مستخدم:Mohammed Qays/لمح البصر/MediaWiki:Gadget-twinklewarn.js
![]() | يمكن توفير توثيق لسكربت المستخدم هذا في الصفحة : مستخدم:Mohammed Qays/لمح البصر/MediaWiki:Gadget-twinklewarn. |
ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك محو الاختزان لرؤية التغييرات ( ).
// <nowiki>
(function() {
*** twinklewarn.js: Warn module
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("Warn")
* Active on: Any page with relevant user name (userspace, contribs,
* etc.) (not IP ranges), as well as the rollback success page
Twinkle.warn = function twinklewarn() {
// Users and IPs but not IP ranges
if (mw.config.exists('wgRelevantUserName') && !Morebits.ip.isRange(mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'))) {
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.warn.callback, 'Warn', 'tw-warn', 'Warn/notify user');
if (Twinkle.getPref('autoMenuAfterRollback') &&
mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 &&
Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticle') &&
!Twinkle.getPrefill('twinklewelcome') &&
!Twinkle.getPrefill('noautowarn')) {
// Modify URL of talk page on rollback success pages, makes use of a
// custom message box in [[MediaWiki:Rollback-success]]
if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'rollback') {
const $vandalTalkLink = $('#mw-rollback-success').find('.mw-usertoollinks a').first();
if ($vandalTalkLink.length) {
$vandalTalkLink.css('font-weight', 'bold');
$vandalTalkLink.wrapInner($('<span>').attr('title', 'If appropriate, you can use Twinkle to warn the user about their edits to this page.'));
// Can't provide vanarticlerevid as only wgCurRevisionId is provided
const extraParam = 'vanarticle=' + mw.util.rawurlencode(Morebits.pageNameNorm);
const href = $vandalTalkLink.attr('href');
if (!href.includes('?')) {
$vandalTalkLink.attr('href', href + '?' + extraParam);
} else {
$vandalTalkLink.attr('href', href + '&' + extraParam);
// Used to close window when switching to ARV in autolevel
Twinkle.warn.dialog = null;
Twinkle.warn.callback = function twinklewarnCallback() {
if (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') === mw.config.get('wgUserName') &&
!confirm('You are about to warn yourself! Are you sure you want to proceed?')) {
Twinkle.warn.dialog = new Morebits.SimpleWindow(600, 440);
const dialog = Twinkle.warn.dialog;
dialog.setTitle('Warn/notify user');
dialog.addFooterLink('Choosing a warning level', 'WP:UWUL#Levels');
dialog.addFooterLink('Warn prefs', 'WP:TW/PREF#warn');
dialog.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#warn');
dialog.addFooterLink('Give feedback', 'WT:TW');
const form = new Morebits.QuickForm(Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate);
const main_select = form.append({
type: 'field',
label: 'Choose type of warning/notice to issue',
tooltip: 'First choose a main warning group, then the specific warning to issue.'
const main_group = main_select.append({
type: 'select',
name: 'main_group',
tooltip: 'You can customize the default selection in your Twinkle preferences',
event: Twinkle.warn.callback.change_category
const defaultGroup = parseInt(Twinkle.getPref('defaultWarningGroup'), 10);
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Auto-select level (1-4)', value: 'autolevel', selected: defaultGroup === 11 });
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '1: General note', value: 'level1', selected: defaultGroup === 1 });
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '2: Caution', value: 'level2', selected: defaultGroup === 2 });
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '3: Warning', value: 'level3', selected: defaultGroup === 3 });
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '4: Final warning', value: 'level4', selected: defaultGroup === 4 });
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '4im: Only warning', value: 'level4im', selected: defaultGroup === 5 });
if (Twinkle.getPref('combinedSingletMenus')) {
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Single-issue messages', value: 'singlecombined', selected: defaultGroup === 6 || defaultGroup === 7 });
} else {
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Single-issue notices', value: 'singlenotice', selected: defaultGroup === 6 });
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Single-issue warnings', value: 'singlewarn', selected: defaultGroup === 7 });
if (Twinkle.getPref('customWarningList').length) {
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Custom warnings', value: 'custom', selected: defaultGroup === 9 });
main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'All warning templates', value: 'kitchensink', selected: defaultGroup === 10 });
main_select.append({ type: 'select', name: 'sub_group', event: Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory }); // Will be empty to begin with.
type: 'input',
name: 'article',
label: 'Linked page',
value: Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticle') || '',
tooltip: 'A page can be linked within the notice, perhaps because it was a revert to said page that dispatched this notice. Leave empty for no page to be linked.'
type: 'div',
label: '',
style: 'color: red',
id: 'twinkle-warn-warning-messages'
const more = form.append({ type: 'field', name: 'reasonGroup', label: 'Warning information' });
more.append({ type: 'textarea', label: 'Optional message:', name: 'reason', tooltip: 'Perhaps a reason, or that a more detailed notice must be appended' });
const previewlink = document.createElement('a');
$(previewlink).on('click', () => {
Twinkle.warn.callbacks.preview(result); // |result| is defined below
previewlink.style.cursor = 'pointer';
previewlink.textContent = 'Preview';
more.append({ type: 'div', id: 'warningpreview', label: [ previewlink ] });
more.append({ type: 'div', id: 'twinklewarn-previewbox', style: 'display: none' });
more.append({ type: 'submit', label: 'Submit' });
var result = form.render();
result.main_group.root = result;
result.previewer = new Morebits.wiki.Preview($(result).find('div#twinklewarn-previewbox').last()[0]);
// Potential notices for staleness and missed reverts
const vanrevid = Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticlerevid');
if (vanrevid) {
let message = '';
let query = {};
// If you tried reverting, check if *you* actually reverted
if (!Twinkle.getPrefill('noautowarn') && Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticle')) { // Via rollback link
query = {
action: 'query',
titles: Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticle'),
prop: 'revisions',
rvstartid: vanrevid,
rvlimit: 2,
rvdir: 'newer',
rvprop: 'user',
format: 'json'
new Morebits.wiki.Api('Checking if you successfully reverted the page', query, ((apiobj) => {
const rev = apiobj.getResponse().query.pages[0].revisions;
const revertUser = rev && rev[1].user;
if (revertUser && revertUser !== mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
message += ' Someone else reverted the page and may have already warned the user.';
$('#twinkle-warn-warning-messages').text('Note:' + message);
// Confirm edit wasn't too old for a warning
const checkStale = function(vantimestamp) {
const revDate = new Morebits.Date(vantimestamp);
if (vantimestamp && revDate.isValid()) {
if (revDate.add(24, 'hours').isBefore(new Date())) {
message += ' This edit was made more than 24 hours ago so a warning may be stale.';
$('#twinkle-warn-warning-messages').text('Note:' + message);
let vantimestamp = Twinkle.getPrefill('vantimestamp');
// If from a rollback module-based revert, no API lookup necessary
if (vantimestamp) {
} else {
query = {
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'timestamp',
revids: vanrevid,
format: 'json'
new Morebits.wiki.Api('Grabbing the revision timestamps', query, ((apiobj) => {
const rev = apiobj.getResponse().query.pages[0].revisions;
vantimestamp = rev && rev[0].timestamp;
// We must init the first choice (General Note);
const evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('change', true, true);
// This is all the messages that might be dispatched by the code
// Each of the individual templates require the following information:
// label (required): A short description displayed in the dialog
// summary (required): The edit summary used. If an article name is entered, the summary is postfixed with "on [[article]]", and it is always postfixed with "."
// suppressArticleInSummary (optional): Set to true to suppress showing the article name in the edit summary. Useful if the warning relates to attack pages, or some such.
// hideLinkedPage (optional): Set to true to hide the "Linked page" text box. Some warning templates do not have a linked article parameter.
// hideReason (optional): Set to true to hide the "Optional message" text box. Some warning templates do not have a reason parameter.
Twinkle.warn.messages = {
levels: {
'Common warnings': {
'uw-vandalism': {
level1: {
label: 'Vandalism',
summary: 'General note: Unconstructive editing'
level2: {
label: 'Vandalism',
summary: 'Caution: Unconstructive editing'
level3: {
label: 'Vandalism',
summary: 'Warning: Vandalism'
level4: {
label: 'Vandalism',
summary: 'Final warning: Vandalism'
level4im: {
label: 'Vandalism',
summary: 'Only warning: Vandalism'
'uw-disruptive': {
level1: {
label: 'Disruptive editing',
summary: 'General note: Unconstructive editing'
level2: {
label: 'Disruptive editing',
summary: 'Caution: Unconstructive editing'
level3: {
label: 'Disruptive editing',
summary: 'Warning: Disruptive editing'
'uw-test': {
level1: {
label: 'Editing tests',
summary: 'General note: Editing tests'
level2: {
label: 'Editing tests',
summary: 'Caution: Editing tests'
level3: {
label: 'Editing tests',
summary: 'Warning: Editing tests'
'uw-delete': {
level1: {
label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
summary: 'General note: Removal of content, blanking'
level2: {
label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
summary: 'Caution: Removal of content, blanking'
level3: {
label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
summary: 'Warning: Removal of content, blanking'
level4: {
label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
summary: 'Final warning: Removal of content, blanking'
level4im: {
label: 'Removal of content, blanking',
summary: 'Only warning: Removal of content, blanking'
'uw-generic': {
level4: {
label: 'Generic warning (for template series missing level 4)',
summary: 'Final warning notice'
'Behavior in articles': {
'uw-ai': {
level1: {
label: 'Using a large language model',
summary: 'General note: Using a large language model'
level2: {
label: 'Using a large language model',
summary: 'Caution: Using a large language model'
level3: {
label: 'Using a large language model',
summary: 'Warning: Using a large language model'
level4: {
label: 'Using a large language model',
summary: 'Final warning: Using a large language model'
'uw-biog': {
level1: {
label: 'Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons',
summary: 'General note: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
level2: {
label: 'Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons',
summary: 'Caution: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
level3: {
label: 'Adding unreferenced controversial/defamatory information about living persons',
summary: 'Warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
level4: {
label: 'Adding unreferenced defamatory information about living persons',
summary: 'Final warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
level4im: {
label: 'Adding unreferenced defamatory information about living persons',
summary: 'Only warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons'
'uw-defamatory': {
level1: {
label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
summary: 'General note: Addition of defamatory content'
level2: {
label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
summary: 'Caution: Addition of defamatory content'
level3: {
label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
summary: 'Warning: Addition of defamatory content'
level4: {
label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
summary: 'Final warning: Addition of defamatory content'
level4im: {
label: 'Addition of defamatory content',
summary: 'Only warning: Addition of defamatory content'
'uw-error': {
level1: {
label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
summary: 'General note: Introducing factual errors'
level2: {
label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
summary: 'Caution: Introducing factual errors'
level3: {
label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
summary: 'Warning: Introducing deliberate factual errors'
level4: {
label: 'Introducing deliberate factual errors',
summary: 'Final warning: Introducing deliberate factual errors'
'uw-fringe': {
level1: {
label: 'Introducing fringe theories',
summary: 'General note: Introducing fringe theories'
level2: {
label: 'Introducing fringe theories',
summary: 'Caution: Introducing fringe theories'
level3: {
label: 'Introducing fringe theories',
summary: 'Warning: Introducing fringe theories'
'uw-genre': {
level1: {
label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references',
summary: 'General note: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references'
level2: {
label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references',
summary: 'Caution: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or references'
level3: {
label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference',
summary: 'Warning: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference'
level4: {
label: 'Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference',
summary: 'Final warning: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference'
'uw-image': {
level1: {
label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
summary: 'General note: Image-related vandalism in articles'
level2: {
label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
summary: 'Caution: Image-related vandalism in articles'
level3: {
label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
summary: 'Warning: Image-related vandalism in articles'
level4: {
label: 'Image-related vandalism in articles',
summary: 'Final warning: Image-related vandalism in articles'
level4im: {
label: 'Image-related vandalism',
summary: 'Only warning: Image-related vandalism'
'uw-joke': {
level1: {
label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
summary: 'General note: Using improper humor in articles'
level2: {
label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
summary: 'Caution: Using improper humor in articles'
level3: {
label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
summary: 'Warning: Using improper humor in articles'
level4: {
label: 'Using improper humor in articles',
summary: 'Final warning: Using improper humor in articles'
level4im: {
label: 'Using improper humor',
summary: 'Only warning: Using improper humor'
'uw-nor': {
level1: {
label: 'Adding original research',
summary: 'General note: Adding original research'
level2: {
label: 'Adding original research',
summary: 'Caution: Adding original research'
level3: {
label: 'Adding original research',
summary: 'Warning: Adding original research'
level4: {
label: 'Adding original research',
summary: 'Final warning: Adding original research'
'uw-notcensored': {
level1: {
label: 'Censorship of material',
summary: 'General note: Censorship of material'
level2: {
label: 'Censorship of material',
summary: 'Caution: Censorship of material'
level3: {
label: 'Censorship of material',
summary: 'Warning: Censorship of material'
'uw-own': {
level1: {
label: 'Ownership of articles',
summary: 'General note: Ownership of articles'
level2: {
label: 'Ownership of articles',
summary: 'Caution: Ownership of articles'
level3: {
label: 'Ownership of articles',
summary: 'Warning: Ownership of articles'
level4: {
label: 'Ownership of articles',
summary: 'Final warning: Ownership of articles'
level4im: {
label: 'Ownership of articles',
summary: 'Only warning: Ownership of articles'
'uw-pronouns': {
level1: {
label: 'Introducing incorrect pronouns',
summary: 'General note: Introducing incorrect pronouns'
level2: {
label: 'Introducing incorrect pronouns',
summary: 'Caution: Introducing incorrect pronouns'
level3: {
label: 'Introducing incorrect pronouns',
summary: 'Warning: Introducing incorrect pronouns'
'uw-subtle': {
level1: {
label: 'Subtle vandalism',
summary: 'General note: Possible unconstructive editing'
level2: {
label: 'Subtle vandalism',
summary: 'Caution: Likely unconstructive editing'
level3: {
label: 'Subtle vandalism',
summary: 'Warning: Subtle vandalism'
level4: {
label: 'Subtle vandalism',
summary: 'Final warning: Subtle vandalism'
'uw-talkinarticle': {
level1: {
label: 'Adding commentary to an article',
summary: 'General note: Adding commentary to an article'
level2: {
label: 'Adding commentary to an article',
summary: 'Caution: Adding commentary to an article'
level3: {
label: 'Adding commentary to an article',
summary: 'Warning: Adding commentary to an article'
'uw-tdel': {
level1: {
label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
summary: 'General note: Removal of maintenance templates'
level2: {
label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
summary: 'Caution: Removal of maintenance templates'
level3: {
label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
summary: 'Warning: Removal of maintenance templates'
level4: {
label: 'Removal of maintenance templates',
summary: 'Final warning: Removal of maintenance templates'
'uw-unsourced': {
level1: {
label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
summary: 'General note: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
level2: {
label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
summary: 'Caution: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
level3: {
label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
summary: 'Warning: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
level4: {
label: 'Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material',
summary: 'Final warning: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material'
'Promotions and spam': {
'uw-advert': {
level1: {
label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
summary: 'General note: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
level2: {
label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
summary: 'Caution: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
level3: {
label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
summary: 'Warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
level4: {
label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
summary: 'Final warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
level4im: {
label: 'Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion',
summary: 'Only warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion'
'uw-npov': {
level1: {
label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
summary: 'General note: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
level2: {
label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
summary: 'Caution: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
level3: {
label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
summary: 'Warning: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
level4: {
label: 'Not adhering to neutral point of view',
summary: 'Final warning: Not adhering to neutral point of view'
'uw-paid': {
level1: {
label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
summary: 'General note: Disclosure requirements for paid editing under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
level2: {
label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
summary: 'Caution: Disclosure requirements for paid editing under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
level3: {
label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
summary: 'Warning: Disclosure requirements for paid editing under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
level4: {
label: 'Paid editing without disclosure under the Wikimedia Terms of Use',
summary: 'Final warning: Disclosure requirements for paid editing under the Wikimedia Terms of Use'
'uw-spam': {
level1: {
label: 'Adding inappropriate external links',
summary: 'General note: Adding inappropriate external links'
level2: {
label: 'Adding spam links',
summary: 'Caution: Adding spam links'
level3: {
label: 'Adding spam links',
summary: 'Warning: Adding spam links'
level4: {
label: 'Adding spam links',
summary: 'Final warning: Adding spam links'
level4im: {
label: 'Adding spam links',
summary: 'Only warning: Adding spam links'
'Behavior towards other editors': {
'uw-agf': {
level1: {
label: 'Not assuming good faith',
summary: 'General note: Not assuming good faith'
level2: {
label: 'Not assuming good faith',
summary: 'Caution: Not assuming good faith'
level3: {
label: 'Not assuming good faith',
summary: 'Warning: Not assuming good faith'
'uw-harass': {
level1: {
label: 'Harassment of other users',
summary: 'General note: Harassment of other users'
level2: {
label: 'Harassment of other users',
summary: 'Caution: Harassment of other users'
level3: {
label: 'Harassment of other users',
summary: 'Warning: Harassment of other users'
level4: {
label: 'Harassment of other users',
summary: 'Final warning: Harassment of other users'
level4im: {
label: 'Harassment of other users',
summary: 'Only warning: Harassment of other users'
'uw-npa': {
level1: {
label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
summary: 'General note: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
level2: {
label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
summary: 'Caution: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
level3: {
label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
summary: 'Warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
level4: {
label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
summary: 'Final warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
level4im: {
label: 'Personal attack directed at a specific editor',
summary: 'Only warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor'
'uw-tempabuse': {
level1: {
label: 'Improper use of warning or blocking template',
summary: 'General note: Improper use of warning or blocking template'
level2: {
label: 'Improper use of warning or blocking template',
summary: 'Caution: Improper use of warning or blocking template'
'Removal of deletion tags': {
'uw-afd': {
level1: {
label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
summary: 'General note: Removing {{afd}} templates'
level2: {
label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
summary: 'Caution: Removing {{afd}} templates'
level3: {
label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
summary: 'Warning: Removing {{afd}} templates'
level4: {
label: 'Removing {{afd}} templates',
summary: 'Final warning: Removing {{afd}} templates'
'uw-blpprod': {
level1: {
label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
summary: 'General note: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
level2: {
label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
summary: 'Caution: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
level3: {
label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
summary: 'Warning: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
level4: {
label: 'Removing {{blp prod}} templates',
summary: 'Final warning: Removing {{blp prod}} templates'
'uw-idt': {
level1: {
label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
summary: 'General note: Removing file deletion tags'
level2: {
label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
summary: 'Caution: Removing file deletion tags'
level3: {
label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
summary: 'Warning: Removing file deletion tags'
level4: {
label: 'Removing file deletion tags',
summary: 'Final warning: Removing file deletion tags'
'uw-tfd': {
level1: {
label: 'Removing {{tfd}} templates',
summary: 'General note: Removing {{tfd}} templates'
level2: {
label: 'Removing {{tfd}} templates',
summary: 'Caution: Removing {{tfd}} templates'
level3: {
label: 'Removing {{tfd}} templates',
summary: 'Warning: Removing {{tfd}} templates'
level4: {
label: 'Removing {{tfd}} templates',
summary: 'Final warning: Removing {{tfd}} templates'
'uw-speedy': {
level1: {
label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
summary: 'General note: Removing speedy deletion tags'
level2: {
label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
summary: 'Caution: Removing speedy deletion tags'
level3: {
label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
summary: 'Warning: Removing speedy deletion tags'
level4: {
label: 'Removing speedy deletion tags',
summary: 'Final warning: Removing speedy deletion tags'
Other: {
'uw-attempt': {
level1: {
label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
summary: 'General note: Triggering the edit filter'
level2: {
label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
summary: 'Caution: Triggering the edit filter'
level3: {
label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
summary: 'Warning: Triggering the edit filter'
level4: {
label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
summary: 'Final warning: Triggering the edit filter'
level4im: {
label: 'Triggering the edit filter',
summary: 'Only warning: Triggering the edit filter'
'uw-chat': {
level1: {
label: 'Using talk page as forum',
summary: 'General note: Using talk page as forum'
level2: {
label: 'Using talk page as forum',
summary: 'Caution: Using talk page as forum'
level3: {
label: 'Using talk page as forum',
summary: 'Warning: Using talk page as forum'
level4: {
label: 'Using talk page as forum',
summary: 'Final warning: Using talk page as forum'
'uw-create': {
level1: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
summary: 'General note: Creating inappropriate pages'
level2: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
summary: 'Caution: Creating inappropriate pages'
level3: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
summary: 'Warning: Creating inappropriate pages'
level4: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
summary: 'Final warning: Creating inappropriate pages'
level4im: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate pages',
summary: 'Only warning: Creating inappropriate pages'
'uw-fv': {
level1: {
label: 'Added statement had source, but it did not verify content',
summary: 'General note: Added statement had source, but it did not verify content'
'uw-mislead': {
level1: {
label: 'Using misleading edit summaries',
summary: 'General note: Using misleading edit summaries'
level2: {
label: 'Using misleading edit summaries',
summary: 'Caution: Using misleading edit summaries'
level3: {
label: 'Using misleading edit summaries',
summary: 'Warning: Using misleading edit summaries'
'uw-mos': {
level1: {
label: 'Manual of style',
summary: 'General note: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
level2: {
label: 'Manual of style',
summary: 'Caution: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
level3: {
label: 'Manual of style',
summary: 'Warning: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
level4: {
label: 'Manual of style',
summary: 'Final warning: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)'
'uw-move': {
level1: {
label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
summary: 'General note: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
level2: {
label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
summary: 'Caution: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
level3: {
label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
summary: 'Warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
level4: {
label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
summary: 'Final warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
level4im: {
label: 'Page moves against naming conventions or consensus',
summary: 'Only warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus'
'uw-redirect': {
level1: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate redirects',
summary: 'General note: Creating inappropriate redirects'
level2: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate redirects',
summary: 'Caution: Creating inappropriate redirects'
level3: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate redirects',
summary: 'Warning: Creating inappropriate redirects'
level4: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate redirects',
summary: 'Final warning: Creating inappropriate redirects'
level4im: {
label: 'Creating inappropriate redirects',
summary: 'Only warning: Creating inappropriate redirects'
'uw-tpv': {
level1: {
label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
summary: "General note: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
level2: {
label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
summary: "Caution: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
level3: {
label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
summary: "Warning: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
level4: {
label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
summary: "Final warning: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
level4im: {
label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
summary: "Only warning: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
'uw-upload': {
level1: {
label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
summary: 'General note: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
level2: {
label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
summary: 'Caution: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
level3: {
label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
summary: 'Warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
level4: {
label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
summary: 'Final warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
level4im: {
label: 'Uploading unencyclopedic images',
summary: 'Only warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images'
singlenotice: {
'uw-agf-sock': {
label: 'Use of multiple accounts (assuming good faith)',
summary: 'Notice: Using multiple accounts'
'uw-aiv': {
label: 'Bad AIV report',
summary: 'Notice: Bad AIV report'
'uw-articletodraft': {
label: 'Article moved to draftspace',
summary: 'Notice: Article moved to draftspace',
hideReason: true
'uw-autobiography': {
label: 'Creating autobiographies',
summary: 'Notice: Creating autobiographies'
'uw-badcat': {
label: 'Adding incorrect categories',
summary: 'Notice: Adding incorrect categories'
'uw-badlistentry': {
label: 'Adding inappropriate entries to lists',
summary: 'Notice: Adding inappropriate entries to lists'
'uw-bareurl': {
label: 'Adding a bare URL',
summary: 'Notice: Adding a bare URL'
'uw-bite': {
label: '"Biting" newcomers',
summary: 'Notice: "Biting" newcomers',
suppressArticleInSummary: true // non-standard (user name, not article), and not necessary
'uw-blar': {
label: 'Article blanked and redirected',
summary: 'Notice: Article blanked and redirected',
hideReason: true
'uw-circular': {
label: 'Using circular sources',
summary: 'Notice: Using circular sources'
'uw-coi': {
label: 'Conflict of interest',
summary: 'Notice: Conflict of interest',
heading: 'Managing a conflict of interest'
'uw-controversial': {
label: 'Introducing controversial material',
summary: 'Notice: Introducing controversial material'
'uw-copying': {
label: 'Copying text to another page',
summary: 'Notice: Copying text to another page'
'uw-crystal': {
label: 'Adding speculative or unconfirmed information',
summary: 'Notice: Adding speculative or unconfirmed information'
'uw-c&pmove': {
label: 'Cut and paste moves',
summary: 'Notice: Cut and paste moves'
'uw-dab': {
label: 'Incorrect edit to a disambiguation page',
summary: 'Notice: Incorrect edit to a disambiguation page'
'uw-date': {
label: 'Unnecessarily changing date formats',
summary: 'Notice: Unnecessarily changing date formats'
'uw-deadlink': {
label: 'Removing proper sources containing dead links',
summary: 'Notice: Removing proper sources containing dead links'
'uw-displaytitle': {
label: 'Incorrect use of DISPLAYTITLE',
summary: 'Notice: Incorrect use of DISPLAYTITLE'
'uw-draftfirst': {
label: 'User should draft in userspace without the risk of speedy deletion',
summary: 'Notice: Consider drafting your article in [[Help:Userspace draft|userspace]]'
'uw-editsummary': {
label: 'New user not using edit summary',
summary: 'Notice: Not using edit summary'
'uw-editsummary2': {
label: 'Experienced user not using edit summary',
summary: 'Notice: Not using edit summary',
hideLinkedPage: true,
hideReason: true
'uw-elinbody': {
label: 'Adding external links to the body of an article',
summary: 'Notice: Keep external links to External links sections at the bottom of an article'
'uw-english': {
label: 'Not communicating in English',
summary: 'Notice: Not communicating in English'
'uw-hasty': {
label: 'Hasty addition of speedy deletion tags',
summary: 'Notice: Allow creators time to improve their articles before tagging them for deletion'
'uw-islamhon': {
label: 'Use of Islamic honorifics',
summary: 'Notice: Use of Islamic honorifics'
'uw-italicize': {
label: 'Italicize books, films, albums, magazines, TV series, etc within articles',
summary: 'Notice: Italicize books, films, albums, magazines, TV series, etc within articles'
'uw-lang': {
label: 'Unnecessarily changing between British and American English',
summary: 'Notice: Unnecessarily changing between British and American English',
heading: 'National varieties of English'
'uw-linking': {
label: 'Excessive addition of redlinks or repeated blue links',
summary: 'Notice: Excessive addition of redlinks or repeated blue links'
'uw-longsd': {
label: 'Insertion of long short description',
summary: 'Notice: Insertion of long short description'
'uw-minor': {
label: 'Incorrect use of minor edits check box',
summary: 'Notice: Incorrect use of minor edits check box'
'uw-multiple-accts': {
label: 'Inappropriate use of alternative accounts',
summary: 'Notice: Inappropriate use of alternative accounts'
'uw-notenglish': {
label: 'Creating non-English articles',
summary: 'Notice: Creating non-English articles'
'uw-notenglishedit': {
label: 'Adding non-English content to articles',
summary: 'Notice: Adding non-English content to articles'
'uw-notvote': {
label: 'We use consensus, not voting',
summary: 'Notice: We use consensus, not voting'
'uw-plagiarism': {
label: 'Copying from public domain sources without attribution',
summary: 'Notice: Copying from public domain sources without attribution'
'uw-preview': {
label: 'Use preview button to avoid mistakes',
summary: 'Notice: Use preview button to avoid mistakes'
'uw-redlink': {
label: 'Indiscriminate removal of redlinks',
summary: 'Notice: Be careful when removing redlinks'
'uw-refspam': {
label: 'Adding citations to research published by a small group of researchers',
summary: 'Notice: Adding citations to research published by a small group of researchers',
hideLinkedPage: true,
hideReason: true
'uw-selfrevert': {
label: 'Self-reverted editing tests',
summary: 'Notice: Self-reverted editing tests'
'uw-socialnetwork': {
label: 'Wikipedia is not a social network',
summary: 'Notice: Wikipedia is not a social network'
'uw-sofixit': {
label: 'Be bold and fix things yourself',
summary: 'Notice: You can be bold and fix things yourself'
'uw-spoiler': {
label: 'Adding spoiler alerts or removing spoilers from appropriate sections',
summary: "Notice: Don't delete or flag potential 'spoilers' in Wikipedia articles"
'uw-talkinarticle': {
label: 'Talk in article',
summary: 'Notice: Talk in article'
'uw-tilde': {
label: 'Not signing posts',
summary: 'Notice: Not signing posts'
'uw-toppost': {
label: 'Posting at the top of talk pages',
summary: 'Notice: Posting at the top of talk pages'
'uw-translation': {
label: 'Adding translations without proper attribution',
summary: 'Notice: Attribution required when translating articles'
'uw-unattribcc': {
label: 'Copying from compatibly-licensed sources without attribution',
summary: 'Notice: Copying from compatibly-licensed sources without attribution'
'uw-userspace draft finish': {
label: 'Stale userspace draft',
summary: 'Notice: Stale userspace draft'
'uw-usertalk': {
label: 'Misuse of user talk page',
summary: 'Notice: Misuse of user talk page',
hideLinkedPage: true
'uw-vgscope': {
label: 'Adding video game walkthroughs, cheats or instructions',
summary: 'Notice: Adding video game walkthroughs, cheats or instructions'
'uw-warn': {
label: 'Place user warning templates when reverting vandalism',
summary: 'Notice: You can use user warning templates when reverting vandalism'
'uw-wrongsummary': {
label: 'Using inaccurate or inappropriate edit summaries',
summary: 'Notice: Using inaccurate or inappropriate edit summaries'
singlewarn: {
'uw-3rr': {
label: 'Potential three-revert rule violation; see also uw-ew',
summary: 'Warning: Three-revert rule'
'uw-affiliate': {
label: 'Affiliate marketing',
summary: 'Warning: Affiliate marketing'
'uw-attack': {
label: 'Creating attack pages',
summary: 'Warning: Creating attack pages',
suppressArticleInSummary: true
'uw-botun': {
label: 'Bot username',
summary: 'Warning: Bot username'
'uw-canvass': {
label: 'Canvassing',
summary: 'Warning: Canvassing'
'uw-copyright': {
label: 'Copyright violation',
summary: 'Warning: Copyright violation'
'uw-copyright-link': {
label: 'Linking to copyrighted works violation',
summary: 'Warning: Linking to copyrighted works violation'
'uw-copyright-new': {
label: 'Copyright violation (with explanation for new users)',
summary: 'Notice: Avoiding copyright problems',
heading: 'Wikipedia and copyright'
'uw-copyright-remove': {
label: 'Removing {{copyvio}} template from articles',
summary: 'Warning: Removing {{copyvio}} templates'
'uw-derogatory': {
label: 'Addition of derogatory/hateful content',
summary: 'Warning: Addition of derogatory content'
'uw-efsummary': {
label: 'Edit summary triggering the edit filter',
summary: 'Warning: Edit summary triggering the edit filter'
'uw-ew': {
label: 'Edit warring (stronger wording)',
summary: 'Warning: Edit warring'
'uw-ewsoft': {
label: 'Edit warring (softer wording for newcomers)',
summary: 'Warning: Edit warring'
'uw-hijacking': {
label: 'Hijacking articles',
summary: 'Warning: Hijacking articles'
'uw-hoax': {
label: 'Creating hoaxes',
summary: 'Warning: Creating hoaxes'
'uw-legal': {
label: 'Making legal threats',
summary: 'Warning: Making legal threats'
'uw-login': {
label: 'Editing while logged out',
summary: 'Warning: Editing while logged out'
'uw-multipleIPs': {
label: 'Usage of multiple IPs',
summary: 'Warning: Vandalism using multiple IPs'
'uw-paraphrase': {
label: 'Close paraphrasing',
summary: 'Warning: Close paraphrasing'
'uw-pinfo': {
label: 'Personal info (outing)',
summary: 'Warning: Personal info'
'uw-salt': {
label: 'Recreating salted articles under a different title',
summary: 'Notice: Recreating creation-protected articles under a different title'
'uw-socksuspect': {
label: 'Sockpuppetry',
summary: 'Warning: You are a suspected [[WP:SOCK|sockpuppet]]' // of User:...
'uw-upv': {
label: 'Userpage vandalism',
summary: 'Warning: Userpage vandalism'
'uw-username': {
label: 'Username is against policy',
summary: 'Warning: Your username might be against policy',
suppressArticleInSummary: true // not relevant for this template
'uw-coi-username': {
label: 'Username is against policy, and conflict of interest',
summary: 'Warning: Username and conflict of interest',
heading: 'Your username'
'uw-userpage': {
label: 'Userpage or subpage is against policy',
summary: 'Warning: Userpage or subpage is against policy'
* Reads Twinkle.warn.messages and returns a specified template's property (such as label, summary,
* suppressArticleInSummary, hideLinkedPage, or hideReason)
Twinkle.warn.getTemplateProperty = function(templates, templateName, propertyName) {
let result;
const isNumberedTemplate = templateName.match(/(1|2|3|4|4im)$/);
if (isNumberedTemplate) {
const unNumberedTemplateName = templateName.replace(/(?:1|2|3|4|4im)$/, '');
const level = isNumberedTemplate[0];
const numberedWarnings = {};
$.each(templates.levels, (key, val) => {
$.extend(numberedWarnings, val);
$.each(numberedWarnings, (key) => {
if (key === unNumberedTemplateName) {
result = numberedWarnings[key]['level' + level][propertyName];
// Non-level templates can also end in a number. So check this for all templates.
const otherWarnings = {};
$.each(templates, (key, val) => {
if (key !== 'levels') {
$.extend(otherWarnings, val);
$.each(otherWarnings, (key) => {
if (key === templateName) {
result = otherWarnings[key][propertyName];
return result;
// Used repeatedly below across menu rebuilds
Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
Twinkle.warn.prev_reason = null;
Twinkle.warn.talkpageObj = null;
Twinkle.warn.callback.change_category = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
const value = e.target.value;
const sub_group = e.target.root.sub_group;
sub_group.main_group = value;
let old_subvalue = sub_group.value;
let old_subvalue_re;
if (old_subvalue) {
if (value === 'kitchensink') { // Exact match possible in kitchensink menu
old_subvalue_re = new RegExp(mw.util.escapeRegExp(old_subvalue));
} else {
old_subvalue = old_subvalue.replace(/\d*(im)?$/, '');
old_subvalue_re = new RegExp(mw.util.escapeRegExp(old_subvalue) + '(\\d*(?:im)?)$');
while (sub_group.hasChildNodes()) {
let selected = false;
// worker function to create the combo box entries
const createEntries = function(contents, container, wrapInOptgroup, val = value) {
// level2->2, singlewarn->''; also used to distinguish the
// scaled levels from singlenotice, singlewarn, and custom
const level = val.replace(/^\D+/g, '');
// due to an apparent iOS bug, we have to add an option-group to prevent truncation of text
// (search WT:TW archives for "Problem selecting warnings on an iPhone")
if (wrapInOptgroup && $.client.profile().platform === 'iphone') {
let wrapperOptgroup = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'optgroup',
label: 'Available templates'
wrapperOptgroup = wrapperOptgroup.render();
container = wrapperOptgroup;
$.each(contents, (itemKey, itemProperties) => {
// Skip if the current template doesn't have a version for the current level
if (!!level && !itemProperties[val]) {
const key = typeof itemKey === 'string' ? itemKey : itemProperties.value;
const template = key + level;
const elem = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'option',
label: '{{' + template + '}}: ' + (level ? itemProperties[val].label : itemProperties.label),
value: template
// Select item best corresponding to previous selection
if (!selected && old_subvalue && old_subvalue_re.test(template)) {
elem.data.selected = selected = true;
const elemRendered = container.appendChild(elem.render());
$(elemRendered).data('messageData', itemProperties);
const createGroup = function(warnGroup, label, wrapInOptgroup, val) {
wrapInOptgroup = typeof wrapInOptgroup !== 'undefined' ? wrapInOptgroup : true;
let optgroup = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'optgroup',
label: label
optgroup = optgroup.render();
createEntries(warnGroup, optgroup, wrapInOptgroup, val);
switch (value) {
case 'singlenotice':
case 'singlewarn':
createEntries(Twinkle.warn.messages[value], sub_group, true);
case 'singlecombined':
var unSortedSinglets = $.extend({}, Twinkle.warn.messages.singlenotice, Twinkle.warn.messages.singlewarn);
var sortedSingletMessages = {};
Object.keys(unSortedSinglets).sort().forEach((key) => {
sortedSingletMessages[key] = unSortedSinglets[key];
createEntries(sortedSingletMessages, sub_group, true);
case 'custom':
createEntries(Twinkle.getPref('customWarningList'), sub_group, true);
case 'kitchensink':
['level1', 'level2', 'level3', 'level4', 'level4im'].forEach((lvl) => {
$.each(Twinkle.warn.messages.levels, (levelGroupLabel, levelGroup) => {
createGroup(levelGroup, 'Level ' + lvl.slice(5) + ': ' + levelGroupLabel, true, lvl);
createGroup(Twinkle.warn.messages.singlenotice, 'Single-issue notices');
createGroup(Twinkle.warn.messages.singlewarn, 'Single-issue warnings');
createGroup(Twinkle.getPref('customWarningList'), 'Custom warnings');
case 'level1':
case 'level2':
case 'level3':
case 'level4':
case 'level4im':
// Creates subgroup regardless of whether there is anything to place in it;
// leaves "Removal of deletion tags" empty for 4im
$.each(Twinkle.warn.messages.levels, (groupLabel, groupContents) => {
createGroup(groupContents, groupLabel, false);
case 'autolevel':
// Check user page to determine appropriate level
var autolevelProc = function() {
const wikitext = Twinkle.warn.talkpageObj.getPageText();
// history not needed for autolevel
const latest = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.dateProcessing(wikitext)[0];
// Pseudo-params with only what's needed to parse the level i.e. no messageData
const params = {
sub_group: old_subvalue,
article: e.target.root.article.value
const lvl = 'level' + Twinkle.warn.callbacks.autolevelParseWikitext(wikitext, params, latest)[1];
// Identical to level1, etc. above but explicitly provides the level
$.each(Twinkle.warn.messages.levels, (groupLabel, groupContents) => {
createGroup(groupContents, groupLabel, false, lvl);
// Trigger subcategory change, add select menu, etc.
if (Twinkle.warn.talkpageObj) {
} else {
const usertalk_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page('User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'), 'Loading previous warnings');
usertalk_page.setFollowRedirect(true, false);
usertalk_page.load((pageobj) => {
Twinkle.warn.talkpageObj = pageobj; // Update talkpageObj
}, () => {
// Catch and warn if the talkpage can't load,
// most likely because it's a cross-namespace redirect
// Supersedes the typical $autolevelMessage added in autolevelParseWikitext
const $noTalkPageNode = $('<strong>', {
text: 'Unable to load user talk page; it might be a cross-namespace redirect. Autolevel detection will not work.',
id: 'twinkle-warn-autolevel-message',
css: {color: 'red' }
// If a preview was opened while in a different mode, close it
// Should nullify the need to catch the error in preview callback
alert('Unknown warning group in twinklewarn');
// Trigger subcategory change, add select menu, etc.
// Here because of the async load for autolevel
if (value !== 'autolevel') {
// reset any autolevel-specific messages while we're here
Twinkle.warn.callback.postCategoryCleanup = function twinklewarnCallbackPostCategoryCleanup(e) {
// clear overridden label on article textbox
Morebits.QuickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.root.article, true);
// Trigger custom label/change on main category change
// Use select2 to make the select menu searchable
if (!Twinkle.getPref('oldSelect')) {
theme: 'default select2-morebits',
width: '100%',
matcher: Morebits.select2.matchers.optgroupFull,
templateResult: Morebits.select2.highlightSearchMatches,
language: {
searching: Morebits.select2.queryInterceptor
$('.select2-selection').on('keydown', Morebits.select2.autoStart).trigger('focus');
// Increase height
'.select2-container .select2-dropdown .select2-results > .select2-results__options { max-height: 350px; }' +
// Reduce padding
'.select2-results .select2-results__option { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; }' +
'.select2-results .select2-results__group { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } ' +
// Adjust font size
'.select2-container .select2-dropdown .select2-results { font-size: 13px; }' +
'.select2-container .selection .select2-selection__rendered { font-size: 13px; }'
Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeSubcategory(e) {
const selected_main_group = e.target.form.main_group.value;
const selected_template = e.target.form.sub_group.value;
// If template shouldn't have a linked article, hide the linked article label and text box
const hideLinkedPage = Twinkle.warn.getTemplateProperty(Twinkle.warn.messages, selected_template, 'hideLinkedPage');
if (hideLinkedPage) {
e.target.form.article.value = '';
Morebits.QuickForm.setElementVisibility(e.target.form.article.parentElement, false);
} else {
Morebits.QuickForm.setElementVisibility(e.target.form.article.parentElement, true);
// If template shouldn't have an optional message, hide the optional message label and text box
const hideReason = Twinkle.warn.getTemplateProperty(Twinkle.warn.messages, selected_template, 'hideReason');
if (hideReason) {
e.target.form.reason.value = '';
Morebits.QuickForm.setElementVisibility(e.target.form.reason.parentElement, false);
} else {
Morebits.QuickForm.setElementVisibility(e.target.form.reason.parentElement, true);
// Tags that don't take a linked article, but something else (often a username).
// The value of each tag is the label next to the input field
const notLinkedArticle = {
'uw-agf-sock': 'Optional username of other account (without User:) ',
'uw-bite': "Username of 'bitten' user (without User:) ",
'uw-socksuspect': 'Username of sock master, if known (without User:) ',
'uw-username': 'Username violates policy because... ',
'uw-aiv': 'Optional username that was reported (without User:) '
const hasLevel = ['singlenotice', 'singlewarn', 'singlecombined', 'kitchensink'].includes(selected_main_group);
if (hasLevel) {
if (notLinkedArticle[selected_template]) {
if (Twinkle.warn.prev_article === null) {
Twinkle.warn.prev_article = e.target.form.article.value;
e.target.form.article.notArticle = true;
e.target.form.article.value = '';
// change form labels according to the warning selected
Morebits.QuickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, false);
Morebits.QuickForm.overrideElementLabel(e.target.form.article, notLinkedArticle[selected_template]);
} else if (e.target.form.article.notArticle) {
if (Twinkle.warn.prev_article !== null) {
e.target.form.article.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_article;
Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
e.target.form.article.notArticle = false;
Morebits.QuickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, true);
// add big red notice, warning users about how to use {{uw-[coi-]username}} appropriately
let $redWarning;
if (selected_template === 'uw-username') {
$redWarning = $("<div style='color: red;' id='tw-warn-red-notice'>{{uw-username}} should <b>not</b> be used for <b>blatant</b> username policy violations. " +
"Blatant violations should be reported directly to UAA (via Twinkle's ARV tab). " +
'{{uw-username}} should only be used in edge cases in order to engage in discussion with the user.</div>');
} else if (selected_template === 'uw-coi-username') {
$redWarning = $("<div style='color: red;' id='tw-warn-red-notice'>{{uw-coi-username}} should <b>not</b> be used for <b>blatant</b> username policy violations. " +
"Blatant violations should be reported directly to UAA (via Twinkle's ARV tab). " +
'{{uw-coi-username}} should only be used in edge cases in order to engage in discussion with the user.</div>');
Twinkle.warn.callbacks = {
getWarningWikitext: function(templateName, article, reason, isCustom) {
let text = '{{subst:' + templateName;
// add linked article for user warnings
if (article) {
// c&pmove has the source as the first parameter
if (templateName === 'uw-c&pmove') {
text += '|to=' + article;
} else {
text += '|1=' + article;
if (reason && !isCustom) {
// add extra message
if (templateName === 'uw-csd' || templateName === 'uw-probation' ||
templateName === 'uw-userspacenoindex' || templateName === 'uw-userpage') {
text += "|3=''" + reason + "''";
} else {
text += "|2=''" + reason + "''";
text += '}}';
if (reason && isCustom) {
// we assume that custom warnings lack a {{{2}}} parameter
text += " ''" + reason + "''";
return text + ' ~~~~';
showPreview: function(form, templatename) {
const input = Morebits.QuickForm.getInputData(form);
// Provided on autolevel, not otherwise
templatename = templatename || input.sub_group;
const linkedarticle = input.article;
const templatetext = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(templatename, linkedarticle,
input.reason, input.main_group === 'custom');
form.previewer.beginRender(templatetext, 'User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName')); // Force wikitext/correct username
// Just a pass-through unless the autolevel option was selected
preview: function(form) {
if (form.main_group.value === 'autolevel') {
// Always get a new, updated talkpage for autolevel processing
const usertalk_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page('User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'), 'Loading previous warnings');
usertalk_page.setFollowRedirect(true, false);
// Will fail silently if the talk page is a cross-ns redirect,
// removal of the preview box handled when loading the menu
usertalk_page.load((pageobj) => {
Twinkle.warn.talkpageObj = pageobj; // Update talkpageObj
const wikitext = pageobj.getPageText();
// history not needed for autolevel
const latest = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.dateProcessing(wikitext)[0];
const params = {
sub_group: form.sub_group.value,
article: form.article.value,
messageData: $(form.sub_group).find('option[value="' + $(form.sub_group).val() + '"]').data('messageData')
const template = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.autolevelParseWikitext(wikitext, params, latest)[0];
Twinkle.warn.callbacks.showPreview(form, template);
// If the templates have diverged, fake a change event
// to reload the menu with the updated pageobj
if (form.sub_group.value !== template) {
const evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('change', true, true);
} else {
* Used in the main and autolevel loops to determine when to warn
* about excessively recent, stale, or identical warnings.
* @param {string} wikitext The text of a user's talk page, from getPageText()
* @return {Object[]} - Array of objects: latest contains most recent
* warning and date; history lists all prior warnings
dateProcessing: function(wikitext) {
const history_re = /<!--\s?Template:([uU]w-.*?)\s?-->.*?(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}, \d{1,2} \w+ \d{4} \(UTC\))/g;
const history = {};
const latest = { date: new Morebits.Date(0), type: '' };
let current;
while ((current = history_re.exec(wikitext)) !== null) {
const template = current[1], current_date = new Morebits.Date(current[2]);
if (!(template in history) || history[template].isBefore(current_date)) {
history[template] = current_date;
if (!latest.date.isAfter(current_date)) {
latest.date = current_date;
latest.type = template;
return [latest, history];
* Main loop for deciding what the level should increment to. Most of
* this is really just error catching and updating the subsequent data.
* May produce up to two notices in a twinkle-warn-autolevel-messages div
* @param {string} wikitext The text of a user's talk page, from getPageText() (required)
* @param {Object} params Params object: sub_group is the template (required);
* article is the user-provided article (form.article) used to link ARV on recent level4 warnings;
* messageData is only necessary if getting the full template, as it's
* used to ensure a valid template of that level exists
* @param {Object} latest First element of the array returned from
* dateProcessing. Provided here rather than processed within to avoid
* repeated call to dateProcessing
* @param {(Date|Morebits.Date)} date Date from which staleness is determined
* @param {Morebits.Status} statelem Status element, only used for handling error in final execution
* @return {Array} - Array that contains the full template and just the warning level
autolevelParseWikitext: function(wikitext, params, latest, date, statelem) {
let level; // undefined rather than '' means the isNaN below will return true
if (/\d(?:im)?$/.test(latest.type)) { // level1-4im
level = parseInt(latest.type.replace(/.*(\d)(?:im)?$/, '$1'), 10);
} else if (latest.type) { // Non-numbered warning
// Try to leverage existing categorization of
// warnings, all but one are universally lowercased
const loweredType = /uw-multipleIPs/i.test(latest.type) ? 'uw-multipleIPs' : latest.type.toLowerCase();
// It would be nice to account for blocks, but in most
// cases the hidden message is terminal, not the sig
if (Twinkle.warn.messages.singlewarn[loweredType]) {
level = 3;
} else {
level = 1; // singlenotice or not found
const $autolevelMessage = $('<div>', {id: 'twinkle-warn-autolevel-message'});
if (isNaN(level)) { // No prior warnings found, this is the first
level = 1;
} else if (level > 4 || level < 1) { // Shouldn't happen
const message = 'Unable to parse previous warning level, please manually select a warning level.';
if (statelem) {
} else {
} else {
date = date || new Date();
const autoTimeout = new Morebits.Date(latest.date.getTime()).add(parseInt(Twinkle.getPref('autolevelStaleDays'), 10), 'days');
if (autoTimeout.isAfter(date)) {
if (level === 4) {
level = 4;
// Basically indicates whether we're in the final Main evaluation or not,
// and thus whether we can continue or need to display the warning and link
if (!statelem) {
const $link = $('<a>', {
href: '#',
text: 'click here to open the ARV tool.',
css: { fontWeight: 'bold' },
click: function() {
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = null;
$('input[name=page]').val(params.article); // Target page
$('input[value=final]').prop('checked', true); // Vandalism after final
const $statusNode = $('<div>', {
text: mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') + ' recently received a level 4 warning (' + latest.type + ') so it might be better to report them instead; ',
css: {color: 'red' }
} else { // Automatically increase severity
level += 1;
} else { // Reset warning level if most-recent warning is too old
level = 1;
$autolevelMessage.prepend($('<div>Will issue a <span style="font-weight: bold;">level ' + level + '</span> template.</div>'));
// Place after the stale and other-user-reverted (text-only) messages
$('#twinkle-warn-autolevel-message').remove(); // clean slate
let template = params.sub_group.replace(/(.*)\d$/, '$1');
// Validate warning level, falling back to the uw-generic series.
// Only a few items are missing a level, and in all but a handful
// of cases, the uw-generic series is explicitly used elsewhere per WP:UTM.
if (params.messageData && !params.messageData['level' + level]) {
template = 'uw-generic';
template += level;
return [template, level];
main: function(pageobj) {
const text = pageobj.getPageText();
const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
const params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
let messageData = params.messageData;
const [latest, history] = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.dateProcessing(text);
const now = new Morebits.Date(pageobj.getLoadTime());
Twinkle.warn.talkpageObj = pageobj; // Update talkpageObj, just in case
if (params.main_group === 'autolevel') {
// [template, level]
const templateAndLevel = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.autolevelParseWikitext(text, params, latest, now, statelem);
// Only if there's a change from the prior display/load
if (params.sub_group !== templateAndLevel[0] && !confirm('Will issue a {{' + templateAndLevel[0] + '}} template to the user, okay?')) {
statelem.error('aborted per user request');
// Update params now that we've selected a warning
params.sub_group = templateAndLevel[0];
messageData = params.messageData['level' + templateAndLevel[1]];
} else if (params.sub_group in history) {
if (new Morebits.Date(history[params.sub_group]).add(1, 'day').isAfter(now)) {
if (!confirm('An identical ' + params.sub_group + ' has been issued in the last 24 hours. \nWould you still like to add this warning/notice?')) {
statelem.error('aborted per user request');
latest.date.add(1, 'minute'); // after long debate, one minute is max
if (latest.date.isAfter(now)) {
if (!confirm('A ' + latest.type + ' has been issued in the last minute. \nWould you still like to add this warning/notice?')) {
statelem.error('aborted per user request');
// build the edit summary
// Function to handle generation of summary prefix for custom templates
const customProcess = function(template) {
template = template.split('|')[0];
let prefix;
switch (template.slice(-1)) {
case '1':
prefix = 'General note';
case '2':
prefix = 'Caution';
case '3':
prefix = 'Warning';
case '4':
prefix = 'Final warning';
case 'm':
if (template.slice(-3) === '4im') {
prefix = 'Only warning';
// falls through
prefix = 'Notice';
return prefix + ': ' + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(messageData.label);
let summary;
if (params.main_group === 'custom') {
summary = customProcess(params.sub_group);
} else {
// Normalize kitchensink to the 1-4im style
if (params.main_group === 'kitchensink' && !/^D+$/.test(params.sub_group)) {
let sub = params.sub_group.slice(-1);
if (sub === 'm') {
sub = params.sub_group.slice(-3);
// Don't overwrite uw-3rr, technically unnecessary
if (/\d/.test(sub)) {
params.main_group = 'level' + sub;
// singlet || level1-4im, no need to /^\D+$/.test(params.main_group)
summary = messageData.summary || (messageData[params.main_group] && messageData[params.main_group].summary);
// Not in Twinkle.warn.messages, assume custom template
if (!summary) {
summary = customProcess(params.sub_group);
if (messageData.suppressArticleInSummary !== true && params.article) {
if (params.sub_group === 'uw-agf-sock' ||
params.sub_group === 'uw-socksuspect' ||
params.sub_group === 'uw-aiv') { // these templates require a username
summary += ' of [[:User:' + params.article + ']]';
} else {
summary += ' on [[:' + params.article + ']]';
pageobj.setEditSummary(summary + '.');
// Get actual warning text
let warningText = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(params.sub_group, params.article,
params.reason, params.main_group === 'custom');
if (Twinkle.getPref('showSharedIPNotice') && mw.util.isIPAddress(mw.config.get('wgTitle'))) {
Morebits.Status.info('Info', 'Adding a shared IP notice');
warningText += '\n{{subst:Shared IP advice}}';
let sectionExists = false, sectionNumber = 0;
// Only check sections if there are sections or there's a chance we won't create our own
if (!messageData.heading && text.length) {
// Get all sections
const sections = text.match(/^(==*).+\1/gm);
if (sections && sections.length !== 0) {
// Find the index of the section header in question
const dateHeaderRegex = now.monthHeaderRegex();
sectionNumber = 0;
// Find this month's section among L2 sections, preferring the bottom-most
sectionExists = sections.reverse().some((sec, idx) => /^(==)[^=].+\1/m.test(sec) && dateHeaderRegex.test(sec) && typeof (sectionNumber = sections.length - 1 - idx) === 'number');
if (sectionExists) { // append to existing section
pageobj.setPageSection(sectionNumber + 1);
pageobj.setAppendText('\n\n' + warningText);
} else {
if (messageData.heading) { // create new section
} else {
Morebits.Status.info('Info', 'Will create a new talk page section for this month, as none was found');
Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate = function twinklewarnCallbackEvaluate(e) {
const userTalkPage = 'User_talk:' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
// reason, main_group, sub_group, article
const params = Morebits.QuickForm.getInputData(e.target);
// Check that a reason was filled in if uw-username was selected
if (params.sub_group === 'uw-username' && !params.article) {
alert('You must supply a reason for the {{uw-username}} template.');
// The autolevel option will already know by now if a user talk page
// is a cross-namespace redirect (via !!Twinkle.warn.talkpageObj), so
// technically we could alert an error here, but the user will have
// already ignored the bold red error above. Moreover, they probably
// *don't* want to actually issue a warning, so the error handling
// after the form is submitted is probably preferable
// Find the selected <option> element so we can fetch the data structure
const $selectedEl = $(e.target.sub_group).find('option[value="' + $(e.target.sub_group).val() + '"]');
params.messageData = $selectedEl.data('messageData');
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = userTalkPage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Warning complete, reloading talk page in a few seconds';
const wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(userTalkPage, 'User talk page modification');
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true, false);
Twinkle.addInitCallback(Twinkle.warn, 'warn');
// </nowiki>