local p = {}
function chessboard(args, size, rev, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear)
function image_square( pc, row, col, size )
local colornames = { l = 'white', d = 'black' }
local piecenames = {
p = 'pawn',
r = 'rook',
n = 'knight',
b = 'bishop',
q = 'queen',
k = 'king',
a = 'archbishop',
c = 'chancelor',
z = 'champion',
w = 'wizard',
t = 'fool',
h = 'upside-down pawn',
m = 'upside-down rook',
s = 'upside-down knight',
f = 'upside-down king',
e = 'upside-down bishop',
g = 'upside-down queen',
local symnames = {
xx = 'black cross',
ox = 'white cross',
xo = 'black circle',
oo = 'white circle',
ul = 'up-left arrow',
ua = 'up arrow',
ur = 'up-right arrow',
la = 'left arrow',
ra = 'right arrow',
dl = 'down-left arrow',
da = 'down arrow',
dr = 'down-right arrow',
lr = 'left-right arrow',
ud = 'up-down arrow',
x0 = 'zero',
x1 = 'one',
x2 = 'two',
x3 = 'three',
x4 = 'four',
x5 = 'five',
x6 = 'six',
x7 = 'seven',
x8 = 'eight',
x9 = 'nine',
function colchar( col )
return ( 'abcdefgh' ):sub( col, col )
local color = mw.ustring.gsub( pc, '^.*(%w)(%w).*$', '%2' ) or ''
local piece = mw.ustring.gsub( pc, '^.*(%w)(%w).*$', '%1' ) or ''
local alt = colchar( col ) .. row .. ' '
if colornames[color] and piecenames[piece] then
alt = alt .. colornames[color] .. ' ' .. piecenames[piece]
alt = alt .. ( symnames[piece .. color] or piece .. ' ' .. color )
return string.format( '[[ملف:Chess %s%st45.svg|%dx%dpx|alt=%s|%s]]', piece, color, size, size, alt, alt )
function letters_row( rev, num_lt, num_rt )
local td = '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;height:18px;width:' .. size .. 'px;">'
local legends = 'abcdefgh'
local l = mw.text.split( rev and legends:reverse() or legends, '' )
return '<tr style="vertical-align:middle">\n'
.. ( num_lt and '<td style="vertical-align: inherit; padding: 0"></td>' or '' )
.. td
.. table.concat( l, '</td>' .. td )
.. '</td>'
.. ( num_rt and '<td style="vertical-align: inherit; padding: 0"></td>' or '' )
.. '\n</tr>'
local letters_tp = letters:match( 'both' ) or letters:match( 'top' )
local letters_bt = letters:match( 'both' ) or letters:match( 'bottom' )
local numbers_lt = numbers:match( 'both' ) or numbers:match( 'left' )
local numbers_rt = numbers:match( 'both' ) or numbers:match( 'right' )
local width = 8 * size + 2
if ( numbers_lt ) then width = width + 18 end
if ( numbers_rt ) then width = width + 18 end
local b = ''
local caption = ''
if ( letters_tp ) then b = b .. letters_row( rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt ) .. '\n' end
b = b .. '<tr style="vertical-align:middle">'
if ( numbers_lt ) then b = b .. '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit; width:18px;height:' .. size .. 'px">' .. (rev and 1 or 8) .. '</td>' end
b = b .. '<td colspan=8 rowspan=8 style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;"><div class="chess-board" style="position:relative;">'
b = b .. string.format( '[[ملف:Chessboard480.svg|%dx%dpx|link=]]', 8 * size, 8 * size )
for trow = 1,8 do
local row = rev and trow or ( 9 - trow )
for tcol = 1,8 do
local col = rev and ( 9 - tcol ) or tcol
local piece = args[8 * ( 8 - row ) + col + 2] or ''
if piece:match( '%w%w' ) then
local img = image_square(piece:match('%w%w'), row, col, size )
b = b .. string.format(
'<div style="position:absolute;z-index:3;top:%dpx;left:%dpx;width:' .. size .. 'px;height:' .. size .. 'px;">%s</div>\n',
( trow - 1 ) * size, ( tcol - 1 ) * size, img )
b = b .. '</div></td>'
if ( numbers_rt ) then b = b .. '<td style="width:18px;height:' .. size ..'px;padding:0">' .. (rev and 1 or 8) .. '</td>' end
b = b .. '</tr>'
if ( numbers_lt or numbers_rt ) then
for trow = 2, 8 do
local row = rev and trow or ( 9 - trow )
b = b .. '<tr style="vertical-align:middle">'
if ( numbers_lt ) then b = b .. '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;height:' .. size .. 'px">' .. row .. '</td>' end
if ( numbers_rt ) then b = b .. '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;height:' .. size .. 'px">' .. row .. '</td>' end
b = b .. '</tr>\n'
if ( letters_bt ) then b = b .. letters_row( rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt ) .. '\n' end
if footer:match( '^%s*$' )
caption = '<div class="thumbcaption">' .. footer .. '</div>\n'
return '<div class="thumb ' .. align .. '" style="clear:' .. clear .. '; text-align:center;">'
.. header .. '\n<div class="thumbinner" style="width:' .. width .. 'px;">\n'
.. '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="direction:ltr; background:white; font-size:88%; border:1px #b0b0b0 solid; padding:0; '
.. 'margin:auto;">\n' .. b .. '\n</table>\n' .. caption .. '</div></div>'
function convertFenToArgs( fen )
-- converts FEN notation to 64 entry array of positions, offset by 2
local res = { ' ', ' ' }
-- Loop over rows, which are delimited by /
for srow in string.gmatch( "/" .. fen, "/%w+" ) do
-- Loop over all letters and numbers in the row
for piece in srow:gmatch( "%w" ) do
if piece:match( "%d" ) then -- if a digit
for k=1,piece do
table.insert(res,' ')
else -- not a digit
local color = piece:match( '%u' ) and 'l' or 'd'
piece = piece:lower()
table.insert( res, piece .. color )
return res
function convertArgsToFen( args, offset )
function nullOrWhitespace( s ) return not s or s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) == '' end
function piece( s )
return nullOrWhitespace( s ) and 1
or s:gsub( '%s*(%a)(%a)%s*', function( a, b ) return b == 'l' and a:upper() or a end )
local res = ''
offset = offset or 0
for row = 1, 8 do
for file = 1, 8 do
res = res .. piece( args[8*(row - 1) + file + offset] )
if row < 8 then res = res .. '/' end
return mw.ustring.gsub(res, '1+', function( s ) return #s end )
function p.board(frame)
local args = frame.args
local pargs = frame:getParent().args
local size = args.size or pargs.size or '26'
local reverse = ( args.reverse or pargs.reverse or '' ):lower() == "true"
local letters = ( args.letters or pargs.letters or 'both' ):lower()
local numbers = ( args.numbers or pargs.numbers or 'both' ):lower()
local header = args[2] or pargs[2] or ''
local footer = args[67] or pargs[67] or ''
local align = ( args[1] or pargs[1] or 'tright' ):lower()
local clear = args.clear or pargs.clear or ( align:match('tright') and 'right' ) or 'none'
local fen = args.fen or pargs.fen
size = mw.ustring.match( size, '[%d]+' ) or '26' -- remove px from size
if (fen) then
align = args.align or pargs.align or 'tright'
clear = args.clear or pargs.clear or ( align:match('tright') and 'right' ) or 'none'
header = args.header or pargs.header or ''
footer = args.footer or pargs.footer or ''
return chessboard( convertFenToArgs( fen ), size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear )
if args[3] then
return chessboard(args, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear)
return chessboard(pargs, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear)
function p.fen2ascii(frame)
-- {{#invoke:Chessboard|fen2ascii|fen=...}}
local b = convertFenToArgs( frame.args.fen )
local res = '|=\n'
local offset = 2
for row = 1,8 do
local n = (9 - row)
res = res .. n .. ' |' ..
table.concat(b, '|', 8*(row-1) + 1 + offset, 8*(row-1) + 8 + offset) .. '|=\n'
res = mw.ustring.gsub( res,'\| \|', '| |' )
res = mw.ustring.gsub( res,'\| \|', '| |' )
res = res .. ' a b c d e f g h'
return res
function p.ascii2fen( frame )
-- {{#invoke:Chessboard|ascii2fen|kl| | |....}}
return convertArgsToFen( frame.args, frame.args.offset or 1 )
return p