مستخدم:Mohammed Qays/لمح البصر/MediaWiki:Gadget-twinkleprod.js
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// <nowiki>
(function() {
*** twinkleprod.js: PROD module
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("PROD")
* Active on: Existing articles, files which are not redirects
Twinkle.prod = function twinkleprod() {
if ((![0, 6].includes(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber'))) ||
!mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') ||
Morebits.isPageRedirect()) {
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.prod.callback, 'PROD', 'tw-prod', 'Propose deletion via WP:PROD');
// Used in edit summaries, for comparisons, etc.
let namespace;
Twinkle.prod.callback = function twinkleprodCallback() {
Twinkle.prod.defaultReason = Twinkle.getPref('prodReasonDefault');
switch (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) {
case 0:
namespace = 'article';
case 6:
namespace = 'file';
// no default
const Window = new Morebits.SimpleWindow(800, 410);
Window.setTitle('Proposed deletion (PROD)');
const form = new Morebits.QuickForm(Twinkle.prod.callback.evaluate);
if (namespace === 'article') {
Window.addFooterLink('Proposed deletion policy', 'WP:PROD');
Window.addFooterLink('BLP PROD policy', 'WP:BLPPROD');
} else { // if file
Window.addFooterLink('Proposed deletion policy', 'WP:PROD');
const field = form.append({
type: 'field',
label: 'PROD type',
id: 'prodtype_fieldset'
type: 'div',
label: '', // Added later by Twinkle.makeFindSourcesDiv()
id: 'twinkle-prod-findsources',
style: 'margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px;'
type: 'radio',
name: 'prodtype',
event: Twinkle.prod.callback.prodtypechanged,
list: [
label: 'PROD (proposed deletion)',
value: 'prod',
checked: true,
tooltip: 'Normal proposed deletion, per [[WP:PROD]]'
label: 'BLP PROD (proposed deletion of unsourced BLPs)',
value: 'prodblp',
tooltip: 'Proposed deletion of new, completely unsourced biographies of living persons, per [[WP:BLPPROD]]'
// Placeholder fieldset to be replaced in Twinkle.prod.callback.prodtypechanged
type: 'field',
name: 'parameters'
Window.addFooterLink('PROD prefs', 'WP:TW/PREF#prod');
Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#prod');
Window.addFooterLink('Give feedback', 'WT:TW');
form.append({ type: 'submit', label: 'Propose deletion' });
const result = form.render();
// Hide fieldset for File PROD type since only normal PROD is allowed
if (namespace !== 'article') {
// Fake a change event on the first prod type radio, to initialize the type-dependent controls
const evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('change', true, true);
Twinkle.prod.callback.prodtypechanged = function(event) {
// prepare frame for prod type dependant controls
const field = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Parameters',
name: 'parameters'
// create prod type dependant controls
switch (event.target.values) {
case 'prod':
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Notify page creator if possible',
value: 'notify',
name: 'notify',
tooltip: "A notification template will be placed on the creator's talk page if this is true.",
checked: true
type: 'textarea',
name: 'reason',
label: 'Reason for proposed deletion:',
value: Twinkle.prod.defaultReason
case 'prodblp':
// first, remember the prod value that the user entered in the textarea, in case they want to switch back. We can abuse the config field for that.
if (event.target.form.reason) {
Twinkle.prod.defaultReason = event.target.form.reason.value;
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Notify page creator if possible',
value: 'notify',
name: 'notify',
tooltip: 'Creator of article has to be notified.',
checked: true,
disabled: true
// temp warning, can be removed down the line once BLPPROD is more established. Amalthea, May 2010.
var boldtext = document.createElement('b');
boldtext.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Please note that only unsourced biographies of living persons are eligible for this tag, narrowly construed.'));
type: 'div',
label: boldtext
event.target.form.replaceChild(field.render(), $(event.target.form).find('fieldset[name="parameters"]')[0]);
// global params object, initially set in evaluate(), and
// modified in various callback functions
let params = {};
Twinkle.prod.callbacks = {
checkPriors: function twinkleprodcheckPriors() {
const talk_title = new mw.Title(mw.config.get('wgPageName')).getTalkPage().getPrefixedText();
// Talk page templates for PROD-able discussions
const blocking_templates = 'Template:Old XfD multi|Template:Old MfD|Template:Oldffdfull|' + // Common prior XfD talk page templates
'Template:Oldpuffull|' + // Legacy prior XfD template
'Template:Olddelrev|' + // Prior DRV template
'Template:Old prod';
const query = {
action: 'query',
titles: talk_title,
prop: 'templates',
tltemplates: blocking_templates,
format: 'json'
const wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.Api('Checking talk page for prior nominations', query);
return wikipedia_api.post().then((apiobj) => {
const statelem = apiobj.statelem;
// Check talk page for templates indicating prior XfD or PROD
const templates = apiobj.getResponse().query.pages[0].templates;
const numTemplates = templates && templates.length;
if (numTemplates) {
const template = templates[0].title;
if (numTemplates === 1 && template === 'Template:Old prod') {
params.oldProdPresent = true; // Mark for reference later, when deciding if to endorse
// if there are multiple templates, at least one of them would be a prior xfd template
} else {
statelem.warn('Previous XfD template found on talk page, aborting procedure');
return $.Deferred().reject();
fetchCreationInfo: function twinkleprodFetchCreationInfo() {
const def = $.Deferred();
const ts = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Looking up page creator');
ts.setFollowRedirect(true); // for NPP, and also because redirects are ineligible for PROD
ts.setLookupNonRedirectCreator(true); // Look for author of first non-redirect revision
ts.lookupCreation((pageobj) => {
params.initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
params.creation = pageobj.getCreationTimestamp();
pageobj.getStatusElement().info('Done, found ' + params.initialContrib);
}, def.reject);
return def;
taggingPage: function twinkleprodTaggingPage() {
const def = $.Deferred();
const wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging page');
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // for NPP, and also because redirects are ineligible for PROD
wikipedia_page.load((pageobj) => {
const statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
if (!pageobj.exists()) {
statelem.error("It seems that the page doesn't exist. Perhaps it has already been deleted.");
// reject, so that all dependent actions like notifyAuthor() and
// addToLog() are cancelled
return def.reject();
let text = pageobj.getPageText();
// Check for already existing deletion tags
const tag_re = /{{(?:article for deletion\/dated|AfDM|ffd\b)|#invoke:RfD/i;
if (tag_re.test(text)) {
statelem.warn('Page already tagged with a deletion template, aborting procedure');
return def.reject();
// Remove tags that become superfluous with this action
text = text.replace(/{{\s*(userspace draft|mtc|(copy|move) to wikimedia commons|(copy |move )?to ?commons)\s*(\|(?:{{[^{}]*}}|[^{}])*)?}}\s*/gi, '');
const prod_re = /{{\s*(?:Prod blp|Proposed deletion)\/dated(?: files)?\s*\|(?:{{[^{}]*}}|[^{}])*}}/i;
let summaryText;
if (!prod_re.test(text)) {
// Page previously PROD-ed
if (params.oldProdPresent) {
if (params.blp) {
if (!confirm('Previous PROD nomination found on talk page. Do you still want to continue applying BLPPROD? ')) {
statelem.warn('Previous PROD found on talk page, aborted by user');
return def.reject();
statelem.info('Previous PROD found on talk page, continuing');
} else {
statelem.warn('Previous PROD found on talk page, aborting procedure');
return def.reject();
let tag;
if (params.blp) {
summaryText = 'Proposing article for deletion per [[WP:BLPPROD]].';
tag = '{{subst:prod blp' + (params.usertalk ? '|help=off' : '') + '}}';
} else {
summaryText = 'Proposing ' + namespace + ' for deletion per [[WP:PROD]].';
tag = '{{subst:prod|1=' + Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) + (params.usertalk ? '|help=off' : '') + '}}';
// Insert tag after short description or any hatnotes
const wikipage = new Morebits.wikitext.Page(text);
text = wikipage.insertAfterTemplates(tag + '\n', Twinkle.hatnoteRegex).getText();
} else { // already tagged for PROD, so try endorsing it
const prod2_re = /{{(?:Proposed deletion endorsed|prod-?2).*?}}/i;
if (prod2_re.test(text)) {
statelem.warn('Page already tagged with {{proposed deletion}} and {{proposed deletion endorsed}} templates, aborting procedure');
return def.reject();
let confirmtext = 'A {{proposed deletion}} tag was already found on this page. \nWould you like to add a {{proposed deletion endorsed}} tag with your explanation?';
if (params.blp && !/{{\s*Prod blp\/dated/.test(text)) {
confirmtext = 'A non-BLP {{proposed deletion}} tag was found on this article.\nWould you like to add a {{proposed deletion endorsed}} tag with explanation "article is a biography of a living person with no sources"?';
if (!confirm(confirmtext)) {
statelem.warn('Aborted per user request');
return def.reject();
summaryText = 'Endorsing proposed deletion per [[WP:' + (params.blp ? 'BLP' : '') + 'PROD]].';
text = text.replace(prod_re, text.match(prod_re) + '\n{{Proposed deletion endorsed|1=' + (params.blp ?
'article is a [[WP:BLPPROD|biography of a living person with no sources]]' :
Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason)) + '}}\n');
params.logEndorsing = true;
// curate/patrol the page
if (Twinkle.getPref('markProdPagesAsPatrolled')) {
pageobj.save(def.resolve, def.reject);
}, def.reject);
return def;
addOldProd: function twinkleprodAddOldProd() {
const def = $.Deferred();
if (params.oldProdPresent || params.blp) {
return def.resolve();
// Add {{Old prod}} to the talk page
const oldprodfull = '{{Old prod|nom=' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '|nomdate={{subst:#time: Y-m-d}}}}\n';
const talktitle = new mw.Title(mw.config.get('wgPageName')).getTalkPage().getPrefixedText();
const talkpage = new Morebits.wiki.Page(talktitle, 'Placing {{Old prod}} on talk page');
talkpage.setEditSummary('Adding {{Old prod}}');
talkpage.setFollowRedirect(true); // match behavior for page tagging
talkpage.prepend(def.resolve, def.reject);
return def;
notifyAuthor: function twinkleprodNotifyAuthor() {
const def = $.Deferred();
if (!params.blp && !params.usertalk) {
return def.resolve();
// Disallow warning yourself
if (params.initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
Morebits.Status.info('Notifying creator', 'You (' + params.initialContrib + ') created this page; skipping user notification');
return def.resolve();
// [[Template:Proposed deletion notify]] supports File namespace
let notifyTemplate;
if (params.blp) {
notifyTemplate = 'prodwarningBLP';
} else {
notifyTemplate = 'proposed deletion notify';
const notifytext = '\n{{subst:' + notifyTemplate + '|1=' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + '|concern=' + params.reason + '}} ~~~~';
const usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.Page('User talk:' + params.initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' + params.initialContrib + ')');
usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: proposed deletion of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].');
usertalkpage.setFollowRedirect(true, false);
usertalkpage.append(() => {
// add nomination to the userspace log, if the user has enabled it
params.logInitialContrib = params.initialContrib;
}, def.resolve); // resolves even if notification was unsuccessful
return def;
addToLog: function twinkleprodAddToLog() {
if (!Twinkle.getPref('logProdPages')) {
return $.Deferred().resolve();
const usl = new Morebits.UserspaceLogger(Twinkle.getPref('prodLogPageName'));
usl.initialText =
"This is a log of all [[WP:PROD|proposed deletion]] tags applied or endorsed by this user using [[WP:TW|Twinkle]]'s PROD module.\n\n" +
'If you no longer wish to keep this log, you can turn it off using the [[Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences|preferences panel]], and ' +
'nominate this page for speedy deletion under [[WP:CSD#U1|CSD U1]].';
let logText = '# [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']]';
let summaryText;
// If a logged file is deleted but exists on commons, the wikilink will be blue, so provide a link to the log
logText += namespace === 'file' ? ' ([{{fullurl:Special:Log|page=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '}} log]): ' : ': ';
if (params.logEndorsing) {
logText += 'endorsed ' + (params.blp ? 'BLP ' : '') + 'PROD. ~~~~~';
if (params.reason) {
logText += "\n#* '''Reason''': " + params.reason + '\n';
summaryText = 'Logging endorsement of PROD nomination of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';
} else {
logText += (params.blp ? 'BLP ' : '') + 'PROD';
if (params.logInitialContrib) {
logText += '; notified {{user|' + params.logInitialContrib + '}}';
logText += ' ~~~~~\n';
if (!params.blp && params.reason) {
logText += "#* '''Reason''': " + Morebits.string.formatReasonForLog(params.reason) + '\n';
summaryText = 'Logging PROD nomination of [[:' + Morebits.pageNameNorm + ']].';
usl.changeTags = Twinkle.changeTags;
return usl.log(logText, summaryText);
Twinkle.prod.callback.evaluate = function twinkleprodCallbackEvaluate(e) {
const form = e.target;
const input = Morebits.QuickForm.getInputData(form);
params = {
usertalk: input.notify || input.prodtype === 'prodblp',
blp: input.prodtype === 'prodblp',
reason: input.reason || '' // using an empty string here as fallback will help with prod-2.
if (!params.blp && !params.reason) {
if (!confirm('You left the reason blank, do you really want to continue without providing one?')) {
const tm = new Morebits.TaskManager();
const cbs = Twinkle.prod.callbacks; // shortcut reference, cbs for `callbacks`
// Disable Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft system
Morebits.wiki.numberOfActionsLeft = 1000;
// checkPriors() and fetchCreationInfo() have no dependencies, they'll run first
tm.add(cbs.checkPriors, []);
tm.add(cbs.fetchCreationInfo, []);
// tag the page once we're clear of the pre-requisites
tm.add(cbs.taggingPage, [ cbs.checkPriors, cbs.fetchCreationInfo ]);
// notify the author once we know who's the author, and also wait for the
// taggingPage() as we don't need to notify if tagging was not done, such as
// there was already a tag and the user chose not to endorse.
tm.add(cbs.notifyAuthor, [ cbs.fetchCreationInfo, cbs.taggingPage ]);
// oldProd needs to be added only if there wasn't one before, so need to wait
// for checkPriors() to finish. Also don't add oldProd if tagging itself was
// aborted or unsuccessful
tm.add(cbs.addOldProd, [ cbs.taggingPage, cbs.checkPriors ]);
// add to log only after notifying author so that the logging can be adjusted if
// notification wasn't successful. Also, don't run if tagging was not done.
tm.add(cbs.addToLog, [ cbs.notifyAuthor, cbs.taggingPage ]);
// All set, go!
tm.execute().then(() => {
Morebits.Status.actionCompleted('Tagging complete');
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
}, Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.timeOut);
Twinkle.addInitCallback(Twinkle.prod, 'prod');
// </nowiki>