AWIB-ISAW: Kellis 2004 (LXIII)
The column-lined interior of the large East Church in Area A at Kellis. by NYU Excavations at Amheida Staff (2004)
copyright: 2004 NYU Excavations at Amheida (used with permission)
photographed place: Kellis (Esment el-Kharab)
authority: Image published on the authority of the Amheida Project Director, Roger Bagnall
Published by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World as part of the Ancient World Image Bank (AWIB). Further information:
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مالك الحقوق
NYU Excavations at Amheida
NYU Excavations at Amheida Staff
عنوان الصورة
AWIB-ISAW: Kellis 2004 (lxiii)The column-lined interior of the large East Church in Area A at Kellis. by NYU Excavations at Amheida Staff (2004)copyright: 2004 NYU Excavations at Amheida (used with permission)photographed place: Kellis (Esment el-Kharab) [1]authority: Image published on the authority of the Amheida Project Director, Roger BagnallPublished by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World as part of the Ancient World Image Bank (AWIB). Further information: [2].