الوصفMember of the Order of the British Empire MBE MOD 45147520.jpg
English: Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire was instituted in 1917. As with the Civil Division, the Military Division of the Order comprises five classes: Knights and Dames Grand Cross (GBE), Knights and Dames Commanders (KBE and DBE), Commanders (CBE), Officers (OBE) and Members (MBE).
Organization: MoD
Object Name: RPG001
Supplemental Categories: People, Medals
Keywords: MBE, Medal, Award, Member of the Order of the British Empire
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{information |description={{en|Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire was instituted in 1917. As with the Civil Division, the Military Division of the Order comprises f...
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1/80 ثانية (0٫0125)
العدد البؤري
البعد البؤري/4٫5
تاريخ ووقت توليد البيانات
22:03، 7 أبريل 2003
البعد البؤري للعدسة
35 ملم
Member of the Order of the British Empire MBE
Crown Copyright/MoD
عنوان الصورة
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire was instituted in 1917. As with the Civil Division, the Military Division of the Order comprises five classes: Knights and Dames Grand Cross (GBE), Knights and Dames Commanders (KBE and DBE), Commanders (CBE), Officers (OBE) and Members (MBE).