ملف:Portrait of George C. Yount (CHS-11443).jpg

الملف الأصلي (2٬608 × 3٬648 بكسل حجم الملف: 1٫58 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)


English: Photographic portrait of George C. Yount, [s.d.]. Yount is shown from his torso to his head and is looking to the right. He is wearing a dark jacket, dark vest, dark bowtie, and lightly-colored collared shirt. He is mostly bald, and his remaining dark hair is shoulder-length. The border of the image is curved into a design.; Born in Burke County, North Carolina, on May 4, 1794, Yount came to California in 1831 and died at his Caymus Rancho on October 3, 1865. He fought through the War of 1812, engaging Indians on the Western frontier. After the war, he was a hunter, trapper and trader. In 1830, he joined the party formed by William Wolfskill in New Mexico to trap in the great valleys of California and arrived in Los Angeles in February, 1831. He was baptized at the Mission San Rafael as Jorge Concepcion, and in that year was granted Caymus Rancho, two leagues in what is now Napa County, and in 1843 was given La Jota, a one league extension of Caymus. He built a house on his ranch and was for many years the only white man in the vicinity. He was very successful in his relations with the Indians; his fearless character and just dealing won their respect and he had little difficulty dealing with them. The squatters and land lawyers got most of his land, but he saved a portion of it. In 1843 his two daughters, Frances and Elizabeth, came with Joseph B. Chiles. Frances was accompanied by her husband, Bartlett Vines and Elizabeth became the wife of John Calvert Davis, and after his death, of Eugene L. Sullivan.
التاريخ by 1865
المصدر http://digitallibrary.usc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/p15799coll65/id/13210
المؤلف غير معروفUnknown author
إصدارات أخرى


Public domain
Public domain
يقع ملفُ الوسائط هذا في النِّطاق العامّ داخل الولايات المُتحدة الأمريكيَّة. وهذا ينطبق على الأعمال أمريكيَّة الأصل التي نفدت مدة حقوق تأليفها ونشرها، وهذا في الغالب الأعم عائدٌ إلى نشرها للمرة الأولى مرة قبل 1 يناير، ١٩٣٠. راجع هذه الصفحة للمزيد من التوضيح.

United States
United States
قد لا تكون هذه الصورة في النِّطاق العامّ من خارج الولايات المُتحدة، وهذا ينطبق بشكلٍ خاصٍّ في البلدان والمناطق التي لا يكون حكم الفترة الأقصر فيها نافذاً على الأعمال الأمريكية، مثل كندا وجمهورية الصين (ما خلا هونغ كونغ وماكاو) وألمانيا والمكسيك وسويسرا. إنَّ اسم المُؤَلِّف وسنة النشر هما من المعلومات الأساسيَّة، ولا بدَ من ذكرهما. انظر ويكيبيديا:الملكية العامة و‌ويكيبيديا:حقوق التأليف والنشر للمزيد من التفاصيل.

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