ملف:Loire Indre Langeais tango7174.jpg

الملف الأصلي (1٬075 × 500 بكسل حجم الملف: 342 كيلوبايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)


Français : Château de Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France. Mariage de la duchesse Anne de Bretagne avec le roi de France Charles VIII, le 6 décembre 1491.
English: Château de Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France. Marriage of Duchess Anne of Brittany to King Charles VIII of France, on December 6th 1491.

This very expensive Tableau was created, with considerable financial and administrative help from the Department of Culture, for the Institut de France. The historically-accurate clothing was created from contemporary reportage by the famous costumier Daniel Druet. Effigies by the celebrated Sculptor Daniel Ogier from contemporary evidence – portraits, tomb busts, and in some cases forensic reconstructions based on Government-authorised tomb investigations. From left to right: Princess and ex-Regent Anne de France, sole daughter of King Louis XI; her husband Pierre de Bourbon, Sieur de Beaujeu; King Charles VIII, aged 21; Duchess Anne de Bretagne, aged 14; the kneeling lady is Francoise de Dinan, Dame de Chateaubriant and companion governess to the young Duchess, aged 55yrs. At the table: seated, the Notary of Tours, Pierre Bourreau who drew up the hasty Marriage Contract; standing: Philippe de Montauban, aged 51, faithful and long-serving Chancellor of Brittany and a veteran soldier who had commanded a Company of Lances for Duke François II; seated again, the 61-year-old Chancellor of France Guillaume de Rochefort; and lastly, standing, another of the Duchess's faithful supporters, the Prince of Orange, Jean IV de Chalons-Arlay. At the back against the fireplace and out of sight in this view are effigies of the two Bishops who officiated: Jean de Rèly, Bishop of Angers, and Louis d'Amboise, Bishop of Albi, who was eventually created a Cardinal. Both Clerics sent detailed Reports to their Spiritual Master the Pope – which is how we know who was present at this hasty, and secret ceremony; and what clothes they were wearing.
المصدر عمل شخصي
المؤلف Tango7174
موقع آلة التصوير٤٧° ١٩′ ٢٩٫٢٨″ ش, ٠° ٢٤′ ٢١٫٩٦″ ق Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.هذه وغيرها من الصور في مواقعها على: خريطة الشارع المفتوحةinfo


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زمن/تاريخصورة مصغرةالأبعادمستخدمتعليق
حالي15:07، 2 يناير 2010تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 15:07، 2 يناير 20101٬075 × 500 (342 كيلوبايت)Tango7174== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{fr|Château de Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France. Mariage de la duchesse Anne de Bretagne avec le roi de France Charles VIII, le 6 décembre 1491.}} {{en|Château de Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, Cent

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