ملف:The Robinsons and their kin folk (1912) (14783309982).jpg

الملف الأصلي (1٬886 × 2٬964 بكسل حجم الملف: 1٫25 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)



Identifier: robinsonstheirki12robi_0 (find matches)
Title: The Robinsons and their kin folk
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Robinson Genealogical Society Robinson Family Genealogical and Historical Association
Subjects: Robinson family
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : The Association
Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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Text Appearing Before Image:
ittsburgh, Pa. Verner, Master James Parke Cathalyce Parke, Pittsburgh, Pa. Waterman, Mrs. Zeno (Sarah Wood Robinson).g Everett St., Taunton, Mass. Weeks, Mrs. Edmund Cottle Tallahassee, Florida. Wellington, Mrs. B. W. (Anna Robinson)..7 West Second St., Corning, N. Y. Wetherell, Mrs. Erminie C Holyoke, Mass. Whitten, Mrs. Marcia F 132 Magazine St., Cambridgeport, Mass. Whittemore, Miss Lucella Washburn 358 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. Williamson, Mrs. Mary Robinson 704 North State St., Jackson, Miss. Wilson, Mr. George L 591 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Wright, George R., Esq Wilkes Barre, Pa. The Robinson FamilyGenealogical and HistoricalAssociation The Robinsons and Their Kin Folk Second Scries, August, \ 904 Officers, Constitution and By-LawsAddress to Oar Primal AncestorSecretarys ReportGloucester, Mass., IllustratedHistorical Sketches, Illustrated(Additional Members of (Association PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION NEW YORK1904 PRINTED BY FRANK C. AFFERTON113 Liberty StreetNew York
Text Appearing After Image:
IK)N. DAVID I. ROBINSON, GLOUCESTER, MASS. I CONTENTS. PAGE Officers, - 5 Constitution, - - - - - - - 6 By-Laws, 7 Our Primal Ancestor, ------- 8 Secretarys Report, ------- 9-13 Views in Gloucester, 14-20 Letters from Henry S. Ruggles, Esq., ... - 21-22 Coat Armor in the American Colonies, - 23-31 Descendants of George and Mary (Bushnell) Robinson - 32-41 To-the Robinson Association, - 42-49 John Robinson, 50-58 John W. Robinson, 59-68 Samuel Robinson, - - - ■- ■ - . - 69-76 Members Names, - - - - - - - - - 77-80 ILLUSTRATIONS. Hon. David I. Robinson, ..... frontispiece Our Primal Ancestor, - - - - - - 8 City of Gloucester, 1892, - - - - . - 15 High* School Building, Gloucester, - - - - - 16 City Hall, - - - - 16 Old Ellery House, - - - - - 17 Willow Road, - - - - - 17 Handling Halibut, - 18 Old Mother Ann, - - - - - 19 Rafes Chasm, - - - - - 19 Whales Jaw, 19 Old Style Pinkey - 20 New Model of Schooner, - - - - - 20 Robinson Home, Jamaica, Vt., - - - - - - 36 Old Robinson Appletr

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Robinson Genealogical Society;

Robinson Family Genealogical and Historical Association
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