ملف:Canadian forest industries 1905-1906 (1906) (20335402020).jpg

الملف الأصلي (3٬377 × 4٬548 بكسل حجم الملف: 1٫43 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)



Title: Canadian forest industries 1905-1906
Identifier: canadianforest190506donm (find matches)
Year: 1906 (1900s)
Subjects: Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp industry; Wood-using industries
Publisher: Don Mills, Ont. : Southam Business Publications
Contributing Library: Fisher - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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1 1 i 1 1 FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE OF WOODS LIMITED. OTTAWA. "Pardon Me!! Can you inform me where I can purchase the right kind of supplies for my vans in our lumrer camps, ^nd all in one place; it is such a waste of time to be obliged to run all over the country for these little lines ?" "Certainly. With pleasure. WOODS. LIMITED, Ottawa, we find to bz able to supply all our needs promptly, and intelligently, as th2y have made a study of this busi- ness, and betng manufacturers, they save fcr us the wholesaler's profit, and as their stock include all lines needed, we simply u<e them in all ca^es, and their goods are durable, roomy, and well sewn together, and include Blankets (made in their own mill in Renfrew), Tweed, Etoffe, Kersey (manufactured in their mill in Wakefield), Tents of their special Non-Absorbent Duck, which we find last three times as long as any other make and are wind and rain proof, while their workmanship is of the best and deliveries immedi- ate, as their capacity for manufacturing is greater than any other; Overalls, Top Shirts, Pants, Underwear from the coarsest to the finest, including their special unshrinkable Ribb, 224 at $7.25,20-oz.; 204at $9.00; 2004 at $U.00. Woods' Oil-Tan Larrieans, A\ kinds, Beef and Moose Moccasins, Hand-knit Mitts, Fowler's "Ottawa" Axes, Pipes, Towels, Sweaters, Cardigan Jackets, and all kinds of Leather Mitts, Smallwares, Bags, Tarpau- lins, Horse Covers, Etc. Snow Shoes, Tweed-Duck Leather and Sheep-Skin Lined Coats, Mackinaw Goods." Woods Limited, Ottawa, Can.

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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  • bookid:canadianforest190506donm
  • bookyear:1906
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • booksubject:Lumbering
  • booksubject:Forests_and_forestry
  • booksubject:Forest_products
  • booksubject:Wood_pulp_industry
  • booksubject:Wood_using_industries
  • bookpublisher:Don_Mills_Ont_Southam_Business_Publications
  • bookcontributor:Fisher_University_of_Toronto
  • booksponsor:University_of_Toronto
  • bookleafnumber:6
  • bookcollection:canadiantradejournals
  • bookcollection:thomasfisher
  • bookcollection:toronto
  • BHL Collection
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