ملف:20170805 Bolivia 1168 crop Sucre sRGB (24128543338).jpg

الملف الأصلي (3٬167 × 2٬375 بكسل حجم الملف: 1٫03 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)



Three flags fly above the entrance to the Casa de la Libertad (Freedom House) where the Bolivian declaration of independence was signed in 1825: the Wiphala flag of multi-colored squares representing native peoples of the Andes (here with white squares on the diagonal for Qullasuyu, the southern region of the Inca Empire); the Bolivian flag of equal red, yellow, and green stripes (here with the addition of the national coat of arms in the middle as required for government buildings); and the Chuquisaca Department (of which Sucre is the capital) flag of a Cross of Burgundy with a golden crown in the center.

The Casa de la Libertad was originally a chapel and great hall for the Jesuit-run Saint Francis Xavier Pontifical University (Universidad Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier) founded in 1624 and still in existence. The seal of the university adorns the pediment. Today Freedom House is maintained by the Cultural Foundation of the Central Bank of Bolivia.

Sucre (elev. 2,810m/9,214ft) was founded by the Spanish in 1538 as Ciudad de la Plata de la Nueva Toledo (Silver City of New Toledo). It became the judicial, religious, and cultural center of the region. Bolivia achieved independence from Spain on 6 August 1825, the last country in Latin America to do so. In 1839 the city was declared the capital of Bolivia and renamed in honor of Antonio José de Sucre (1795-1830), a leader of the fight for independence who was a close friend of Simón Bolívar and served as the second president of Bolivia from the end of 1825 to 1828. (The administrative capital of Bolivia shifted to La Paz in 1898.)

The Historic City of Sucre was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991.

On Google Earth:

Casa de la Libertad 19° 2'51.48"S, 65°15'36.83"W
المصدر 20170805_Bolivia_1168 crop Sucre sRGB
المؤلف Dan Lundberg
موقع آلة التصوير١٩° ٠٢′ ٥١٫٤٣″ ج, ٦٥° ١٥′ ٣٦٫٣١″ ب Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.هذه وغيرها من الصور في مواقعها على: خريطة الشارع المفتوحةinfo


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نَشَر Dan Lundberg هذه الصُّورة على موقع فلِيكر بتاريخ https://flickr.com/photos/9508280@N07/24128543338 (أَرشيف). ورَاجَعها FlickreviewR 2 في ٢ نوفمبر ٢٠١٧، وتأكَّدَ أَنَّها مُرخَّصة برخصة cc-by-sa-2.0.

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