English: These are three views of Mare Tranquillitatis on the moon, taken by the mapping camera of the Apollo 17 mission in 1972, facing south-southwest from an average altitude of 111 km on Revolution 36 of the mission. At the left is the east side of Mare Tranquillitatis, with the craters Franz (bottom right), Lyell (dark floor, right of center), and Taruntius (upper left). The "bay" of dark mare (basalt) at left is Sinus Concordiae, with "islands" of older light highland material. At right is the crater Cauchy, which lies between the Rupes Cauchy and Cauchy rille. The center photo shows the central mare with craters Vitruvius (lower right) and Gardner (bottom center). At the horizon are lighter highlands at the southern margin of the mare, near the Apollo 11 landing site. The crater Jansen is visible at the edges of both the center and right photos. The right photo shows the western mare, with the craters Dawes (lower left) and the large Plinius (43 km diameter), with the Plinius Rilles in the foreground. These photos were taken within minutes of each other as the Command ModuleAmerica orbited the moon. The sun elevation drops from 46 degrees at left to 30 degrees at right.
created 2013, original 1972
(النص الأصلي: Apollo 17 Mapping camera images reduced in size by 25% and spliced in Gimp. The original images are in the public domain because they are works of the U.S. Government (NASA). Immediate source: Lunar and Planetary Institute, Apollo Image Atlas Mapping Camera Image Catalog, Apollo 17,
لقد وَضَعَ صاحب حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر هذا العملَ في النَّطاق العامّ من خلال تنازُلِه عن حقوق العمل كُلِّها في أنحاء العالم جميعها تحت قانون حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر، ويشمل ذلك الحقوق المُتَّصِلة بها والمُجاورة لها برمتها بما يتوافق مع ما يُحدده القانون. يمكنك نسخ وتعديل وتوزيع وإعادة إِنتاج العمل، بما في ذلك لأغراضٍ تجاريَّةٍ، دون حاجةٍ لطلب مُوافَقة صاحب حقوق العمل.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.enCC0Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedicationfalsefalse
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{{Information |Description = These are three views of [[Mare Tranquilitatis]] on the moon, taken by the mapping camera of the [[Apollo 17]] mission in 1972, facing south-southwest from an average altitude of 111 km on Revolution 36 of the mission. At...