مستخدم:Mohammed Qays/لمح البصر/MediaWiki:Gadget-twinklexfd.js

ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك محو الاختزان لرؤية التغييرات (محو الاختزان الآن).

// <nowiki>

(function() {

 *** twinklexfd.js: XFD module
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("XFD")
 * Active on:              Existing, non-special pages, except for file pages with no local (non-Commons) file which are not redirects

Twinkle.xfd = function twinklexfd() {
	// Disable on:
	// * special pages
	// * non-existent pages
	// * files on Commons, whether there is a local page or not (unneeded local pages of files on Commons are eligible for CSD F2, or R4 if it's a redirect)
	if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') < 0 || !mw.config.get('wgArticleId') || (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && document.getElementById('mw-sharedupload'))) {

	let tooltip = 'Start a discussion for deleting';
	if (mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect')) {
		tooltip += ' or retargeting this redirect';
	} else {
		switch (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) {
			case 0:
				tooltip += ' or moving this article';
			case 10:
				tooltip += ' or merging this template';
			case 828:
				tooltip += ' or merging this module';
			case 6:
				tooltip += ' this file';
			case 14:
				tooltip += ', merging or renaming this category';
				tooltip += ' this page';
	Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.xfd.callback, 'XFD', 'tw-xfd', tooltip);

const utils = {
	/** Get ordinal number figure */
	num2order: function(num) {
		switch (num) {
			case 1: return '';
			case 2: return '2nd';
			case 3: return '3rd';
			default: return num + 'th';

	 * Remove namespace name from title if present
	 * Exception-safe wrapper around mw.Title
	 * @param {string} title
	stripNs: function(title) {
		const title_obj = mw.Title.newFromUserInput(title);
		if (!title_obj) {
			return title; // user entered invalid input; do nothing
		return title_obj.getNameText();

	 * Add namespace name to page title if not already given
	 * CAUTION: namespace name won't be added if a namespace (*not* necessarily
	 * the same as the one given) already is there in the title
	 * @param {string} title
	 * @param {number} namespaceNumber
	addNs: function(title, namespaceNumber) {
		const title_obj = mw.Title.newFromUserInput(title, namespaceNumber);
		if (!title_obj) {
			return title; // user entered invalid input; do nothing
		return title_obj.toText();

	 * Provide Wikipedian TLA style: AfD, RfD, CfDS, RM, SfD, etc.
	 * @param {string} venue
	 * @return {string}
	toTLACase: function(venue) {
		return venue
			// Everybody up, inclduing rm and the terminal s in cfds
			// Lowercase the central f in a given TLA and normalize sfd-t and sfr-t
			.replace(/(.)F(.)(?:-.)?/, '$1f$2');

Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;

// error callback on Morebits.Status.object
Twinkle.xfd.printRationale = function twinklexfdPrintRationale() {
	if (Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale) {
		Morebits.Status.printUserText(Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale, 'Your deletion rationale is provided below, which you can copy and paste into a new XFD dialog if you wish to try again:');
		// only need to print the rationale once
		Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;

Twinkle.xfd.callback = function twinklexfdCallback() {
	const Window = new Morebits.SimpleWindow(700, 400);
	Window.setTitle('Start a deletion discussion (XfD)');
	Window.addFooterLink('About deletion discussions', 'WP:XFD');
	Window.addFooterLink('XfD prefs', 'WP:TW/PREF#xfd');
	Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#xfd');
	Window.addFooterLink('Give feedback', 'WT:TW');

	const form = new Morebits.QuickForm(Twinkle.xfd.callback.evaluate);
	const categories = form.append({
		type: 'select',
		name: 'venue',
		label: 'Deletion discussion venue:',
		tooltip: 'When activated, a default choice is made, based on what namespace you are in. This default should be the most appropriate.',
		event: Twinkle.xfd.callback.change_category
	const namespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');

		type: 'option',
		label: 'AfD (Articles for deletion)',
		selected: namespace === 0, // Main namespace
		value: 'afd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'TfD (Templates for discussion)',
		selected: [ 10, 828 ].includes(namespace), // Template and module namespaces
		value: 'tfd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'FfD (Files for discussion)',
		selected: namespace === 6, // File namespace
		value: 'ffd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'CfD (Categories for discussion)',
		selected: namespace === 14 || (namespace === 10 && /-stub$/.test(Morebits.pageNameNorm)), // Category namespace and stub templates
		value: 'cfd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'CfD/S (Categories for speedy renaming)',
		value: 'cfds'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'MfD (Miscellany for deletion)',
		selected: ![ 0, 6, 10, 14, 828 ].includes(namespace) || Morebits.pageNameNorm.indexOf('Template:User ', 0) === 0,
		// Other namespaces, and userboxes in template namespace
		value: 'mfd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'RfD (Redirects for discussion)',
		selected: mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect'),
		value: 'rfd'
		type: 'option',
		label: 'RM (Requested moves)',
		selected: false,
		value: 'rm'

		type: 'div',
		id: 'wrong-venue-warn',
		style: 'color: red; font-style: italic'

		type: 'checkbox',
		list: [
				label: 'Notify page creator if possible',
				value: 'notify',
				name: 'notifycreator',
				tooltip: "A notification template will be placed on the creator's talk page if this is true.",
				checked: true
		type: 'field',
		label: 'Work area',
		name: 'work_area'

	const previewlink = document.createElement('a');
	$(previewlink).on('click', () => {
		Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.preview(result); // |result| is defined below
	previewlink.style.cursor = 'pointer';
	previewlink.textContent = 'Preview';
	form.append({ type: 'div', id: 'xfdpreview', label: [ previewlink ] });
	form.append({ type: 'div', id: 'twinklexfd-previewbox', style: 'display: none' });

	form.append({ type: 'submit' });

	var result = form.render();
	result.previewer = new Morebits.wiki.Preview($(result).find('div#twinklexfd-previewbox').last()[0]);

	// We must init the controls
	const evt = document.createEvent('Event');
	evt.initEvent('change', true, true);

Twinkle.xfd.callback.wrongVenueWarning = function twinklexfdWrongVenueWarning(venue) {
	let text = '';
	const namespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');

	switch (venue) {
		case 'afd':
			if (namespace !== 0) {
				text = 'AfD is generally appropriate only for articles.';
			} else if (mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect')) {
				text = 'Please use RfD for redirects.';
		case 'tfd':
			if (namespace === 10 && /-stub$/.test(Morebits.pageNameNorm)) {
				text = 'Use CfD for stub templates.';
			} else if (Morebits.pageNameNorm.indexOf('Template:User ') === 0) {
				text = 'Please use MfD for userboxes';
		case 'cfd':
			if (![ 10, 14 ].includes(namespace)) {
				text = 'CfD is only for categories and stub templates.';
		case 'cfds':
			if (namespace !== 14) {
				text = 'CfDS is only for categories.';
		case 'ffd':
			if (namespace !== 6) {
				text = 'FFD is selected but this page doesn\'t look like a file!';
		case 'rm':
			if (namespace === 14) { // category
				text = 'Please use CfD or CfDS for category renames.';
			} else if ([118, 119, 2, 3].includes(namespace)) { // draft, draft talk, user, user talk
				text = 'RMs are not permitted in draft and userspace, unless they are uncontroversial technical requests.';

		default: // mfd or rfd



Twinkle.xfd.callback.change_category = function twinklexfdCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
	const value = e.target.value;
	const form = e.target.form;
	const old_area = Morebits.QuickForm.getElements(e.target.form, 'work_area')[0];
	let work_area = null;

	const oldreasontextbox = form.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
	const oldreason = oldreasontextbox ? oldreasontextbox.value : '';

	const appendReasonBox = function twinklexfdAppendReasonBox() {
			type: 'textarea',
			name: 'reason',
			label: 'Reason:',
			value: oldreason,
			tooltip: 'You can use wikimarkup in your reason. Twinkle will automatically sign your post.'



	switch (value) {
		case 'afd':
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Articles for deletion',
				name: 'work_area'

				type: 'div',
				label: '', // Added later by Twinkle.makeFindSourcesDiv()
				id: 'twinkle-xfd-findsources',
				style: 'margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px;'

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Wrap deletion tag with &lt;noinclude&gt;',
						value: 'noinclude',
						name: 'noinclude',
						tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in &lt;noinclude&gt; tags, so that it won\'t transclude. This option is not normally required.'
				type: 'select',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				label: 'Choose what category this nomination belongs in:',
				list: [
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Unknown', value: '?', selected: true },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Media and music', value: 'M' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Organisation, corporation, or product', value: 'O' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Biographical', value: 'B' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Society topics', value: 'S' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Web or internet', value: 'W' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Games or sports', value: 'G' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Science and technology', value: 'T' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Fiction and the arts', value: 'F' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Places and transportation', value: 'P' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Indiscernible or unclassifiable topic', value: 'I' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Debate not yet sorted', value: 'U' }

				type: 'select',
				multiple: true,
				name: 'delsortCats',
				label: 'Choose deletion sorting categories:',
				tooltip: 'Select a few categories that are specifically relevant to the subject of the article. Be as precise as possible; categories like People and USA should only be used when no other categories apply.'

			// grab deletion sort categories from en-wiki
			Morebits.wiki.getCachedJson('Wikipedia:WikiProject_Deletion_sorting/Computer-readable.json').then((delsortCategories) => {
				const $select = $('[name="delsortCats"]');
				$.each(delsortCategories, (groupname, list) => {
					const $optgroup = $('<optgroup>').attr('label', groupname);
					const $delsortCat = $select.append($optgroup);
					list.forEach((item) => {
						const $option = $('<option>').val(item).text(item);

			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);


				.attr('data-placeholder', 'Select delsort pages')
					theme: 'default select2-morebits',
					width: '100%',
					matcher: Morebits.select2.matcher,
					templateResult: Morebits.select2.highlightSearchMatches,
					language: {
						searching: Morebits.select2.queryInterceptor
					// Link text to the page itself
					templateSelection: function(choice) {
						return $('<a>').text(choice.text).attr({
							href: mw.util.getUrl('Wikipedia:WikiProject_Deletion_sorting/' + choice.text),
							target: '_blank'

				// Remove black border
				'.select2-container--default.select2-container--focus .select2-selection--multiple { border: 1px solid #aaa; }' +

				// Reduce padding
				'.select2-results .select2-results__option { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; }' +
				'.select2-results .select2-results__group { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } ' +

				// Adjust font size
				'.select2-container .select2-dropdown .select2-results { font-size: 13px; }' +
				'.select2-container .selection .select2-selection__rendered { font-size: 13px; }' +

				// Make the tiny cross larger
				'.select2-selection__choice__remove { font-size: 130%; }'

		case 'tfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Templates for discussion',
				name: 'work_area'

			var templateOrModule = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto' ? 'module' : 'template';
				type: 'select',
				label: 'Choose type of action wanted:',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				event: function(e) {
					const target = e.target;
					let tfdtarget = target.form.tfdtarget;
					// add/remove extra input box
					if (target.value === 'tfm' && !tfdtarget) {
						tfdtarget = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
							name: 'tfdtarget',
							type: 'input',
							label: 'Other ' + templateOrModule + ' to be merged:',
							tooltip: 'Required. Should not include the ' + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(templateOrModule) + ': namespace prefix.',
							required: true
					} else {
						tfdtarget = null;
				list: [
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Deletion', value: 'tfd', selected: true },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Merge', value: 'tfm' }
				type: 'select',
				name: 'templatetype',
				label: 'Deletion tag display style:',
				tooltip: 'Which <code>type=</code> parameter to pass to the TfD tag template.',
				list: templateOrModule === 'module' ? [
					{ type: 'option', value: 'module', label: 'Module', selected: true }
				] : [
					{ type: 'option', value: 'standard', label: 'Standard', selected: true },
					{ type: 'option', value: 'sidebar', label: 'Sidebar/infobox', selected: $('.infobox').length },
					{ type: 'option', value: 'inline', label: 'Inline template', selected: $('.mw-parser-output > p .Inline-Template').length },
					{ type: 'option', value: 'tiny', label: 'Tiny inline' },
					{ type: 'option', value: 'disabled', label: 'Disabled' }

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Wrap deletion tag with &lt;noinclude&gt; (for substituted templates only)',
						value: 'noinclude',
						name: 'noinclude',
						tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in &lt;noinclude&gt; tags, so that it won\'t get substituted along with the template.',
						disabled: templateOrModule === 'module',
						checked: !!$('.box-Subst_only').length // Default to checked if page carries {{subst only}}

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Notify talk pages of affected user scripts',
						value: 'devpages',
						name: 'devpages',
						tooltip: 'A notification will be sent to Twinkle, AWB, and Ultraviolet\'s talk pages if those user scripts are marked as using this template.',
						checked: true

			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

		case 'mfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Miscellany for deletion',
				name: 'work_area'
			if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 710) { // TimedText cannot be tagged, so asking whether to noinclude the tag is pointless
					type: 'checkbox',
					list: [
							label: 'Wrap deletion tag with &lt;noinclude&gt;',
							value: 'noinclude',
							name: 'noinclude',
							tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in &lt;noinclude&gt; tags, so that it won\'t transclude. Select this option for userboxes.'
			if ((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 2 /* User: */ || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 /* User talk: */) && mw.config.exists('wgRelevantUserName')) {
					type: 'checkbox',
					list: [
							label: 'Notify owner of userspace (if they are not the page creator)',
							value: 'notifyuserspace',
							name: 'notifyuserspace',
							tooltip: 'If the user in whose userspace this page is located is not the page creator (for example, the page is a rescued article stored as a userspace draft), notify the userspace owner as well.',
							checked: true
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
		case 'ffd':
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Discussion venues for files',
				name: 'work_area'
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

		case 'cfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Categories for discussion',
				name: 'work_area'
			var isCategory = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14;
				type: 'select',
				label: 'Choose type of action wanted:',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				event: function(e) {
					const value = e.target.value,
						cfdtarget = e.target.form.cfdtarget;
					let cfdtarget2 = e.target.form.cfdtarget2;

					// update enabled status
					cfdtarget.disabled = value === 'cfd' || value === 'sfd-t';

					if (isCategory) {
						// update label
						if (value === 'cfs') {
							Morebits.QuickForm.setElementLabel(cfdtarget, 'Target categories: ');
						} else if (value === 'cfc') {
							Morebits.QuickForm.setElementLabel(cfdtarget, 'Target article: ');
						} else {
							Morebits.QuickForm.setElementLabel(cfdtarget, 'Target category: ');
						// add/remove extra input box
						if (value === 'cfs') {
							if (cfdtarget2) {
								cfdtarget2.disabled = false;
							} else {
								cfdtarget2 = document.createElement('input');
								cfdtarget2.setAttribute('name', 'cfdtarget2');
								cfdtarget2.setAttribute('type', 'text');
								cfdtarget2.setAttribute('required', 'true');
						} else {
							$(cfdtarget2).prop('disabled', true);
					} else { // Update stub template label
						Morebits.QuickForm.setElementLabel(cfdtarget, 'Target stub template: ');
				list: isCategory ? [
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Deletion', value: 'cfd', selected: true },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Merge', value: 'cfm' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Renaming', value: 'cfr' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Split', value: 'cfs' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Convert into article', value: 'cfc' }
				] : [
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Stub Deletion', value: 'sfd-t', selected: true },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'Stub Renaming', value: 'sfr-t' }

				type: 'input',
				name: 'cfdtarget',
				label: 'Target category:', // default, changed above
				disabled: true,
				required: true, // only when enabled
				value: ''
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

		case 'cfds':
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Categories for speedy renaming',
				name: 'work_area'
				type: 'select',
				label: 'C2 sub-criterion:',
				name: 'xfdcat',
				tooltip: 'See WP:CFDS for full explanations.',
				list: [
					{ type: 'option', label: 'C2A: Typographic and spelling fixes', value: 'C2A', selected: true },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'C2B: Naming conventions and disambiguation', value: 'C2B' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'C2C: Consistency with names of similar categories', value: 'C2C' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'C2D: Rename to match article name', value: 'C2D' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'C2E: Author request', value: 'C2E' },
					{ type: 'option', label: 'C2F: One eponymous article', value: 'C2F' }

				type: 'input',
				name: 'cfdstarget',
				label: 'New name:',
				size: 70,
				value: '',
				required: true
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

		case 'rfd':
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Redirects for discussion',
				name: 'work_area'

				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Notify target page if possible',
						value: 'relatedpage',
						name: 'relatedpage',
						tooltip: "A notification template will be placed on the talk page of this redirect's target if this is true.",
						checked: true
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

		case 'rm': {
			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Requested moves',
				name: 'work_area'
				type: 'checkbox',
				list: [
						label: 'Uncontroversial technical request',
						value: 'rmtr',
						name: 'rmtr',
						tooltip: 'Use this option when you are unable to perform this uncontroversial move yourself because of a technical reason (e.g. a page already exists at the new title, or the page is protected)',
						checked: false,
						event: function() {
							$('input[name="newname"]', form).prop('required', this.checked);
							$('input[type="button"][value="more"]', form)[0].sublist.inputs[1].required = this.checked;
						subgroup: {
							type: 'checkbox',
							list: [
									label: 'Opt out of discussion if the request is contested',
									value: 'rmtr-discuss',
									name: 'rmtr-discuss',
									tooltip: 'Use this option if you prefer to withdraw the request if contested, rather than discuss it. This suppresses the "discuss" link, which may be used to convert your request to a discussion on the talk page.',
									checked: false
				type: 'dyninput',
				inputs: [
						label: 'From:',
						name: 'currentname',
						required: true
						label: 'To:',
						name: 'newname',
						tooltip: 'Required for technical requests. Otherwise, if unsure of the appropriate title, you may leave it blank.'
				min: 1

			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

			const currentNonTalkPage = mw.Title.newFromText(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getSubjectPage().toText();
			form.currentname.value = currentNonTalkPage;

			work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
				type: 'field',
				label: 'Nothing for anything',
				name: 'work_area'
			work_area = work_area.render();
			old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);

	// Return to checked state when switching, but no creator notification for CFDS or RM
	form.notifycreator.disabled = value === 'cfds' || value === 'rm';
	form.notifycreator.checked = !form.notifycreator.disabled;

Twinkle.xfd.callbacks = {
	// Requires having the tag text (params.tagText) set ahead of time
	autoEditRequest: function(pageobj, params) {
		const talkName = new mw.Title(pageobj.getPageName()).getTalkPage().toText();
		if (talkName === pageobj.getPageName()) {
			pageobj.getStatusElement().error('Page protected and nowhere to add an edit request, aborting');
		} else {
			pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('Page protected, requesting edit');

			const editRequest = '{{subst:Xfd edit protected|page=' + pageobj.getPageName() +
				'|discussion=' + params.discussionpage + (params.venue === 'rfd' ? '|rfd=yes' : '') +
				'|tag=<nowiki>' + params.tagText + '\u003C/nowiki>}}'; // U+003C: <

			const talk_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(talkName, 'Automatically posting edit request on talk page');
			talk_page.setNewSectionTitle('Edit request to complete ' + utils.toTLACase(params.venue) + ' nomination');
			talk_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the article is moved, we would want to follow the redirect
			talk_page.newSection(null, () => {
				talk_page.getStatusElement().warn('Unable to add edit request, the talk page may be protected');
	getDiscussionWikitext: function(venue, params) {
		if (venue === 'cfds') { // CfD/S takes a completely different style
			return '* [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] to [[:' + params.cfdstarget + ']]\u00A0\u2013 ' +
				params.xfdcat + (params.reason ? ': ' + Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) : '.') + ' ~~~~';
			// U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE; U+2013 EN RULE
		if (venue === 'rm') {
			if (params.rmtr) {
				const rmtrDiscuss = params['rmtr-discuss'] ? '|discuss=no' : '';
				return params.currentname
					.map((currentname, i) => `{{subst:RMassist|1=${currentname}|2=${params.newname[i]}${rmtrDiscuss}|reason=${params.reason}}}`)
			return `{{subst:Requested move${
					.map((currentname, i) => `|current${i + 1}=${currentname}|new${i + 1}=${params.newname[i]}`)

		let text = '{{subst:' + venue + '2';
		const reasonKey = venue === 'ffd' ? 'Reason' : 'text';
		// Add a reason unconditionally, so that at least a signature is added
		text += '|' + reasonKey + '=' + Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason, true);

		if (venue === 'afd' || venue === 'mfd') {
			text += '|pg=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
			if (venue === 'afd') {
				text += '|cat=' + params.xfdcat;
		} else if (venue === 'rfd') {
			text += '|redirect=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
		} else {
			text += '|1=' + mw.config.get('wgTitle');
			if (mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto') {
				text += '|module=Module:';

		if (params.rfdtarget) {
			text += '|target=' + params.rfdtarget + (params.section ? '#' + params.section : '');
		} else if (params.tfdtarget) {
			text += '|2=' + params.tfdtarget;
		} else if (params.cfdtarget) {
			text += '|2=' + params.cfdtarget;
			if (params.cfdtarget2) {
				text += '|3=' + params.cfdtarget2;
		} else if (params.uploader) {
			text += '|Uploader=' + params.uploader;

		text += '}}';

		if (venue === 'rfd' || venue === 'tfd' || venue === 'cfd') {
			text += '\n';

		// Don't delsort if delsortCats is undefined (TFD, FFD, etc.)
		// Don't delsort if delsortCats is an empty array (AFD where user chose no categories)
		if (Array.isArray(params.delsortCats) && params.delsortCats.length) {
			text += '\n{{subst:Deletion sorting/multi|' + params.delsortCats.join('|') + '|sig=~~~~}}';

		return text;
	showPreview: function(form, venue, params) {
		const templatetext = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(venue, params);
		if (venue === 'rm') { // RM templates are sensitive to page title
			form.previewer.beginRender(templatetext, params.rmtr ? 'Wikipedia:Requested moves/Technical requests' : new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getTalkPage().toText());
		} else {
			form.previewer.beginRender(templatetext, 'WP:TW'); // Force wikitext
	preview: function(form) {
		// venue, reason, xfdcat, tfdtarget, cfdtarget, cfdtarget2, cfdstarget, delsortCats, newname
		const params = Morebits.QuickForm.getInputData(form);

		const venue = params.venue;

		// Remove CfD or TfD namespace prefixes if given
		if (params.tfdtarget) {
			params.tfdtarget = utils.stripNs(params.tfdtarget);
		} else if (params.cfdtarget) {
			params.cfdtarget = utils.stripNs(params.cfdtarget);
			if (params.cfdtarget2) {
				params.cfdtarget2 = utils.stripNs(params.cfdtarget2);
		} else if (params.cfdstarget) { // Add namespace if not given (CFDS)
			params.cfdstarget = utils.addNs(params.cfdstarget, 14);

		if (venue === 'ffd') {
			// Fetch the uploader
			const page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
			page.lookupCreation(() => {
				params.uploader = page.getCreator();
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
		} else if (venue === 'rfd') { // Find the target
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTarget(params, (params) => {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
		} else if (venue === 'cfd') { // Swap in CfD subactions
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, params.xfdcat, params);
		} else {
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
	 * Unified handler for sending {{Xfd notice}} notifications
	 * Also handles userspace logging
	 * @param {Object} params
	 * @param {string} notifyTarget The user or page being notified
	 * @param {boolean} [noLog=false] Whether to skip logging to userspace
	 * XfD log, especially useful in cases in where multiple notifications
	 * may be sent out (MfD, TfM, RfD)
	 * @param {string} [actionName] Alternative description of the action
	 * being undertaken. Required if not notifying a user talk page.
	notifyUser: function(params, notifyTarget, noLog, actionName) {
		// Ensure items with User talk or no namespace prefix both end
		// up at user talkspace as expected, but retain the
		// prefix-less username for addToLog
		notifyTarget = mw.Title.newFromText(notifyTarget, 3);
		const targetNS = notifyTarget.getNamespaceId();
		const usernameOrTarget = notifyTarget.getRelativeText(3);
		notifyTarget = notifyTarget.toText();
		if (targetNS === 3) {
			// Disallow warning yourself
			if (usernameOrTarget === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
				Morebits.Status.warn('You (' + usernameOrTarget + ') created this page; skipping user notification');

				// if we thought we would notify someone but didn't,
				// then jump to logging.
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
			// Default is notifying the initial contributor, but MfD also
			// notifies userspace page owner
			actionName = actionName || 'Notifying initial contributor (' + usernameOrTarget + ')';

		let notifytext = '\n{{subst:' + params.venue + ' notice';
		// Venue-specific parameters
		switch (params.venue) {
			case 'afd':
			case 'mfd':
				notifytext += params.numbering !== '' ? '|order=&#32;' + params.numbering : '';
			case 'tfd':
				if (params.xfdcat === 'tfm') {
					notifytext = '\n{{subst:Tfm notice|2=' + params.tfdtarget;
			case 'cfd':
				notifytext += '|action=' + params.action + (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 10 ? '|stub=yes' : '');
			default: // ffd, rfd
		notifytext += '|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '}} ~~~~';

		// Link to the venue; object used here rather than repetitive items in switch
		const venueNames = {
			afd: 'Articles for deletion',
			tfd: 'Templates for discussion',
			mfd: 'Miscellany for deletion',
			cfd: 'Categories for discussion',
			ffd: 'Files for discussion',
			rfd: 'Redirects for discussion'
		const editSummary = 'Notification: [[' + params.discussionpage + '|listing]] of [[:' +
			Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']] at [[WP:' + venueNames[params.venue] + ']].';

		const usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.Page(notifyTarget, actionName);
		// Different pref for RfD target notifications
		if (params.venue === 'rfd' && targetNS !== 3) {
		} else {
		usertalkpage.setFollowRedirect(true, false);

		if (noLog) {
		} else {
			usertalkpage.append(() => {
				// Don't treat RfD target or MfD userspace owner as initialContrib in log
				if (!params.notifycreator) {
					notifyTarget = null;
				// add this nomination to the user's userspace log
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, usernameOrTarget);
			}, () => {
				// if user could not be notified, log nomination without mentioning that notification was sent
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
	addToLog: function(params, initialContrib) {
		if (!Twinkle.getPref('logXfdNominations') || Twinkle.getPref('noLogOnXfdNomination').includes(params.venue)) {

		const usl = new Morebits.UserspaceLogger(Twinkle.getPref('xfdLogPageName'));// , 'Adding entry to userspace log');

		usl.initialText =
			"This is a log of all [[WP:XFD|deletion discussion]] nominations made by this user using [[WP:TW|Twinkle]]'s XfD module.\n\n" +
			'If you no longer wish to keep this log, you can turn it off using the [[Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences|preferences panel]], and ' +
			'nominate this page for speedy deletion under [[WP:CSD#U1|CSD U1]].' +
			(Morebits.userIsSysop ? '\n\nThis log does not track XfD-related deletions made using Twinkle.' : '');

		let editsummary;
		if (params.discussionpage) {
			editsummary = 'Logging [[' + params.discussionpage + '|' + utils.toTLACase(params.venue) + ' nomination]] of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';
		} else {
			editsummary = 'Logging ' + utils.toTLACase(params.venue) + ' nomination of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';

		// If a logged file is deleted but exists on commons, the wikilink will be blue, so provide a link to the log
		const fileLogLink = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 ? ' ([{{fullurl:Special:Log|page=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '}} log])' : '';
		// CFD/S and RM don't have canonical links
		const nominatedLink = params.discussionpage ? '[[' + params.discussionpage + '|nominated]]' : 'nominated';

		let appendText = '# [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]:' + fileLogLink + ' ' + nominatedLink + ' at [[WP:' + params.venue.toUpperCase() + '|' + utils.toTLACase(params.venue) + ']]';

		switch (params.venue) {
			case 'tfd':
				if (params.xfdcat === 'tfm') {
					appendText += ' (merge)';
					if (params.tfdtarget) {
						const contentModel = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto' ? 'Module:' : 'Template:';
						appendText += '; Other ' + contentModel.toLowerCase() + ' [[';
						if (!new RegExp('^:?' + Morebits.namespaceRegex([10, 828]) + ':', 'i').test(params.tfdtarget)) {
							appendText += contentModel;
						appendText += params.tfdtarget + ']]';
			case 'mfd':
				if (params.notifyuserspace && params.userspaceOwner && params.userspaceOwner !== initialContrib) {
					appendText += '; notified {{user|1=' + params.userspaceOwner + '}}';
			case 'cfd':
				appendText += ' (' + utils.toTLACase(params.xfdcat) + ')';
				if (params.cfdtarget) {
					const categoryOrTemplate = params.xfdcat.charAt(0) === 's' ? 'Template:' : ':Category:';
					appendText += '; ' + params.action + ' to [[' + categoryOrTemplate + params.cfdtarget + ']]';
					if (params.xfdcat === 'cfs' && params.cfdtarget2) {
						appendText += ', [[' + categoryOrTemplate + params.cfdtarget2 + ']]';
			case 'cfds':
				appendText += ' (' + utils.toTLACase(params.xfdcat) + ')';
				// Ensure there's more than just 'Category:'
				if (params.cfdstarget && params.cfdstarget.length > 9) {
					appendText += '; New name: [[:' + params.cfdstarget + ']]';
			case 'rfd':
				if (params.rfdtarget) {
					appendText += '; Target: [[:' + params.rfdtarget + ']]';
					if (params.relatedpage) {
						appendText += ' (notified)';
			case 'rm':
				appendText = params.currentname
					.map((currentname, i) => `# [[:${currentname}]]: ${nominatedLink} at [[WP:RM${params.rmtr ? '/TR' : ''}|]]${params.newname[i] ? `; New name: [[:${params.newname[i]}]]` : ''}`)

			default: // afd or ffd

		if (initialContrib && params.notifycreator) {
			appendText += '; notified {{user|1=' + initialContrib + '}}';
		appendText += ' ~~~~~';
		if (params.reason) {
			appendText += "\n#* '''Reason''': " + Morebits.string.formatReasonForLog(params.reason);

		usl.changeTags = Twinkle.changeTags;
		usl.log(appendText, editsummary);

	afd: {
		main: function(apiobj) {
			const response = apiobj.getResponse();
			const titles = response.query.allpages;

			// There has been no earlier entries with this prefix, just go on.
			if (titles.length <= 0) {
				apiobj.params.numbering = apiobj.params.number = '';
			} else {
				let number = 0;
				for (let i = 0; i < titles.length; ++i) {
					const title = titles[i].title;

					// First, simple test, is there an instance with this exact name?
					if (title === 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm) {
						number = Math.max(number, 1);

					const order_re = new RegExp('^' +
						Morebits.string.escapeRegExp('Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm) +
						'\\s*\\(\\s*(\\d+)(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\\s*\\)\\s*$');
					const match = order_re.exec(title);

					// No match; A non-good value
					// Or the match is an unrealistically high number. Avoid false positives such as Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/The Basement (2014), by ignoring matches greater than 100
					if (!match || match[1] > 100) {

					// A match, set number to the max of current
					number = Math.max(number, Number(match[1]));
				apiobj.params.number = utils.num2order(parseInt(number, 10) + 1);
				apiobj.params.numbering = number > 0 ? ' (' + apiobj.params.number + ' nomination)' : '';
			apiobj.params.discussionpage = 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + apiobj.params.numbering;

			Morebits.Status.info('Next discussion page', '[[' + apiobj.params.discussionpage + ']]');

			// Updating data for the action completed event
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = apiobj.params.discussionpage;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Tagging article
			const wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to article');
			wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the article is moved, we would want to follow the redirect
			wikipedia_page.setChangeTags(Twinkle.changeTags); // Here to apply to triage
		// Tagging needs to happen before everything else: this means we can check if there is an AfD tag already on the page
		taggingArticle: function(pageobj) {
			let text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				statelem.error("It seems that the page doesn't exist; perhaps it has already been deleted");

			// Check for existing AfD tag, for the benefit of new page patrollers
			const textNoAfd = text.replace(/<!--.*AfD.*\n\{\{(?:Article for deletion\/dated|AfDM).*\}\}\n<!--.*(?:\n<!--.*)?AfD.*(?:\s*\n)?/g, '');
			if (text !== textNoAfd) {
				if (confirm('An AfD tag was found on this article. Maybe someone beat you to it.  \nClick OK to replace the current AfD tag (not recommended), or Cancel to abandon your nomination.')) {
					text = textNoAfd;
				} else {
					statelem.error('Article already tagged with AfD tag, and you chose to abort');

			// Now we know we want to go ahead with it, trigger the other AJAX requests

			// Mark the page as curated/patrolled, if wanted
			if (Twinkle.getPref('markXfdPagesAsPatrolled')) {
				new Morebits.wiki.Page(Morebits.pageNameNorm).triage();

			// Start discussion page, will also handle pagetriage and delsort listings
			let wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(params.discussionpage, 'Creating article deletion discussion page');

			// Today's list
			const date = new Morebits.Date(pageobj.getLoadTime());
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page('Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/' +
				date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc'), "Adding discussion to today's list");
			// Notification to first contributor
			if (params.notifycreator) {
				const thispage = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
				thispage.setLookupNonRedirectCreator(true); // Look for author of first non-redirect revision
				thispage.lookupCreation((pageobj) => {
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(pageobj.getCallbackParameters(), pageobj.getCreator());
			// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);

			params.tagText = (params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>{{' : '{{') + (params.number === '' ? 'subst:afd|help=off' : 'subst:afdx|' +
					params.number + '|help=off') + (params.noinclude ? '}}</noinclude>\n' : '}}\n');

			if (pageobj.canEdit()) {
			// Remove some tags that should always be removed on AfD.
				text = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(dated prod|dated prod blp|Prod blp\/dated|Proposed deletion\/dated|prod2|Proposed deletion endorsed|Userspace draft)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, '');
				// Then, test if there are speedy deletion-related templates on the article.
				const textNoSd = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(db(-\w*)?|delete|(?:hang|hold)[- ]?on)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, '');
				if (text !== textNoSd && confirm('A speedy deletion tag was found on this page. Should it be removed?')) {
					text = textNoSd;

				// Insert tag after short description or any hatnotes
				const wikipage = new Morebits.wikitext.Page(text);
				text = wikipage.insertAfterTemplates(params.tagText, Twinkle.hatnoteRegex).getText();

				pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);
		discussionPage: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			pageobj.setPageText(Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('afd', params));
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Creating deletion discussion page for [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki

				// Actions that should wait on the discussion page actually being created
				// and whose errors shouldn't output the user rationale
				// List at deletion sorting pages
				if (params.delsortCats) {
					params.delsortCats.forEach((cat) => {
						const delsortPage = new Morebits.wiki.Page('Wikipedia:WikiProject Deletion sorting/' + cat, 'Adding to list of ' + cat + '-related deletion discussions');
						delsortPage.setFollowRedirect(true); // In case a category gets renamed
						delsortPage.setCallbackParameters({discussionPage: params.discussionpage});
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			const added_data = '{{subst:afd3|pg=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + params.numbering + '}}\n';
			let text;

			// add date header if the log is found to be empty (a bot should do this automatically)
			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				text = '{{subst:AfD log}}\n' + added_data;
			} else {
				const old_text = pageobj.getPageText() + '\n'; // MW strips trailing blanks, but we like them, so we add a fake one

				text = old_text.replace(/(<!-- Add new entries to the TOP of the following list -->\n+)/, '$1' + added_data);
				if (text === old_text) {
					const linknode = document.createElement('a');
					linknode.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl('Wikipedia:Twinkle/Fixing AFD') + '?action=purge');
					linknode.appendChild(document.createTextNode('How to fix AFD'));
					statelem.error([ 'Could not find the target spot for the discussion. To fix this problem, please see ', linknode, '.' ]);

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
		delsortListing: function(pageobj) {
			const discussionPage = pageobj.getCallbackParameters().discussionPage;
			const text = pageobj.getPageText().replace('directly below this line -->', 'directly below this line -->\n{{' + discussionPage + '}}');
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Listing [[:' + discussionPage + ']].');

	tfd: {
		main: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			const date = new Morebits.Date(pageobj.getLoadTime());
			params.logpage = 'Wikipedia:Templates for discussion/Log/' + date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
			// Add log/discussion page params to the already-loaded page object

			// Defined here rather than below to reduce duplication
			let watchModule, watch_query;
			if (params.scribunto) {
				const watchPref = Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage');
				// action=watch has no way to rely on user
				// preferences (T262912), so we do it manually.
				// The watchdefault pref appears to reliably return '1' (string),
				// but that's not consistent among prefs so might as well be "correct"
				watchModule = watchPref !== 'no' && (watchPref !== 'default' || !!parseInt(mw.user.options.get('watchdefault'), 10));
				if (watchModule) {
					watch_query = {
						action: 'watch',
						titles: [ mw.config.get('wgPageName') ],
						token: mw.user.tokens.get('watchToken')
					// Only add the expiry if page is unwatched or already temporarily watched
					if (pageobj.getWatched() !== true && watchPref !== 'default' && watchPref !== 'yes') {
						watch_query.expiry = watchPref;

			// Tagging template(s)/module(s)
			if (params.xfdcat === 'tfm') { // Merge
				let wikipedia_otherpage;
				if (params.scribunto) {
					wikipedia_otherpage = new Morebits.wiki.Page(params.otherTemplateName + '/doc', 'Tagging other module documentation with merge tag');

					// Watch tagged module pages as well
					if (watchModule) {
						new Morebits.wiki.Api('Adding Modules to watchlist', watch_query).post();
				} else {
					wikipedia_otherpage = new Morebits.wiki.Page(params.otherTemplateName, 'Tagging other template with merge tag');
				// Tag this template/module

				// Tag other template/module
				const otherParams = $.extend({}, params);
				otherParams.otherTemplateName = Morebits.pageNameNorm;
			} else { // delete
				if (params.scribunto && Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage') !== 'no') {
					// Watch tagged module page as well
					if (watchModule) {
						new Morebits.wiki.Api('Adding Module to watchlist', watch_query).post();

			// Updating data for the action completed event
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = params.logpage;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";

			// Adding discussion
			const wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(params.logpage, "Adding discussion to today's log");

			// Notification to first contributors
			if (params.notifycreator) {
				const involvedpages = [];
				const seenusers = [];
				involvedpages.push(new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName')));
				if (params.xfdcat === 'tfm') {
					if (params.scribunto) {
						involvedpages.push(new Morebits.wiki.Page('Module:' + params.tfdtarget));
					} else {
						involvedpages.push(new Morebits.wiki.Page('Template:' + params.tfdtarget));
				involvedpages.forEach((page) => {
					page.lookupCreation((innerpage) => {
						const username = innerpage.getCreator();
						if (!seenusers.includes(username)) {
							// Only log once on merge nominations, for the initial template
							Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(innerpage.getCallbackParameters(), username,
								params.xfdcat === 'tfm' && innerpage.getPageName() !== Morebits.pageNameNorm);
			// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);

			// Notify developer(s) of script(s) that use(s) the nominated template
			if (params.devpages) {
				const inCategories = mw.config.get('wgCategories');
				const categoryNotificationPageMap = {
					'Templates used by Twinkle': 'Wikipedia talk:Twinkle',
					'Templates used by AutoWikiBrowser': 'Wikipedia talk:AutoWikiBrowser',
					'Templates used by Ultraviolet': 'Wikipedia talk:Ultraviolet'
				$.each(categoryNotificationPageMap, (category, page) => {
					if (inCategories.includes(category)) {
						Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(params, page, true, 'Notifying ' + page + ' of template nomination');

		taggingTemplate: function(pageobj) {
			const text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			params.tagText = '{{subst:template for discussion|help=off' + (params.templatetype !== 'standard' ? '|type=' + params.templatetype : '') + '}}';

			if (pageobj.getContentModel() === 'sanitized-css') {
				params.tagText = '/* ' + params.tagText + ' */';
			} else {
				if (params.noinclude) {
					params.tagText = '<noinclude>' + params.tagText + '</noinclude>';
				params.tagText += params.templatetype === 'standard' || params.templatetype === 'sidebar' || params.templatetype === 'disabled' ? '\n' : ''; // No newline for inline

			if (pageobj.canEdit() && ['wikitext', 'sanitized-css'].includes(pageobj.getContentModel())) {
				pageobj.setPageText(params.tagText + text);
				pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
				if (params.scribunto) {
					pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // Module /doc might not exist
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);
		taggingTemplateForMerge: function(pageobj) {
			const text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			params.tagText = '{{subst:tfm|help=off|' + (params.templatetype !== 'standard' ? 'type=' + params.templatetype + '|' : '') +
				'1=' + params.otherTemplateName.replace(new RegExp('^' + Morebits.namespaceRegex([10, 828]) + ':'), '') + '}}';

			if (pageobj.getContentModel() === 'sanitized-css') {
				params.tagText = '/* ' + params.tagText + ' */';
			} else {
				if (params.noinclude) {
					params.tagText = '<noinclude>' + params.tagText + '</noinclude>';
				params.tagText += params.templatetype === 'standard' || params.templatetype === 'sidebar' || params.templatetype === 'disabled' ? '\n' : ''; // No newline for inline

			if (pageobj.canEdit() && ['wikitext', 'sanitized-css'].includes(pageobj.getContentModel())) {
				pageobj.setPageText(params.tagText + text);
				pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for merging with [[:' + params.otherTemplateName + ']]; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
				if (params.scribunto) {
					pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // Module /doc might not exist
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			const added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(params.xfdcat, params);
			let text;

			// add date header if the log is found to be empty (a bot should do this automatically)
			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				text = '{{subst:TfD log}}\n' + added_data;
			} else {
				const old_text = pageobj.getPageText();

				text = old_text.replace('-->', '-->\n' + added_data);
				if (text === old_text) {
					statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('/* ' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ' */ Adding ' + (params.xfdcat === 'tfd' ? 'deletion nomination' : 'merge listing') + ' of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki

	mfd: {
		main: function(apiobj) {
			const response = apiobj.getResponse();
			const titles = response.query.allpages;

			// There has been no earlier entries with this prefix, just go on.
			if (titles.length <= 0) {
				apiobj.params.numbering = apiobj.params.number = '';
			} else {
				let number = 0;
				for (let i = 0; i < titles.length; ++i) {
					const title = titles[i].title;

					// First, simple test, is there an instance with this exact name?
					if (title === 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm) {
						number = Math.max(number, 1);

					const order_re = new RegExp('^' +
							Morebits.string.escapeRegExp('Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm) +
							'\\s*\\(\\s*(\\d+)(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\\s*\\)\\s*$');
					const match = order_re.exec(title);

					// No match; A non-good value
					if (!match) {

					// A match, set number to the max of current
					number = Math.max(number, Number(match[1]));
				apiobj.params.number = utils.num2order(parseInt(number, 10) + 1);
				apiobj.params.numbering = number > 0 ? ' (' + apiobj.params.number + ' nomination)' : '';
			apiobj.params.discussionpage = 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + apiobj.params.numbering;

			apiobj.statelem.info('next in order is [[' + apiobj.params.discussionpage + ']]');

			let wikipedia_page;

			// Tagging page
			if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== 710) { // cannot tag TimedText pages
				wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging page with deletion tag');
				wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect

			// Updating data for the action completed event
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = apiobj.params.discussionpage;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Discussion page
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(apiobj.params.discussionpage, 'Creating deletion discussion page');

			// Today's list
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page('Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion', "Adding discussion to today's list");

			// Notification to first contributor and/or notification to owner of userspace
			if (apiobj.params.notifycreator || apiobj.params.notifyuserspace) {
				const thispage = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
			// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(apiobj.params, null);
		taggingPage: function(pageobj) {
			const text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			params.tagText = '{{' + (params.number === '' ? 'mfd' : 'mfdx|' + params.number) + '|help=off}}';

			if (['javascript', 'css', 'sanitized-css'].includes(mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel'))) {
				params.tagText = '/* ' + params.tagText + ' */\n';
			} else {
				params.tagText += '\n';
				if (params.noinclude) {
					params.tagText = '<noinclude>' + params.tagText + '</noinclude>';

			if (pageobj.canEdit() && ['wikitext', 'javascript', 'css', 'sanitized-css'].includes(pageobj.getContentModel())) {
				pageobj.setPageText(params.tagText + text);
				pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);
		discussionPage: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			pageobj.setPageText(Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('mfd', params));
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Creating deletion discussion page for [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			let text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			const date = new Morebits.Date(pageobj.getLoadTime());
			const date_header = date.format('===MMMM D, YYYY===\n', 'utc');
			const date_header_regex = new RegExp(date.format('(===[\\s]*MMMM[\\s]+D,[\\s]+YYYY[\\s]*===)', 'utc'));
			const added_data = '{{subst:mfd3|pg=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + params.numbering + '}}';

			if (date_header_regex.test(text)) { // we have a section already
				statelem.info('Found today\'s section, proceeding to add new entry');
				text = text.replace(date_header_regex, '$1\n' + added_data);
			} else { // we need to create a new section
				statelem.info('No section for today found, proceeding to create one');
				text = text.replace('===', date_header + added_data + '\n\n===');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
		sendNotifications: function(pageobj) {
			const initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// Notify the creator
			if (params.notifycreator) {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(params, initialContrib);

			// Notify the user who owns the subpage if they are not the creator
			params.userspaceOwner = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
			if (params.notifyuserspace) {
				if (params.userspaceOwner !== initialContrib) {
					// Don't log if notifying creator above, will log then
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(params, params.userspaceOwner, params.notifycreator, 'Notifying owner of userspace (' + params.userspaceOwner + ')');
				} else if (!params.notifycreator) {
					// If we thought we would notify the owner but didn't,
					// then we need to log if we didn't notify the creator
					// Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, initialContrib);

	ffd: {
		taggingImage: function(pageobj) {
			let text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			const date = new Morebits.Date(pageobj.getLoadTime()).format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
			params.logpage = 'Wikipedia:Files for discussion/' + date;
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;

			params.tagText = '{{ffd|log=' + date + '|help=off}}\n';
			if (pageobj.canEdit()) {
				text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');

				pageobj.setPageText(params.tagText + text);
				pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for discussion at [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
				pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // it might be possible for a file to exist without a description page
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);

			// Updating data for the action completed event
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = params.logpage;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Contributor specific edits
			const wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
		main: function(pageobj) {
			// this is coming in from lookupCreation...!
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			params.uploader = initialContrib;

			// Adding discussion
			const wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(params.logpage, "Adding discussion to today's list");

			// Notification to first contributor
			if (params.notifycreator) {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(params, initialContrib);
			// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			let text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			// add date header if the log is found to be empty (a bot should do this automatically)
			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				text = '{{subst:FfD log}}';

			pageobj.setPageText(text + '\n\n' + Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('ffd', params));
			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki

	cfd: {
		main: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			const date = new Morebits.Date(pageobj.getLoadTime());
			params.logpage = 'Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/' + date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;
			// Add log/discussion page params to the already-loaded page object

			// Tagging category

			// Updating data for the action completed event
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = params.logpage;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";

			// Adding discussion to list
			let wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(params.logpage, "Adding discussion to today's list");

			// Notification to first contributor
			if (params.notifycreator) {
				wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
				wikipedia_page.lookupCreation((pageobj) => {
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(pageobj.getCallbackParameters(), pageobj.getCreator());
			// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
		taggingCategory: function(pageobj) {
			const text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();

			params.tagText = '{{subst:' + params.xfdcat;
			let editsummary = (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14 ? 'Category' : 'Stub template') +
				' being considered for ' + params.action;
			switch (params.xfdcat) {
				case 'cfd':
				case 'sfd-t':
				case 'cfc':
					editsummary += ' to an article';
					// falls through
				case 'cfm':
				case 'cfr':
				case 'sfr-t':
					params.tagText += '|' + params.cfdtarget;
				case 'cfs':
					params.tagText += '|' + params.cfdtarget + '|' + params.cfdtarget2;
					alert('twinklexfd in taggingCategory(): unknown CFD action');
			params.tagText += '}}\n';
			editsummary += '; see [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].';

			if (pageobj.canEdit()) {
				pageobj.setPageText(params.tagText + text);
				pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // since categories can be populated without an actual page at that title
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			const added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(params.xfdcat, params);
			let text;

			// add date header if the log is found to be empty (a bot should do this automatically)
			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				text = '{{subst:CfD log}}\n' + added_data;
			} else {
				const old_text = pageobj.getPageText();

				text = old_text.replace('below this line -->', 'below this line -->\n' + added_data);
				if (text === old_text) {
					statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding ' + params.action + ' nomination of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki

	cfds: {
		taggingCategory: function(pageobj) {
			const text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			if (params.xfdcat === 'C2F') {
				params.tagText = '{{subst:cfm-speedy|1=' + params.cfdstarget.replace(/^:?Category:/, '') + '}}\n';
			} else {
				params.tagText = '{{subst:cfr-speedy|1=' + params.cfdstarget.replace(/^:?Category:/, '') + '}}\n';
			params.discussionpage = ''; // CFDS is just a bullet in a bulleted list. There's no section to link to, so we set this to blank. Blank will be recognized by both the generate userspace log code and the generate userspace log edit summary code as "don't wikilink to a section".
			if (pageobj.canEdit()) {
				pageobj.setPageText(params.tagText + text);
				pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for speedy renaming; see [[WP:CFDS|Categories for discussion/Speedy]].');
				pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // since categories can be populated without an actual page at that title
				pageobj.save(() => {
					// No user notification for CfDS, so just add this nomination to the user's userspace log
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);
				// No user notification for CfDS, so just add this nomination to the user's userspace log
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
		addToList: function(pageobj) {
			const old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			const text = old_text.replace('BELOW THIS LINE -->', 'BELOW THIS LINE -->\n' + Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('cfds', params));
			if (text === old_text) {
				statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki

	rfd: {
		// This gets called both on submit and preview to determine the redirect target
		findTarget: function(params, callback) {
			// Used by regular redirects to find the target, but for all redirects,
			// avoid relying on the client clock to build the log page
			const query = {
				action: 'query',
				curtimestamp: true,
				format: 'json'
			if (document.getElementById('softredirect')) {
				// For soft redirects, define the target early
				// to skip target checks in findTargetCallback
				params.rfdtarget = document.getElementById('softredirect').textContent.replace(/^:+/, '');
			} else {
				// Find current target of redirect
				query.titles = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
				query.redirects = true;
			const wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.Api('Finding target of redirect', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTargetCallback(callback));
			wikipedia_api.params = params;
		// This is a closure for the callback from the above API request, which gets the target of the redirect
		findTargetCallback: function(callback) {
			return function(apiobj) {
				const response = apiobj.getResponse();
				apiobj.params.curtimestamp = response.curtimestamp;

				if (!apiobj.params.rfdtarget) { // Not a softredirect
					const target = response.query.redirects && response.query.redirects[0].to;
					if (!target) {
						let message = 'No target found. this page does not appear to be a redirect, aborting';
						if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'history') {
							message += '. If this is a soft redirect, try again from the content page, not the page history.';
					apiobj.params.rfdtarget = target;
					const section = response.query.redirects[0].tofragment;
					apiobj.params.section = section;
		main: function(params) {
			const date = new Morebits.Date(params.curtimestamp);
			params.logpage = 'Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/' + date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
			params.discussionpage = params.logpage + '#' + Morebits.pageNameNorm;

			// Tagging redirect
			let wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to redirect');

			// Updating data for the action completed event
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = params.logpage;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";

			// Adding discussion
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(params.logpage, "Adding discussion to today's log");

			// Notifications
			if (params.notifycreator || params.relatedpage) {
				const thispage = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
			// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
		taggingRedirect: function(pageobj) {
			const text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			// Imperfect for edit request but so be it
			params.tagText = '{{subst:rfd|' + (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 10 ? 'showontransclusion=1|' : '') + 'content=\n';

			if (pageobj.canEdit()) {
				pageobj.setPageText(params.tagText + text + '\n}}');
				pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for discussion at [[:' + params.discussionpage + ']].');
			} else {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.autoEditRequest(pageobj, params);
		todaysList: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			const added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('rfd', params);
			let text;

			// add date header if the log is found to be empty (a bot should do this automatically)
			if (!pageobj.exists()) {
				text = '{{subst:RfD log}}' + added_data;
			} else {
				const old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
				text = old_text.replace(/(<!-- Add new entries directly below this line\.? -->)/, '$1\n' + added_data);
				if (text === old_text) {
					statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');

			pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
		sendNotifications: function(pageobj) {
			const initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			// Notifying initial contributor
			if (params.notifycreator) {
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(params, initialContrib);

			// Notifying target page's watchers, if not a soft redirect
			if (params.relatedpage) {
				const targetTalk = new mw.Title(params.rfdtarget).getTalkPage();

				// On the offchance it's a circular redirect
				if (params.rfdtarget === mw.config.get('wgPageName')) {
					statelem.warn('Circular redirect; skipping target page notification');
				} else if (document.getElementById('softredirect')) {
					statelem.warn('Soft redirect; skipping target page notification');
				// Don't issue if target talk is the initial contributor's talk or your own
				} else if (targetTalk.getNamespaceId() === 3 && targetTalk.getNameText() === initialContrib) {
					statelem.warn('Target is initial contributor; skipping target page notification');
				} else if (targetTalk.getNamespaceId() === 3 && targetTalk.getNameText() === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
					statelem.warn('You (' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + ') are the target; skipping target page notification');
				} else {
					// Don't log if notifying creator above, will log then
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.notifyUser(params, targetTalk.toText(), params.notifycreator, 'Notifying redirect target of the discussion');
				// If we thought we would notify the target but didn't,
				// we need to log if we didn't notify the creator
				if (!params.notifycreator) {
					Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);

	rm: {
		listAtTalk: function(pageobj) {
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			params.discussionpage = pageobj.getPageName();

			pageobj.setAppendText('\n\n' + Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('rm', params));
			pageobj.setEditSummary(`Proposing move of ${
					.map((currentname, i) => `[[:${currentname}]]${params.newname[i] ? ` to [[:${params.newname[i]}]]` : ''}`)
					.join(', ')
			pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // since the talk page need not exist
			pageobj.append(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
				// add this nomination to the user's userspace log
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);

		listAtRMTR: function(pageobj) {
			const text = pageobj.getPageText();
			const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
			const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();

			const discussionWikitext = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('rm', params);
			const newtext = Twinkle.xfd.insertRMTR(text, discussionWikitext);
			if (text === newtext) {
				statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the entry');
			pageobj.setEditSummary(`Adding [[:${params.currentname.join(']], [[:')}]].`);
			pageobj.save(() => {
				Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
				// add this nomination to the user's userspace log
				Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);

 * Given the wikitext of the WP:RM/TR page and the wikitext to insert, insert it at the bottom of the ==== Uncontroversial technical requests ==== section.
 * @param {string} pageWikitext
 * @param {string} wikitextToInsert Will typically be `{{subst:RMassist|1=From|2=To|reason=Reason}}`, which expands out to `* {{RMassist/core | 1 = From | 2 = To | discuss = yes | reason = Reason | sig = Signature | requester = YourUserName}}`
 * @return {string} pageWikitext
Twinkle.xfd.insertRMTR = function(pageWikitext, wikitextToInsert) {
	const placementRE = /\n{1,}(==== ?Requests to revert undiscussed moves ?====)/i;
	return pageWikitext.replace(placementRE, '\n' + wikitextToInsert + '\n\n$1');

Twinkle.xfd.callback.evaluate = function(e) {
	const form = e.target;

	const params = Morebits.QuickForm.getInputData(form);


	Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = params.reason;

	let query, wikipedia_page, wikipedia_api;
	switch (params.venue) {

		case 'afd': // AFD
			query = {
				action: 'query',
				list: 'allpages',
				apprefix: 'Articles for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm,
				apnamespace: 4,
				apfilterredir: 'nonredirects',
				aplimit: 'max', // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
				format: 'json'
			wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.Api('Tagging article with deletion tag', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.afd.main);
			wikipedia_api.params = params;

		case 'tfd': // TFD
			if (params.tfdtarget) { // remove namespace name
				params.tfdtarget = utils.stripNs(params.tfdtarget);

			// Modules can't be tagged, TfD instructions are to place on /doc subpage
			params.scribunto = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto';
			if (params.xfdcat === 'tfm') { // Merge
				// Tag this template/module
				if (params.scribunto) {
					wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '/doc', 'Tagging this module documentation with merge tag');
					params.otherTemplateName = 'Module:' + params.tfdtarget;
				} else {
					wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging this template with merge tag');
					params.otherTemplateName = 'Template:' + params.tfdtarget;
			} else { // delete
				if (params.scribunto) {
					wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '/doc', 'Tagging module documentation with deletion tag');
				} else {
					wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging template with deletion tag');
			wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect

		case 'mfd': // MFD
			query = {
				action: 'query',
				list: 'allpages',
				apprefix: 'Miscellany for deletion/' + Morebits.pageNameNorm,
				apnamespace: 4,
				apfilterredir: 'nonredirects',
				aplimit: 'max', // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
				format: 'json'
			wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.Api('Looking for prior nominations of this page', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.mfd.main);
			wikipedia_api.params = params;

		case 'ffd': // FFD
			// Tagging file
			// A little out of order with this coming before 'main',
			// but tagging doesn't need the uploader parameter,
			// while everything else does, so tag then get the uploader
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to file page');

		case 'cfd':
			if (params.cfdtarget) {
				params.cfdtarget = utils.stripNs(params.cfdtarget);
			} else {
				params.cfdtarget = ''; // delete
			if (params.cfdtarget2) { // split
				params.cfdtarget2 = utils.stripNs(params.cfdtarget2);

			// Used for customized actions in edit summaries and the notification template
			var summaryActions = {
				cfd: 'deletion',
				'sfd-t': 'deletion',
				cfm: 'merging',
				cfr: 'renaming',
				'sfr-t': 'renaming',
				cfs: 'splitting',
				cfc: 'conversion'
			params.action = summaryActions[params.xfdcat];

			// Tagging category
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging category with ' + params.action + ' tag');
			wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect

		case 'cfds':
			// add namespace name if missing
			params.cfdstarget = utils.addNs(params.cfdstarget, 14);

			var logpage = 'Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Speedy';

			// Updating data for the action completed event
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = logpage;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			// Tagging category
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging category with rename tag');

			// Adding discussion to list
			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(logpage, 'Adding discussion to the list');


		case 'rfd':
			// find target and pass main as the callback
			Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTarget(params, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.main);

		case 'rm':
			var nomPageName = params.rmtr ?
				'Wikipedia:Requested moves/Technical requests' :
				new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getTalkPage().toText();

			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = nomPageName;
			Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';

			wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(nomPageName, params.rmtr ? 'Adding entry at WP:RM/TR' : 'Adding entry on talk page');

			if (params.rmtr) {
			} else {
				// listAtTalk uses .append(), so no need to load the page

			alert('twinklexfd: unknown XFD discussion venue');

Twinkle.addInitCallback(Twinkle.xfd, 'xfd');

// </nowiki>