ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك إفراغ الكاش لرؤية التغييرات ( ).
/* This script adds Contributions and Statistics tabs to User and User talk pages. For Vector skin.
To use this script, place the following line in your vector.js page:
Add any or all of these lines after the importScript line above to set various options (the default values are shown):
var contribsTab = true; // Turns the Contributions tab on or off (set to false; for off)
var contribsTabStats = true; // Turns the Statistics tab on or off (set to false; for off)
var contribsTabNumber = 50; // Number of contributions to display in the Contributions tab. Can be 1 to 5000.
var contribsTabName = "Contributions"; // Custom name for Contributions tab. Replace quoted text with your desired name.
var contribsTabStatsName = "Statistics"; // Custom name for Statistics tab. Replace quoted text with your desired name.
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 2 || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 3) { // Don't do anything unless we're in user or usertalk space
// Set default options for any that haven't been set
if (contribsTabName == null) var contribsTabName = "مساهمات";
if (contribsTabNumber == null) var contribsTabNumber = 50;
if (contribsTabStats == null) var contribsTabStats = true;
if (contribsTab == null) var contribsTab = true;
if (contribsTabStatsName == null) var contribsTabStatsName = "إحصاءات";
// Get the current page's username
var username = mw.config.get('wgTitle').split("/")[0];
// Grab main page tab, remove 'new' class in case it was red
var main = $('#left-navigation li:not(.selected)').slice(0,1).css('opacity','0.9').removeClass('new');
if (contribsTab) { // Construct the contribs tab, if it's not turned off
// Clone main page tab
var tabContribs = main.clone(true).attr('id', main.attr('id')+'-').css('opacity','0.9');
// Construct contribs URL
var contribsTabURL = 'http://ar.' + wgNoticeProject + '.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&target=' +
username + '&limit=' + contribsTabNumber + '&uselang=ar';
// Set contribs tab URL, text, and tooltip
tabContribs.find('a').attr('href', contribsTabURL).empty().text(contribsTabName).attr('title', "إظهار مساهمات المستخدم");
if (contribsTabStats) { // Construct the stats tab, if it's not turned off
// Clone main page tab
var tabStats = main.clone(true).attr('id', main.attr('id')+'-').css('opacity','0.9');
// Construct stats URL
var contribsTabStatsURL = 'http://tools.wmflabs.org/~tparis/pcount/index.php?name=' + username + '&lang=ar&wiki=' + wgNoticeProject;
// Set stats tab URL, text, and tooltip
tabStats.find('a').attr('href', contribsTabStatsURL).empty().text(contribsTabStatsName).attr('title', "إظهار إحصاءات تعديلات المستخدم");
// Place constructed tabs (done here for easy ordering)
if (contribsTabStats) tabStats.insertAfter(main);
if (contribsTab) tabContribs.insertAfter(main);