" |
label | en | default | "Interviewer mask" |
ar | |
Network | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The network the episode was aired on." |
label | |
JFM | description | en | default | "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik classification code" |
audio-visual | "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "jfm code" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: JFM" |
DisplayContributors | type | "number" |
description | en | default | "number of contributors to display before 'et al.' is used" |
label | en | default | "Display contributors" |
Volume | suggested | conference | true |
report | true |
book | true |
journal | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | report | "For one publication published in several volumes" |
default | "For one publication published in several volumes, usually a number. Do not prepend with v. or vol." |
newsgroup | "For one publication published in several volumes" |
conference | "For one publication published in several volumes" |
encyclopaedia | "For one publication published in several volumes" |
audio-visual | "For one publication published in several volumes. Displays after the title and series fields; displays in bold" |
sign | "For one publication published in several volumes" |
ar | default | "تعيين المجلد في حالة كون المنشور له عدة مجلدات أو أجزاء" |
label | |
example | |
required | |
Time | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Time the event occurs in the source, preceded by default text "Event occurs at". " |
audio-visual | "Time the event occurs in the source; preceded by default text "Event occurs at time". " |
episode | "Alternate to minutes. Time the event occurs in the source. When rendered, preceded by default text "Event occurs at time"." |
label | en | default | "Time" |
audio-visual | "In-source location: Time" |
episode | "Time within episode." |
TranslatorList-First | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional translators." |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول أو الأوسط للمترجم$1، لا تستخدم وصلات ويكي، استخدم وصلة-مترجم للوصلات" |
label | en | map | "First Name of the Translator" |
default | "Translator first name" |
medrxiv | "Translator's first name" |
biorxiv | "Translator's first name" |
citeseerx | "Translator's first name" |
arxiv | "Translator's first name" |
newsgroup | "Translator First Name" |
ar | default | "اسم الأول للمترجم$1" |
numbered | true |
EditorList-Last | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The surname of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors" |
ar | default | "الاسم الكامل أو اسم الشهرة للمحرر$1، لا تستعمل وصلات الويكي، استعمل «وصلة-محرر» بدلا من ذلك." |
label | en | default | "Editor last name" |
map | "Editor Last Name" |
ar | default | "الاسم الكامل أو اسم الشهرة للمحرر$1 " |
required | |
numbered | true |
DisplayAuthors | type | "number" |
default | |
label | en | default | "Display authors" |
map | "Display subjects" |
ar | default | "عدد المؤلفين الذي سيظهر" |
description | en | map | "number of subjects to display before 'et al.' is used" |
newsgroup | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;" |
news | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;" |
journal | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;" |
default | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used" |
encyclopaedia | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used; default is to do so after 8 of 9 are listed; alias of 'displayauthors'" |
conference | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;" |
magazine | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;" |
web | "Number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used. By default, all authors are displayed. Examples: |display-authors=2 will display only the first two authors in a citation followed by et al. |display-authors=etal displays all authors in the list followed by et al." |
sign | "number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used; default is to do so after 8 of 9 are listed" |
required | |
UrlAccess | suggestedvalues | "registration" |
"subscription" |
"limited" |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Classification of the access restrictions on the URL ('registration', 'subscription' or 'limited')" |
podcast | "Used to indicate when the cited work is not free-to-access. Allowed keywords are "registration", "limited", and "subscription"." |
label | en | default | "URL access level" |
podcast | "URL access" |
ar | default | "متطلبات فتح المسار" |
Station | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Call letters of the local station (if any)." |
label | |
Year | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | web | "Year of the source being referenced; deprecated in favor of 'date', except for the special case of ISO dates with disambiguating letter" |
audio-visual | "Year of source being referenced. Do not use in combination with 'Source date'." |
magazine | "Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month or season is also known" |
conference | "Year of the source being referenced; recommended only when date parameter format is YYYY-MM-DD and a CITEREF disambiguator is needed" |
interview | "Year of source being referenced. Use of |date= is recommended" |
journal | "Year of the source being referenced; recommended only when date parameter format is YYYY-MM-DD and a CITEREF disambiguator is needed" |
default | "Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month and day are also known" |
label | en | interview | "Year" |
audio-visual | "Year" |
default | "Year of publication" |
ar | |
example | |
required | |
ChapterFormat | type | "string" |
example | en | default | "PDF, DOC, or XLS" |
description | en | default | "Format of the work referred to by chapter-url; displayed in parentheses after chapter. HTML is implied and should not be specified." |
label | en | default | "Format of Chapter URL" |
ar | |
DF | type | "string" |
example | |
description | en | default | "Sets rendered dates to the specified format" |
medrxiv | "Either ymd (Year-Month-Day), dmy (Day-Month-Year), or mdy (Month-Day-Year) add -all at end to also affect access and archive dates" |
citeseerx | "Either ymd (Year-Month-Day), dmy (Day-Month-Year), or mdy (Month-Day-Year) add -all at end to also affect access and archive dates" |
arxiv | "Either ymd (Year-Month-Day), dmy (Day-Month-Year), or mdy (Month-Day-Year) add -all at end to also affect access and archive dates" |
biorxiv | "Either ymd (Year-Month-Day), dmy (Day-Month-Year), or mdy (Month-Day-Year) add -all at end to also affect access and archive dates" |
label | en | default | "Date format" |
medrxiv | "Date format for publication dates" |
citeseerx | "Date format for publication dates" |
arxiv | "Date format for publication dates" |
biorxiv | "Date format for publication dates" |
ar | |
ScriptTitle | type | "string" |
description | en | map | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
magazine | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
default | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
newsgroup | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
conference | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
news | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
journal | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
web | "For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, etc.). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:..." |
ar | default | "للعناوين المكتوبة بغير العربية أو اللاتينية (Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). سابقة بحرفين لرمز اللغة في ISO639-1 يتلوها نقطتان رأسيتان فالعنوان مثال اليابانية: |script-title=ja:..." |
label | en | |
ar | default | "العنوان مع الترميز" |
ScriptChapter | type | "string" |
example | |
description | en | default | "Chapter heading for languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc); follows transliteration defined in chapter. Should be prefixed with an ISO 639-1 two-character code to help browsers properly display the script" |
label | |
SeriesLink | suggested | |
type | "wiki-page-name" |
description | en | default | "Wikilink to an existing Wikipedia article for this series." |
label | en | default | "Series article in Wikipedia." |
ar | default | "مقالة السلسلة في ويكيبيديا." |
Mode | suggestedvalues | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Sets separator and terminal punctuation to the style named in the assigned value; allowable values are: 'cs1' or 'cs2'" |
label | |
EditorList-Mask | numbered | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Replaces the name of the first editor with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing editor separator; for example, 'with' instead" |
label | en | default | "Editor mask" |
map | "Editor Mask" |
ar | |
JSTOR | description | en | default | "JSTOR identifier" |
audio-visual | "JSTOR abstract; for example: "3793107"" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "JSTOR" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: JSTOR" |
BIORXIV | type | "line" |
description | en | biorxiv | "bioRxiv identifier without the "bioRxiv:" prefix" |
journal | "biorXiv identifier; full doi" |
default | "biorXiv identifier; 6 digits" |
label | en | default | "biorXiv" |
biorxiv | "bioRxiv" |
example | |
required | |
EditorList-Link | type | "wiki-page-name" |
description | en | default | "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the editor" |
ar | default | "عنوان مقالة ويكيبيديا الحالية للمحرر$1." |
label | |
required | |
numbered | true |
Agency | description | en | default | "The news agency (wire service) that provided the content; examples: Associated Press, Reuters, Agence France-Presse" |
book | "Unusual in cite book. Use if an agency is needed in addition to publisher, etc." |
ar | default | "وكالة الأنباء التي قدمت المحتوى" |
book | "لا يستعمل عادة في الكتب، استخدمه عندما تكون هناك حاجة للوكالة بجانب الناشر" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | |
TransQuote | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "English translation of the quotation if the source quoted is in a foreign language." |
label | en | default | "Translation of quote" |
ContributorList-Last | numbered | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The surname of the contributor; don't wikilink, use 'contributor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional contributors." |
ar | default | "اسم المشارك$1 (أو اسمه الأخير)، لا تستخدم وصلات ويكي" |
label | en | default | "Contributor last name" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأخير للمشارك$1" |
Class | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "arXiv classification, for post-2007 ids " |
label | |
AuthorList-Link | type | "wiki-page-name" |
description | en | interview | "Wikipedia link to Subject (Interviewee)" |
audio-visual | "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author — not the author's website." |
default | "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" |
ar | default | "عنوان مقالة ويكيبيديا الحالية عن المؤلف$1." |
label | en | map | "Author Link" |
pressrelease | "First author link" |
audio-visual | "Author article title" |
biorxiv | "Author's article" |
interview | "Subject link" |
default | "Author link" |
medrxiv | "Author's article" |
citeseerx | "Author's article" |
arxiv | "Author's article" |
ar | |
required | |
numbered | true |
hdl-access | autovalue | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "If the full text is free to read via the HDL, type 'free'." |
journal | "If the full text is free to read via the HDL, type 'free'" |
label | en | default | "HDL access level" |
doi-access | autovalue | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "If the full text is free to read via the DOI, type 'free'." |
journal | "If the full text is free to read via the DOI, type 'free'" |
label | en | default | "DOI access level" |
AuthorList-First | suggested | map | true |
audio-visual | true |
newsgroup | true |
biorxiv | true |
encyclopaedia | true |
interview | true |
book | true |
citeseerx | true |
podcast | true |
thesis | true |
medrxiv | true |
conference | true |
report | true |
arxiv | true |
mailinglist | true |
default | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link' instead; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول أو الأوسط للمؤلف$1، لا تستخدم وصلات ويكي، استخدم وصلة-مؤلف للوصلات" |
label | en | map | "First Name" |
pressrelease | "First name 1" |
thesis | "First name of author" |
default | "First name" |
speech | "First" |
audio-visual | "Author first name" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول للمؤلف$1" |
example | en | default | "Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Dr. Firstname M., Sr." |
numbered | true |
Vauthors | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "If using Vancouver style, comma separated list of author names; enclose corporate or institutional author names in doubled parentheses" |
journal | "comma-separated list of author names in Vancouver style; enclose corporate or institutional author names in doubled parentheses" |
newsgroup | " comma separated list of author names in Vancouver style; enclose corporate or institutional author names in doubled parentheses" |
label | en | default | "Vancouver style author list" |
newsgroup | "Vauthors" |
ar | default | "قائمة مؤلفين بأسلوب فانكوفر" |
deprecated | |
example | en | default | "Smythe JB, ((Megabux Corporation))" |
map | "Mercator G, ((Rand McNally))" |
required | |
S2CID | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "identifier parameter for Semantic Scholar corpus ID" |
label | |
Authors | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | map | "List of authors as a free form list. Use of this parameter is discouraged, 'lastn' to 'firstn' are preferable. Warning: do not use if last or any of its aliases are used." |
podcast | "Name of a host" |
default | "List of authors as a free form list. Use of this parameter is discouraged, "lastn" to "firstn" are preferable. Warning: do not use if last or any of its aliases are used." |
medrxiv | "Full list of all authors" |
biorxiv | "Full list of all authors" |
citeseerx | "Full list of all authors" |
audio-visual | "Names of the authors" |
arxiv | "Full list of all authors" |
ar | default | "قائمة كلمة منسقة بالمؤلفين، والأفضل استخدام وسائط (الأخير، الأول) ولا تستخدم في حالة تعيين وسائط (الأخير، الأول) أو بدائلها." |
label | en | podcast | "Host" |
default | "Authors list" |
medrxiv | "Authors" |
citeseerx | "Authors" |
audio-visual | "People" |
biorxiv | "Authors" |
arxiv | "Authors" |
ar | |
RFC | description | en | default | "Request for Comments number" |
audio-visual | "Request for Comments" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "RFC" |
audio-visual | "Identifier: RFC" |
EditorList-First | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول أو الأوسط للمحرر$1، لا تستخدم وصلات ويكي، استخدم وصلة-محرر للوصلات" |
label | en | default | "Editor first name" |
map | "First Name of the Editor" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول للمحرر$1" |
required | |
numbered | true |
TranslatorList-Link | type | "wiki-page-name" |
description | en | default | "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the translator; can suffix with a numeral to add additional translators." |
ar | default | "عنوان مقالة ويكيبيديا الحالية للمترجم$1." |
label | en | map | "Link for Translator" |
default | "Translator link" |
medrxiv | "Translator's article" |
biorxiv | "Translator's article" |
citeseerx | "Translator's article" |
arxiv | "Translator's article" |
newsgroup | "Translator Link" |
ar | |
deprecated | |
required | |
numbered | true |
ArchiveDate | type | "string" |
description | en | report | "Date the url in the field 'archive-url' was archived." |
podcast | "Archive-service snapshot-date; preceded in display by default text "archived from the original on"." |
default | "Date when the original URL was archived; do not wikilink" |
interview | "Date of snapshot on archive service" |
audio-visual | "Date when the original URL was archived; preceded by default text "archived from the original on". Use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations." |
pressrelease | "Date when the original URL was archived. Use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations; do not wikilink. Displays preceded by 'archived from the original on'. " |
ar | default | "تاريخ الرابط في حقل 'رابط الأرشيف'." |
label | en | map | "Archive Date" |
default | "Archive date" |
audio-visual | "URL: Archive date" |
ar | |
example | |
required | |
Map | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The title of the map, if published in an atlas, book, or journal. May be wikilinked or may use map-url, but not both. Displays in quotes." |
label | |
Format | type | "string" |
description | en | map | "Format of the work referred to by 'url'; examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML" |
encyclopaedia | "Format of the work referred to by 'url'; examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML" |
thesis | "Format of the work referred to by url; for example: PDF, DOC, or XLS; displayed in parentheses after title. HTML is implied and should not be specified. Automatically added when a PDF icon is displayed." |
newsgroup | "Format of the work referred to by 'url'; examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML" |
sign | "Format of the work referred to by 'url'; examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML" |
interview | "Format of the work referred to by url; for example: PDF, DOC, or XLS; displayed in parentheses after title" |
default | "Format of the work referred to by 'url' ('url' is required when using 'format'); examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML" |
audio-visual | "Format of the work referred to by url; for example: PDF, DOC, or XLS; displayed in parentheses after title. HTML is implied and should not be specified. Does not change the external link icon." |
ar | default | "صيغة العمل المشار إليه بالمسار («المسار» مطلوب لاستعمال «الصيغة») لا يستعمل مع HTML" |
label | en | default | "Format" |
interview | "URL format" |
ar | |
example | en | default | "PDF, DOC, or XLS" |
ar | default | "PDF، DOC، XLS، DOCX" |
required | |
Quote | description | en | web | "Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; must include terminating punctuation" |
pressrelease | "Relevant text quoted from the source. Displays enclosed in quotes. When supplied, the citation terminator (a period by default) is suppressed, so the quote needs to include terminating punctuation." |
default | "Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; needs to include terminating punctuation" |
episode | "Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; must include terminating punctuation" |
interview | "Relevant text quoted from the source. Displays enclosed in quotes. When supplied, the citation terminator (a period by default) is suppressed, so the quote must include terminating punctuation." |
journal | "Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; must include terminating punctuation" |
audio-visual | "Relevant text quoted from the source. Displays enclosed in quotes. When supplied, the citation terminator (a period by default) is suppressed, so the quote needs to include terminating punctuation." |
ar | default | "النص ذو الصلة المقتبس من المصدر؛ يتم عرضه في النهاية ويُحاط بعلامتي اقتباس؛ يجب أن يتضمن علامة ترقيم تنتهي به الجملة" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | |
PublisherName | suggested | map | true |
podcast | true |
thesis | true |
book | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | web | "Name of the publisher; may be wikilinked. Having both 'publisher' and 'website' (a.k.a. 'work') is redundant in many cases." |
pressrelease | "Name of publisher. Not normally included for periodicals. Corporate designations such as 'Ltd', 'Inc' or 'GmbH' are not usually included. Displays after title." |
default | "Name of the publisher; displays after title" |
interview | "Name of publisher; may be wikilinked if relevant" |
thesis | "Name of awarding institution, e.g. university; may be wikilinked if relevant." |
news | "Name of the parent institution or company that publishes the newspaper, magazine, or periodical; displays after name of the publication" |
journal | "Name of the publisher; may be wikilinked; displays after title" |
podcast | "Name of publisher or podcast network; may be wikilinked if relevant." |
ar | book | "ناشر الكتاب" |
report | "اسم الناشر؛ يظهر بعد العنوان" |
default | "اسم الناشر؛ يظهر بعد العنوان" |
label | en | default | "Publisher" |
thesis | "Publisher (likely university)" |
ar | |
example | en | web | "Fandom, Inc. (which owns "")" |
thesis | "Texas A & M University" |
map | "[[HarperCollins]]" |
news | "Gannett" |
journal | "University of Chicago Press" |
default | "HarperCollins" |
ar | |
required | |
Via | suggested | conference | true |
newsgroup | true |
journal | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | map | "Aggregate or database provider, when different from the Publisher. Typically used when maps are republished on the internet." |
audio-visual | "Name of the content deliverer, if different from publisher" |
newsgroup | "Identify the aggregator of the resource that provided the digital version (usually a database provider), when it differs from the publisher (e.g., for The Wikipedia Library)" |
news | "Identify the aggregator of the resource that provided the digital version (usually a database provider), when it differs from the publisher (e.g., for The Wikipedia Library)" |
journal | "Provider of the article (not the publisher), usually an aggregator of journal articles or a repository" |
default | "Aggregate or database provider, when different from the Publisher. Typically used for Ebooks." |
conference | "Provider of the article (not the publisher), usually an aggregator of journal articles or a repository" |
magazine | "Name of the content deliverer (if different from publisher)." |
web | "Name of the entity hosting the original copy of the work, if different from the publisher. This entity is committed not to alter the work." |
label | en | web | "Published via" |
audio-visual | "Via" |
conference | "Content deliverer (i.e. Database)" |
magazine | "Via" |
journal | "Content deliverer (i.e. Database)" |
default | "via" |
example | ar | map | "[[مجموعة الخرائط التاريخية لديفيد رامسي]]" |
en | map | "[[David Rumsey Historical Map Collection]]" |
audio-visual | "YouTube" |
newsgroup | "EBSCOHost , Proquest," |
news | "EBSCOHost, Proquest," |
journal | "JSTOR, Project MUSE, Elsevier Science Direct" |
default | "Open Edition, JSTOR" |
conference | "JSTOR, Project MUSE, Elsevier Science Direct" |
magazine | "NewsBank" |
web | "GitHub, SourceForge, CodePlex, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Netflix,, Wikimedia Commons," |
InterviewerList-Last | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The surname of the interviewer; don't wikilink, use 'interviewer-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional interviewers." |
interview | "Full name of interviewer(s); separate interviewers with a semicolon (;); wikilink as desired." |
ar | default | "الاسم الكامل أو اسم الشهرة للمحاور$1، لا تستعمل وصلات الويكي، استعمل «interviewer-link» بدلا من ذلك." |
label | en | default | "Interviewer last name" |
interview | "Interviewer" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأخير للمحاور$1" |
numbered | true |
MEDRXIV | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "medRxiv DOI identifier. That is use |medrxiv=10.1101/YYYY.MM.DD.######## from the medRxiv or doi url where
YYYY.MM.DD. is a date not earlier than 1 January 2020
######## is an eight-digit medRxiv identifier – may have a version suffix: ########v#" |
medrxiv | "medRxiv identifier" |
label | en | default | "medRxiv DOI identifier" |
medrxiv | "medrxiv" |
example | en | default | "10.1101/2020.11.16.20232009v2" |
required | |
URL | suggested | report | true |
audio-visual | true |
newsgroup | true |
conference | true |
interview | true |
thesis | true |
journal | true |
type | "url" |
description | en | web | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found. Requires schemes of the type "https://..." or maybe even the protocol relative scheme "//..."" |
journal | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found. Requires schemes of the type "http://..." or maybe even the protocol-relative scheme "//..."" |
news | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found. Requires schemes of the type "http://..." or maybe even the protocol relative scheme "//..."" |
newsgroup | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found" |
sign | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found" |
interview | "URL of publication." |
default | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found. Requires schemes of the type "http://..." or maybe even the protocol relative scheme "//..."" |
podcast | " URL of an online location where the podcast episode can be found." |
magazine | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found" |
pressrelease | "URL of an online location where the text of the publication can be found. Use of the access-date parameter is recommended." |
mailinglist | "URL of post" |
report | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found" |
conference | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found. Requires schemes of the type "http://..." or maybe even the protocol relative scheme "//..."" |
thesis | "URL of an online location where the text of the publication can be found. Cannot be used if title is wikilinked." |
encyclopaedia | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found" |
episode | "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found" |
audio-visual | "The URL of the online location where the media can be found" |
map | "The URL of the online location where the map can be found. Requires schemes of the type "http://..." or maybe even the protocol relative scheme "//..."" |
ar | report | "رابط الموقع الإلكتروني حيث يمكن العثور على نص النشرة." |
default | "رابط الموقع الإلكتروني حيث يمكن العثور على نص النشرة." |
label | |
example | en | web | "" |
default | "" |
conference | "" |
news | "" |
journal | "" |
map | "…" |
ar | default | "" |
required | sign | false |
podcast | true |
mailinglist | true |
web | true |
Others | type | "string" |
description | en | web | "Used to record other (non-author) contributions to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'. Only one others parameter is allowed: e.g., 'Illustrated by Jane Doe; Translated by John Smith'" |
encyclopaedia | "Used to record other contributions to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith', 'Revised by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'" |
default | "Used to record other contributions to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'" |
audio-visual | "Other contributors to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'." |
ar | default | "مشاركون آخرون في العمل كالمحققين" |
label | en | default | "Others" |
audio-visual | "Other contributors" |
ar | |
example | ar | default | "تحقيق: محمد ناصر الدين الألباني" |
required | |
QuotePage | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The number of a single page quoted in "quote". Use either "quote-page" or "quote-pages", but not both." |
label | |
At | description | en | map | "May be used instead of 'page', 'pages', or similar fields, when these are inappropriate or insufficient to describe the in-source location(s)" |
default | "May be used instead of 'page' or 'pages' where a page number is inappropriate or insufficient" |
audio-visual | "For when other in-source locations are inappropriate or insufficient." |
ar | default | "يمكن استخدامها بدلا من (صفحة) أو (صفحات) حيث يكون رقم الصفحة غير مناسب أو غير كاف" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "At" |
audio-visual | "In-source location: At" |
ar | |
NameListStyle | suggestedvalues | |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Set to 'amp' or 'and' to change the separator between the last two names of the name list to ' & ' or ' and ', respectively. Set to 'vanc' to display name lists in Vancouver style." |
label | en | default | "Name list style" |
map | "Namelist style" |
InterviewerList-First | numbered | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the interviewer; don't wikilink, use 'interviewer-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional interviewers." |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول أو الأوسط للمحاور$1، لا تستخدم وصلات ويكي، استخدم interviewer-link للوصلات" |
label | en | default | "Interviewer first name" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول للمحاور$1" |
TranslatorList-Mask | numbered | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Replaces the name of the first translator with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing translator separator; for example, 'with' instead" |
label | en | default | "Translator mask" |
map | "Translator Mask" |
ar | |
ARXIV | type | "string" |
description | en | audio-visual | "arXiv identifier; for example: arxiv=hep-th/9205027 (before April 2007) or arxiv=0706.0001 (since April 2007). Do not include extraneous file extensions like ".pdf" or ".html"." |
journal | "An identifier for arXiv electronic preprints of scientific papers" |
default | "An identifier for arXive electronic preprints of scientific papers" |
arxiv | "arXiv identifier without the "arXiv:" prefix; can include version number" |
map | "Do not include extraneous file extensions like ".pdf" or ".html"." |
label | en | audio-visual | "Identifier: arXiv" |
default | "arXiv identifier" |
arxiv | "arXiv " |
map | "Arxiv Identifier" |
example | en | default | "1501.00001" |
arxiv | "1612.00008v1" |
required | |
TitleLink | suggested | |
type | "wiki-page-name" |
description | en | default | "Title of existing Wikipedia article about the source named in title – do not use a web address; do not wikilink." |
episode | " Wikilink to an existing Wikipedia article for this one episode." |
label | en | default | "Title link" |
episode | "Episode article in Wikipedia." |
Language | suggested | |
type | "string" |
description | en | web | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use a two-letter language code or the full language name. Do not use icons or templates. Separate multiple languages with commas" |
biorxiv | "Language(s) the source is written in. Separate by commas, and do not include 'and'." |
map | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
arxiv | "Language(s) the source is written in. Separate by commas, and do not include 'and'." |
sign | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
medrxiv | "Language(s) the source is written in. Separate by commas, and do not include 'and'." |
default | "The language in which the source is written. Do not use the full language name; use ISO 639-1. Do not use icons or templates" |
journal | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use a two-letter language code or the full language name. Do not use icons or templates" |
magazine | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use a two-letter language code or the full language name. Do not use icons or templates" |
newsgroup | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
pressrelease | "If not English, the language the source is written in. Displays in parentheses with 'in' before the language name. Use the full language name; do not use icons or templates." |
report | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
conference | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
thesis | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
encyclopaedia | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
citeseerx | "Language(s) the source is written in. Separate by commas, and do not include 'and'." |
episode | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates" |
audio-visual | "The language the source is written in, if not English. Displays in parentheses with "in" before the language name. Use the full language name or ISO 639-1 code." |
news | "The language in which the source is written, if not English; use a two-letter language code or the full language name. Do not use icons or templates" |
ar | default | "لغة النشر. اكتب رمز أيزو للغة المطلوبة، مثلاً: «fr» للفرنسية، «en» للإنكليزية، إلخ. أما إذا كانت لغة المصدر عربية فلا تستخدم هذا الحقل." |
label | en | default | "Language" |
medrxiv | "Language(s)" |
citeseerx | "Language(s)" |
arxiv | "Language(s)" |
biorxiv | "Language(s)" |
ar | |
example | |
required | |
Edition | suggested | |
type | "line" |
description | en | web | "Specify the edition or revision of the source, when applicable. For example: '2nd' or '5.1'. What you supply here is suffixed by ' ed.'" |
audio-visual | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: "2nd", "Revised", and so forth. Appends " ed." after the field." |
newsgroup | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
news | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
journal | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
default | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed by ' ed.'" |
encyclopaedia | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
sign | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
magazine | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
report | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
conference | "When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'" |
ar | |
label | |
example | |
required | |
Docket | type | "line" |
description | |
label | |
Sections | type | "string" |
description | |
label | |
Page | description | en | report | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
audio-visual | "The number of a single page in the source that supports the content. Use 'pages' instead for a range of pages." |
newsgroup | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
magazine | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
journal | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
interview | "The number of a single page in the source that supports the content. Use either |page= or |pages=, but not both. Displays preceded by p. unless |no-pp=y." |
default | "The number of a single page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'; use either page= or pages=, but not both" |
encyclopaedia | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
sign | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
news | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
conference | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
web | "Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'" |
type | "string" |
required | |
label | en | default | "Page" |
audio-visual | "In-source location: Page" |
ar | |
Scale | type | "string" |
description | |
label | |
Embargo | type | "date" |
description | en | default | "Date that pmc goes live; if this date is in the future, then pmc is not linked until that date" |
label | en | default | "PMC Embargo Date" |
AuthorList-Mask | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, 'with' instead" |
map | "Replaces the name of the subject with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing translator separator; for example, 'with' instead" |
label | en | default | "Author mask" |
map | "Subject" |
ar | |
required | |
numbered | true |
Inset | type | "string" |
description | en | default | "The name of the focused inset referenced; example: Downtown Fooburg. Output appends "inset" after the input; overridden by at." |
label | |
CITESEERX | type | "line" |
description | en | default | "CiteSeerX identifier; found after the 'doi=' query parameter" |
citeseerx | "CiteSeerX identifier without the "CiteSeerX:" prefix" |
ar | default | "معرف CiteSeerX؛ يمكن العثور عليه بعد معلم الاستعلام 'doi='" |
label | |
example | |
required | |
ContributorList-First | numbered | true |
type | "string" |
description | en | default | "Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the contributor; don't wikilink, use 'contributor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional contributors." |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول أو الأوسط للمشارك$1، لا تستخدم وصلات ويكي، استخدم وصلة-مشارك للوصلات" |
label | en | default | "Contributor first name" |
ar | default | "الاسم الأول للمشارك$1" |