وضع -Kevyn في ويكيبيديا الإنجليزية-، وهو المؤلف، هذا العمل في النِّطاق العامِّ. يسري ذلك في كل أرجاء العالم. في بعض البلدان، قد يكون هذا التَّرخيص غيرَ مُمكنٍ قانونيَّاً، في هذه الحالة: يمنح Kevyn الجميع حق استخدام هذا العمل لأي غرض دون أي شرط ما لم يفرض القانون شروطًا إضافية.Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Volga German pioneer family statue, Victoria, Kansas, USA.
Photo taken by Wikimedia Commons user Kevyn Jacobs, released into the public domain.
Commemorative plaque on the base of the statue reads:
The first twenty-three families of Volga-Germans arrived in Victoria on April 8, 1876, and established the Village of Herzog in the area north of this point. The first religious activities of these settlers centered around the village cross. In the following months and years they were joined by many more Volga-German immigrants. The community outgrew three church buildings before the present church was completed in 1912. This statue, a tribute to these pioneers, was dedicated July 28, 1975.
Information from the Smithsonian Institution sculpture database:
↑David A. Grisafe (Photography by Barbara A. Welter) (1976). "Kansas Building Limestone". Mineral Resources. Kansas Geological Survey,. "Kansas sculptor Peter Felton is creating this work from Silverdale limestone...."
{{PD-user-en|Kevyn}} Volga German pioneer family statue, Victoria, Kansas, USA. Photo date: 8-SEP-1997 Photo taken by Wikimedia Commons user Kevyn Jacobs, released into the public domain.