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Text Appearing After Image:PROBLEMS OF THE FRONTIER march an army into their country. And thislong-suffering attitude must, upon any othergrounds save those of fear, seem inexphcable to the Waziris themselves, who, if similar outrageshad been committed by the Mahsuds upon them,and if they were rid of the personal influence ofBritish officials, would make short work of thissmall but stubborn sect of undesirables in theirmidst. It will be remembered that, not so long ago, itwas our policy to endeavour to extend British in-fluence amongst the tribes by encouraging politicalofficers to go in and out amongst them, hopingthat other external influences might thus becounteracted, freedom of trade maintained, andthe control of the Passes into India established.But it was perfectly understood by all that if,in the course of these risky negotiations, frontierofficers were molested or murdered by fanaticismor design, then punishment would follow swiftand sure. The published institution of some suchpenal corollary to the inf
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
الرجاء إضافة المزيد من وسوم حقوق الطبع والنشر لهذه الصورة إذا أمكن تحديد معلومات أكثر تحديدا عن حالة حقوق الطبع والنشر، انظركومنز:ترخيص لمزيد من المعلومات.
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نَشَر Internet Archive Book Images هذه الصُّورة في الأَصل على موقع فلِيكِر في، وراجعها FlickreviewR في 2015-03-19 19:51:46، ووجد أَنَّها مُرخَّصة برخصة No known copyright restrictions، الَّتي تَتوافق مع كُومِنز. والتَّرخيص الحالي مُغاير للترخيص الذي كان مُستعمَلاً عند رفعها.