CoA_Kutch_1893.png (237 × 273 بكسل حجم الملف: 115 كيلوبايت، نوع MIME: image/png)


Coat of arms of the Indian princely state of Kutch
The achievement of the Rao of Kachchh (formerly spelled Cutch or Kutch) following a description of the Diwan of Kutch from 1876 was:

Arms: Quarterly: 1. The field of an off-white color, a trident per pale and a sword and an axe in saltire proper; 2. A sambuk on waves of the sea, all proper; 3. A holy cow in a landscape, all proper; 4. A killed tiger (depicted is a lion) in a landscape with a red sky, all proper. Over all a palmtree proper.

Crest: On an iron helmet affronté, lambrequined Vert, the crown of Kachchh surmounted by a crescent Argent.

Supporters: Two horsemen, the sinister carrying a pennon Tenné, charged with a crescent and a sun in splendour (the “Jari Patha” flag), all proper.

Motto: courage and confidence in black lettering on a yellow ribbon.

Badges: a. In dexter chief of the achievement: a castle ensigned bhuj. b. In sinister chief of the achievement: An elephant passant proper, his saddlecloth and headgear Gules, fringed Or. On his back two men (sowaris), the hindmost carrying the “Mahi Muratab” or Goldfishbanner.
المصدر Golden Book of India, 1893
المؤلف Roper Lethbridge
(إعادة استخدام هذا الملف)
Public domain

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حالي14:22، 7 ديسمبر 2009تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 14:22، 7 ديسمبر 2009237 × 273 (115 كيلوبايت)Zenwort{{Information |Description=Coat of arms of the Indian princely state of Kutch |Source=Golden Book of India, 1893 |Date=1893 |Author=Roper Lethbridge |Permission={{PD-old-70}} |other_versions= }} Category:Coats of arms of India [[Category:Indian Prince

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