نقاش القالب:8TeamBracket-Tennis5

مشروع ويكي كرة المضرب (مقيّمة بذات صنف غير مقالية)
أيقونة مشروع الويكيالقالب من ضمن مواضيع مشروع ويكي كرة المضرب، وهو مشروعٌ تعاونيٌّ يهدف لتطوير وتغطية المحتويات المُتعلّقة بكرة المضرب في ويكيبيديا. إذا أردت المساهمة، فضلًا زر صفحة المشروع، حيث يُمكنك المشاركة في النقاشات ومطالعة قائمة بالمهام التي يُمكن العمل عليها.
 غير مقالية  القالب لا تتطلّب تقييمًا حسب مقياس الجودة الخاص بالمشروع.

لإستخدام القالب: Infobox code

{{8TeamBracket-Tennis5 | RD1=
| RD2=
| RD3=
| group1=
| group2=
| score-width=
| team-width=
| RD1-seed1=
| RD1-team1=
| RD1-score1-1=
| RD1-score1-2=
| RD1-score1-3=
| RD1-score1-4=
| RD1-score1-5=
| RD1-seed2=
| RD1-team2=
| RD1-score2-1=
| RD1-score2-2=
| RD1-score2-3=
| RD1-score2-4=
| RD1-score2-5=
| RD1-seed3=
| RD1-team3=
| RD1-score3-1=
| RD1-score3-2=
| RD1-score3-3=
| RD1-score3-4=
| RD1-score3-5=
| RD1-seed4=
| RD1-team4=
| RD1-score4-1=
| RD1-score4-2=
| RD1-score4-3=
| RD1-score4-4=
| RD1-score4-5=
| RD1-seed5=
| RD1-team5=
| RD1-score5-1=
| RD1-score5-2=
| RD1-score5-3=
| RD1-score5-4=
| RD1-score5-5=
| RD1-seed6=
| RD1-team6=
| RD1-score6-1=
| RD1-score6-2=
| RD1-score6-3=
| RD1-score6-4=
| RD1-score6-5=
| RD1-seed7=
| RD1-team7=
| RD1-score7-1=
| RD1-score7-2=
| RD1-score7-3=
| RD1-score7-4=
| RD1-score7-5=
| RD1-seed8=
| RD1-team8=
| RD1-score8-1=
| RD1-score8-2=
| RD1-score8-3=
| RD1-score8-4=
| RD1-score8-5=
| RD2-seed1=
| RD2-team1=
| RD2-score1-1=
| RD2-score1-2=
| RD2-score1-3=
| RD2-score1-4=
| RD2-score1-5=
| RD2-seed2=
| RD2-team2=
| RD2-score2-1=
| RD2-score2-2=
| RD2-score2-3=
| RD2-score2-4=
| RD2-score2-5=
| RD2-seed3=
| RD2-team3=
| RD2-score3-1=
| RD2-score3-2=
| RD2-score3-3=
| RD2-score3-4=
| RD2-score3-5=
| RD2-seed4=
| RD2-team4=
| RD2-score4-1=
| RD2-score4-2=
| RD2-score4-3=
| RD2-score4-4=
| RD2-score4-5=
| RD3-seed1=
| RD3-team1=
| RD3-score1-1=
| RD3-score1-2=
| RD3-score1-3=
| RD3-score1-4=
| RD3-score1-5=
| RD3-seed2=
| RD3-team2=
| RD3-score2-1=
| RD3-score2-2=
| RD3-score2-3=
| RD3-score2-4=
| RD3-score2-5=

Template parameters

  • RD1, RD2, RD3 — [OPTIONAL] The names of each respective round. Defaults to "Quarterfinals", "Semifinals", and "Finals", respectively.
  • group1, group2 — [OPTIONAL] The name of the first group of four team, and the name of the last group of four, respectively.
  • team-width — [OPTIONAL] The width (in pixels) of the team field for each game/match. Defaults to 125 pixels.
  • score-width — [OPTIONAL] The width (in pixels) of the score field for each game/match. This is the total width of all five sets.
  • The rest of the parameters fill in the bracket and consists of the form RDround-[seed|team|score]match[-set]

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