مستخدم:Mohammed Qays/لمح البصر/MediaWiki:Gadget-twinklearv.js
![]() | يمكن توفير توثيق لسكربت المستخدم هذا في الصفحة : مستخدم:Mohammed Qays/لمح البصر/MediaWiki:Gadget-twinklearv. |
ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك محو الاختزان لرؤية التغييرات ( ).
// <nowiki>
(function() {
*** twinklearv.js: ARV module
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("ARV")
* Active on: Any page with relevant user name (userspace, contribs, etc.)
Twinkle.arv = function twinklearv() {
const username = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
if (!username || username === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
const isIP = mw.util.isIPAddress(username, true);
// Ignore ranges wider than the CIDR limit
if (Morebits.ip.isRange(username) && !Morebits.ip.validCIDR(username)) {
const userType = isIP ? 'IP' + (Morebits.ip.isRange(username) ? ' range' : '') : 'user';
Twinkle.addPortletLink(() => {
Twinkle.arv.callback(username, isIP);
}, 'ARV', 'tw-arv', 'Report ' + userType + ' to administrators');
Twinkle.arv.callback = function (uid, isIP) {
const Window = new Morebits.SimpleWindow(600, 500);
Window.setTitle('Advance Reporting and Vetting'); // Backronym
Window.addFooterLink('AIV guide', 'WP:GAIV');
Window.addFooterLink('UAA guide', 'WP:UAAI');
Window.addFooterLink('SPI guide', 'Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/SPI/Guide to filing cases');
Window.addFooterLink('ARV prefs', 'WP:TW/PREF#arv');
Window.addFooterLink('Twinkle help', 'WP:TW/DOC#arv');
Window.addFooterLink('Give feedback', 'WT:TW');
const form = new Morebits.QuickForm(Twinkle.arv.callback.evaluate);
const categories = form.append({
type: 'select',
name: 'category',
label: 'Select report type:',
event: Twinkle.arv.callback.changeCategory
type: 'option',
label: 'Vandalism (WP:AIV)',
value: 'aiv'
type: 'option',
label: 'Username (WP:UAA)',
value: 'username',
disabled: isIP
type: 'option',
label: 'Sockpuppeteer (WP:SPI)',
value: 'sock'
type: 'option',
label: 'Sockpuppet (WP:SPI)',
value: 'puppet'
type: 'option',
label: 'Edit warring (WP:AN3)',
value: 'an3',
disabled: Morebits.ip.isRange(uid) // rvuser template doesn't support ranges
type: 'div',
label: '',
style: 'color: red',
id: 'twinkle-arv-blockwarning'
type: 'field',
label: 'Work area',
name: 'work_area'
form.append({ type: 'submit' });
type: 'hidden',
name: 'uid',
value: uid
const result = form.render();
// Check if the user is blocked, update notice
const query = {
action: 'query',
list: 'blocks',
bkprop: 'range|flags',
format: 'json'
if (isIP) {
query.bkip = uid;
} else {
query.bkusers = uid;
new Morebits.wiki.Api("Checking the user's block status", query, ((apiobj) => {
const blocklist = apiobj.getResponse().query.blocks;
if (blocklist.length) {
// If an IP is blocked *and* rangeblocked, only use whichever is more recent
const block = blocklist[0];
let message = (isIP ? 'This IP ' + (Morebits.ip.isRange(uid) ? 'range' : 'address') : 'This account') + ' is ' + (block.partial ? 'partially' : 'already') + ' blocked';
// Start and end differ, range blocked
message += block.rangestart !== block.rangeend ? ' as part of a rangeblock.' : '.';
if (block.partial) {
$('#twinkle-arv-blockwarning').css('color', 'black'); // Less severe
// We must init the
const evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('change', true, true);
Twinkle.arv.callback.changeCategory = function (e) {
const value = e.target.value;
const root = e.target.form;
const old_area = Morebits.QuickForm.getElements(root, 'work_area')[0];
let work_area = null;
switch (value) {
case 'aiv':
/* falls through */
work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Report user for vandalism',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'input',
name: 'page',
label: 'Primary linked page:',
tooltip: 'Leave blank to not link to the page in the report',
value: Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticle') || '',
event: function(e) {
const value = e.target.value;
const root = e.target.form;
if (value === '') {
root.badid.disabled = root.goodid.disabled = true;
} else {
root.badid.disabled = false;
root.goodid.disabled = root.badid.value === '';
type: 'input',
name: 'badid',
label: 'Revision ID for target page when vandalised:',
tooltip: 'Leave blank for no diff link',
value: Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticlerevid') || '',
disabled: !Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticle'),
event: function(e) {
const value = e.target.value;
const root = e.target.form;
root.goodid.disabled = value === '';
type: 'input',
name: 'goodid',
label: 'Last good revision ID before vandalism of target page:',
tooltip: 'Leave blank for diff link to previous revision',
value: Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticlegoodrevid') || '',
disabled: !Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticle') || Twinkle.getPrefill('vanarticlerevid')
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'arvtype',
list: [
label: 'Vandalism after final (level 4 or 4im) warning given',
value: 'final'
label: 'Vandalism after recent (within 1 day) release of block',
value: 'postblock'
label: 'Evidently a vandalism-only account',
value: 'vandalonly',
disabled: mw.util.isIPAddress(root.uid.value, true)
label: 'Account is a promotion-only account',
value: 'promoonly',
disabled: mw.util.isIPAddress(root.uid.value, true)
label: 'Account is evidently a spambot or a compromised account',
value: 'spambot'
type: 'textarea',
name: 'reason',
label: 'Comment:'
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'username':
work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Report username violation',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'header',
label: 'Type(s) of inappropriate username',
tooltip: 'Wikipedia does not allow usernames that are misleading, promotional, offensive or disruptive. Domain names and email addresses are likewise prohibited. These criteria apply to both usernames and signatures. Usernames that are inappropriate in another language, or that represent an inappropriate name with misspellings and substitutions, or do so indirectly or by implication, are still considered inappropriate.'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'arvtype',
list: [
label: 'Misleading username',
value: 'misleading',
tooltip: 'Misleading usernames imply relevant, misleading things about the contributor. For example, misleading points of fact, an impression of undue authority, or usernames giving the impression of a bot account.'
label: 'Promotional username',
value: 'promotional',
tooltip: 'Promotional usernames are advertisements for a company, website or group. Please do not report these names to UAA unless the user has also made promotional edits related to the name.'
label: 'Offensive username',
value: 'offensive',
tooltip: 'Offensive usernames make harmonious editing difficult or impossible.'
label: 'Disruptive username',
value: 'disruptive',
tooltip: 'Disruptive usernames include outright trolling or personal attacks, or otherwise show a clear intent to disrupt Wikipedia.'
type: 'textarea',
name: 'reason',
label: 'Comment:'
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'puppet':
work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Report suspected sockpuppet',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'input',
name: 'sockmaster',
label: 'Sockpuppeteer',
tooltip: 'The username of the sockpuppeteer (sockmaster) without the "User:" prefix'
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Evidence:',
name: 'evidence',
tooltip: 'Your evidence should make it clear that each of these users is likely to be abusing multiple accounts. Usually this means diffs, page histories or other information that justifies why the users are a) the same and b) disruptive. This should be just evidence and information needed to judge the matter. Avoid all other discussion that is not evidence of sockpuppetry.'
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Request CheckUser',
name: 'checkuser',
tooltip: 'CheckUser is a tool used to obtain technical evidence related to a sockpuppetry allegation. It will not be used without good cause, which you must clearly demonstrate. Make sure your evidence explains why using the tool is appropriate. It will not be used to publicly connect user accounts and IP addresses.'
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'sock':
work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Report suspected sockpuppeteer',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'dyninput',
name: 'sockpuppets',
label: 'Sockpuppets',
sublabel: 'Sock:',
tooltip: 'The username of the sockpuppet without the "User:" prefix',
min: 2
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Evidence:',
name: 'evidence',
tooltip: 'Your evidence should make it clear that each of these users is likely to be abusing multiple accounts. Usually this means diffs, page histories or other information that justifies why the users are a) the same and b) disruptive. This should be just evidence and information needed to judge the matter. Avoid all other discussion that is not evidence of sockpuppetry.'
type: 'checkbox',
list: [ {
label: 'Request CheckUser',
name: 'checkuser',
tooltip: 'CheckUser is a tool used to obtain technical evidence related to a sockpuppetry allegation. It will not be used without good cause, which you must clearly demonstrate. Make sure your evidence explains why using the tool is appropriate. It will not be used to publicly connect user accounts and IP addresses.'
} ]
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'an3':
work_area = new Morebits.QuickForm.Element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Report edit warring',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'input',
name: 'page',
label: 'Page',
tooltip: 'The page being reported'
type: 'button',
name: 'load',
label: 'Load',
event: function(e) {
const root = e.target.form;
const date = new Morebits.Date().subtract(48, 'hours'); // all since 48 hours
// Run for each AN3 field
const getAN3Entries = function(field, rvuser, titles) {
const $field = $(root).find('[name=' + field + ']');
new mw.Api().get({
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
format: 'json',
rvprop: 'sha1|ids|timestamp|parsedcomment|comment',
rvlimit: 500, // intentionally limited
rvend: date.toISOString(),
rvuser: rvuser,
indexpageids: true,
titles: titles
}).done((data) => {
const pageid = data.query.pageids[0];
const page = data.query.pages[pageid];
if (!page.revisions) {
$('<span class="entry">None found</span>').appendTo($field);
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < page.revisions.length; ++i) {
const rev = page.revisions[i];
const $entry = $('<div>', {
class: 'entry'
const $input = $('<input>', {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 's_' + field,
value: rev.revid
$input.data('revinfo', rev);
let comment = '<span>';
// revdel/os
if (typeof rev.commenthidden === 'string') {
comment += '(comment hidden)';
} else {
comment += '"' + rev.parsedcomment + '"';
comment += ' at <a href="' + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?diff=' + rev.revid + '">' + new Morebits.Date(rev.timestamp).calendar() + '</a></span>';
// add free form input for resolves
if (field === 'resolves') {
const $free_entry = $('<div>', {
class: 'entry'
const $free_input = $('<input>', {
type: 'text',
name: 's_resolves_free'
const $free_label = $('<label>', {
for: 's_resolves_free',
html: 'URL link of diff with additional discussions: '
}).fail(() => {
$('<span class="entry">API failure, reload page and try again</span>').appendTo($field);
// warnings
const uid = root.uid.value;
getAN3Entries('warnings', mw.config.get('wgUserName'), 'User talk:' + uid);
// diffs and resolves require a valid page
const page = root.page.value;
if (page) {
// diffs
getAN3Entries('diffs', uid, page);
// resolutions
const t = new mw.Title(page);
const talk_page = t.getTalkPage().getPrefixedText();
getAN3Entries('resolves', mw.config.get('wgUserName'), talk_page);
} else {
type: 'field',
name: 'diffs',
label: 'User\'s reverts (within last 48 hours)',
tooltip: 'Select the edits you believe are reverts'
type: 'field',
name: 'warnings',
label: 'Warnings given to subject',
tooltip: 'You must have warned the subject before reporting'
type: 'field',
name: 'resolves',
label: 'Resolution initiatives',
tooltip: 'You should have tried to resolve the issue on the talk page first'
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Comment:',
name: 'comment'
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
Twinkle.arv.callback.evaluate = function(e) {
const form = e.target;
let reason = '';
const input = Morebits.QuickForm.getInputData(form);
const uid = form.uid.value;
switch (input.category) {
// Report user for vandalism
case 'aiv':
/* falls through */
reason = Twinkle.arv.callback.getAivReasonWikitext(input);
if (reason === null) {
alert('You must specify some reason');
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = 'Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism';
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Reporting complete';
var aivPage = new Morebits.wiki.Page('Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism', 'Processing AIV request');
aivPage.load(() => {
const text = aivPage.getPageText();
const $aivLink = '<a target="_blank" href="/wiki/WP:AIV">WP:AIV</a>';
// check if user has already been reported
if (new RegExp('\\{\\{\\s*(?:(?:[Ii][Pp])?[Vv]andal|[Uu]serlinks)\\s*\\|\\s*(?:1=)?\\s*' + Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(input.uid) + '\\s*\\}\\}').test(text)) {
aivPage.getStatusElement().error('Report already present, will not add a new one');
Morebits.Status.printUserText(reason, 'The comments you typed are provided below, in case you wish to manually post them under the existing report for this user at ' + $aivLink + ':');
// then check for any bot reports
const tb2Page = new Morebits.wiki.Page('Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism/TB2', 'Checking bot reports');
tb2Page.load(() => {
const tb2Text = tb2Page.getPageText();
const tb2statelem = tb2Page.getStatusElement();
if (new RegExp('\\{\\{\\s*(?:(?:[Ii][Pp])?[Vv]andal|[Uu]serlinks)\\s*\\|\\s*(?:1=)?\\s*' + Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(input.uid) + '\\s*\\}\\}').test(tb2Text)) {
if (confirm('The user ' + input.uid + ' has already been reported by a bot. Do you wish to make the report anyway?')) {
tb2statelem.info('Proceeded despite bot report');
} else {
tb2statelem.error('Report from a bot is already present, stopping');
Morebits.Status.printUserText(reason, 'The comments you typed are provided below, in case you wish to manually post them at ' + $aivLink + ':');
} else {
tb2statelem.info('No conflicting bot reports');
aivPage.getStatusElement().status('Adding new report...');
aivPage.setEditSummary('Reporting [[Special:Contributions/' + input.uid + '|' + input.uid + ']].');
// Report inappropriate username
case 'username':
var censorUsername = input.arvtype.includes('offensive'); // check if the username is marked offensive
reason = Twinkle.arv.callback.getUsernameReportWikitext(input);
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = 'Wikipedia:Usernames for administrator attention';
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Reporting complete';
var uaaPage = new Morebits.wiki.Page('Wikipedia:Usernames for administrator attention', 'Processing UAA request');
uaaPage.load(() => {
const text = uaaPage.getPageText();
// check if user has already been reported
if (new RegExp('\\{\\{\\s*user-uaa\\s*\\|\\s*(1\\s*=\\s*)?' + Morebits.string.escapeRegExp(input.uid) + '\\s*(\\||\\})').test(text)) {
uaaPage.getStatusElement().error('User is already listed.');
const $uaaLink = '<a target="_blank" href="/wiki/WP:UAA">WP:UAA</a>';
Morebits.Status.printUserText(reason, 'The comments you typed are provided below, in case you wish to manually post them under the existing report for this user at ' + $uaaLink + ':');
uaaPage.getStatusElement().status('Adding new report...');
uaaPage.setEditSummary('Reporting ' + (censorUsername ? 'an offensive username.' : '[[Special:Contributions/' + input.uid + '|' + input.uid + ']].'));
// Blank newline per [[Special:Permalink/996949310#Spacing]]; see also [[WP:LISTGAP]] and [[WP:INDENTGAP]]
uaaPage.setPageText(text + '\n' + reason + '\n*');
case 'sock':
/* falls through */
case 'puppet':
var reportData = Twinkle.arv.callback.getSpiReportData(input);
if (reportData.error) {
Morebits.wiki.addCheckpoint(); // prevent notification events from causing an erronous "action completed"
var reportpage = 'Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/' + reportData.sockmaster;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = reportpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Reporting complete';
var spiPage = new Morebits.wiki.page(reportpage, 'Retrieving discussion page');
spiPage.setEditSummary('Adding new report for [[Special:Contributions/' + reportData.sockmaster + '|' + reportData.sockmaster + ']].');
Morebits.wiki.removeCheckpoint(); // all page updates have been started
case 'an3':
var diffs = $.map($('input:checkbox[name=s_diffs]:checked', form), (o) => $(o).data('revinfo'));
if (diffs.length < 3 && !confirm('You have selected fewer than three offending edits. Do you wish to make the report anyway?')) {
var warnings = $.map($('input:checkbox[name=s_warnings]:checked', form), (o) => $(o).data('revinfo'));
if (!warnings.length && !confirm('You have not selected any edits where you warned the offender. Do you wish to make the report anyway?')) {
var resolves = $.map($('input:checkbox[name=s_resolves]:checked', form), (o) => $(o).data('revinfo'));
var free_resolves = $('input[name=s_resolves_free]').val();
var an3_next = function(free_resolves) {
if (!resolves.length && !free_resolves && !confirm('You have not selected any edits where you tried to resolve the issue. Do you wish to make the report anyway?')) {
const an3Parameters = {
uid: uid,
page: form.page.value.trim(),
comment: form.comment.value.trim(),
diffs: diffs,
warnings: warnings,
resolves: resolves,
free_resolves: free_resolves
if (free_resolves) {
let query;
let diff, oldid;
const specialDiff = /Special:Diff\/(\d+)(?:\/(\S+))?/i.exec(free_resolves);
if (specialDiff) {
if (specialDiff[2]) {
oldid = specialDiff[1];
diff = specialDiff[2];
} else {
diff = specialDiff[1];
} else {
diff = mw.util.getParamValue('diff', free_resolves);
oldid = mw.util.getParamValue('oldid', free_resolves);
const title = mw.util.getParamValue('title', free_resolves);
const diffNum = /^\d+$/.test(diff); // used repeatedly
// rvdiffto in prop=revisions is deprecated, but action=compare doesn't return
// timestamps ([[phab:T247686]]) so we can't rely on it unless necessary.
// Likewise, we can't rely on a meaningful comment for diff=cur.
// Additionally, links like Special:Diff/123/next, Special:Diff/123/456, or ?diff=next&oldid=123
// would each require making use of rvdir=newer in the revisions API.
// That requires a title parameter, so we have to use compare instead of revisions.
if (oldid && (diff === 'cur' || (!title && (diff === 'next' || diffNum)))) {
query = {
action: 'compare',
fromrev: oldid,
prop: 'ids|title',
format: 'json'
if (diffNum) {
query.torev = diff;
} else {
query.torelative = diff;
} else {
query = {
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'ids|timestamp|comment',
format: 'json',
indexpageids: true
if (diff && oldid) {
if (diff === 'prev') {
query.revids = oldid;
} else {
query.titles = title;
query.rvdir = 'newer';
query.rvstartid = oldid;
if (diff === 'next' && title) {
query.rvlimit = 2;
} else if (diffNum) {
// Diffs may or may not be consecutive, no limit
query.rvendid = diff;
} else {
// diff=next|prev|cur with no oldid
// Implies title= exists otherwise it's not a valid diff link (well, it is, but to the Main Page)
if (diff && /^\D+$/.test(diff)) {
query.titles = title;
} else {
query.revids = diff || oldid;
new mw.Api().get(query).done((data) => {
let page;
if (data.compare && data.compare.fromtitle === data.compare.totitle) {
page = data;
} else if (data.query) {
const pageid = data.query.pageids[0];
page = data.query.pages[pageid];
} else {
}).fail((data) => {
console.log('API failed :(', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
Twinkle.arv.callback.getAivReasonWikitext = function(input) {
let text = '';
let type = input.arvtype;
if (!type.length && input.reason === '') {
return null;
type = type.map((v) => {
switch (v) {
case 'final':
return 'vandalism after final warning';
case 'postblock':
return 'vandalism after recent release of block';
case 'vandalonly':
return 'actions evidently indicate a vandalism-only account';
case 'promoonly':
return 'account is being used only for promotional purposes';
case 'spambot':
return 'account is evidently a spambot or a compromised account';
return 'unknown reason';
}).join('; ');
if (input.page !== '') {
// Allow links to redirects, files, and categories
text = 'On {{No redirect|:' + input.page + '}}';
if (input.badid !== '') {
text += ' ({{diff|' + input.page + '|' + input.badid + '|' + input.goodid + '|diff}})';
text += ':';
if (type) {
text += ' ' + type;
if (input.reason !== '') {
const textEndsInPunctuationOrBlank = /([.?!;:]|^)$/.test(text);
text += textEndsInPunctuationOrBlank ? '' : '.';
const textIsBlank = text === '';
text += textIsBlank ? '' : ' ';
text += input.reason;
text = text.trim();
const textEndsInPunctuation = /[.?!;]$/.test(text);
if (!textEndsInPunctuation) {
text += '.';
text += ' ~~~~';
text = text.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\n*:'); // indent newlines
return text;
Twinkle.arv.callback.buildAivReport = function(input) {
return '\n*{{vandal|' + (/=/.test(input.uid) ? '1=' : '') + input.uid + '}} – ' + Twinkle.arv.callback.getAivReasonWikitext(input);
Twinkle.arv.callback.getUsernameReportWikitext = function(input) {
// generate human-readable string, e.g. "misleading and promotional username"
if (input.arvtype.length <= 2) {
input.arvtype = input.arvtype.join(' and ');
} else {
input.arvtype = [ input.arvtype.slice(0, -1).join(', '), input.arvtype.slice(-1) ].join(' and ');
// a or an?
let adjective = 'a';
if (/[aeiouwyh]/.test(input.arvtype[0] || '')) { // non 100% correct, but whatever, including 'h' for Cockney
adjective = 'an';
let text = '*{{user-uaa|1=' + input.uid + '}} – ';
if (input.arvtype.length) {
text += 'Violation of the username policy as ' + adjective + ' ' + input.arvtype + ' username. ';
if (input.reason !== '') {
text += Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(input.reason);
const endsInPeriod = /\.$/.test(input.reason);
if (!endsInPeriod) {
text += '.';
text += ' ';
text += '~~~~';
text = text.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\n*:'); // indent newlines
return text;
Twinkle.arv.callback.getSpiReportData = function(input) {
const isPuppetReport = input.category === 'puppet';
if (!isPuppetReport) {
input.sockpuppets = input.sockpuppets.filter((sock) => sock !== ''); // ignore empty sockpuppet inputs
if (isPuppetReport && !input.sockmaster) {
return { error: 'You have not entered a sockmaster account for this puppet. Consider reporting this account as a sockpuppeteer instead.' };
} else if (!isPuppetReport && input.sockpuppets.length === 0) {
return { error: 'You have not entered any sockpuppet account(s) for this sockmaster. Consider reporting this account as a sockpuppet instead.' };
input.sockmaster = input.sockmaster || input.uid;
input.sockpuppets = isPuppetReport ? [input.uid] : Morebits.array.uniq(input.sockpuppets);
let text = '\n{{subst:SPI report|' +
input.sockpuppets.map((sock, index) => (index + 1) + '=' + sock).join('|') + '\n|evidence=' + input.evidence + ' \n';
if (input.checkuser) {
text += '|checkuser=yes';
text += '}}';
return {
sockmaster: input.sockmaster,
wikitext: text
Twinkle.arv.processAN3 = function(params) {
// prepare the AN3 report
let minid;
for (let i = 0; i < params.diffs.length; ++i) {
if (params.diffs[i].parentid && (!minid || params.diffs[i].parentid < minid)) {
minid = params.diffs[i].parentid;
new mw.Api().get({
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
format: 'json',
rvprop: 'sha1|ids|timestamp|comment',
rvlimit: 100, // intentionally limited
rvstartid: minid,
rvexcludeuser: params.uid,
indexpageids: true,
titles: params.page
}).done((data) => {
Morebits.wiki.addCheckpoint(); // prevent notification events from causing an erronous "action completed"
// In case an edit summary was revdel'd
const hasHiddenComment = function(rev) {
if (!rev.comment && typeof rev.commenthidden === 'string') {
return '(comment hidden)';
return '"' + rev.comment + '"';
let orig;
if (data.length) {
const sha1 = data[0].sha1;
for (let i = 1; i < data.length; ++i) {
if (data[i].sha1 === sha1) {
orig = data[i];
if (!orig) {
orig = data[0];
let origtext = '';
if (orig) {
origtext = '{{diff2|' + orig.revid + '|' + orig.timestamp + '}} ' + hasHiddenComment(orig);
const grouped_diffs = {};
let parentid, lastid;
for (let j = 0; j < params.diffs.length; ++j) {
const cur = params.diffs[j];
if ((cur.revid && cur.revid !== parentid) || lastid === null) {
lastid = cur.revid;
grouped_diffs[lastid] = [];
parentid = cur.parentid;
const difftext = $.map(grouped_diffs, (sub) => {
let ret = '';
if (sub.length >= 2) {
const last = sub[0];
const first = sub.slice(-1)[0];
const label = 'Consecutive edits made from ' + new Morebits.Date(first.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC) to ' + new Morebits.Date(last.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC)';
ret = '# {{diff|oldid=' + first.parentid + '|diff=' + last.revid + '|label=' + label + '}}\n';
ret += sub.reverse().map((v) => (sub.length >= 2 ? '#' : '') + '# {{diff2|' + v.revid + '|' + new Morebits.Date(v.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC)}} ' + hasHiddenComment(v)).join('\n');
return ret;
const warningtext = params.warnings.reverse().map((v) => '# {{diff2|' + v.revid + '|' + new Morebits.Date(v.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC)}} ' + hasHiddenComment(v)).join('\n');
let resolvetext = params.resolves.reverse().map((v) => '# {{diff2|' + v.revid + '|' + new Morebits.Date(v.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC)}} ' + hasHiddenComment(v)).join('\n');
if (params.free_resolves) {
const page = params.free_resolves;
if (page.compare) {
resolvetext += '\n# {{diff|oldid=' + page.compare.fromrevid + '|diff=' + page.compare.torevid + '|label=Consecutive edits on ' + page.compare.totitle + '}}';
} else if (page.revisions) {
const revCount = page.revisions.length;
let rev;
if (revCount < 3) { // diff=prev or next
rev = revCount === 1 ? page.revisions[0] : page.revisions[1];
resolvetext += '\n# {{diff2|' + rev.revid + '|' + new Morebits.Date(rev.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC) on ' + page.title + '}} ' + hasHiddenComment(rev);
} else { // diff and oldid are nonconsecutive
rev = page.revisions[0];
const revLatest = page.revisions[revCount - 1];
const label = 'Consecutive edits made from ' + new Morebits.Date(rev.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC) to ' + new Morebits.Date(revLatest.timestamp).format('HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY', 'utc') + ' (UTC) on ' + page.title;
resolvetext += '\n# {{diff|oldid=' + rev.revid + '|diff=' + revLatest.revid + '|label=' + label + '}}\n';
let comment = params.comment.replace(/~*$/g, '').trim();
if (comment) {
comment += ' ~~~~';
const text = '\n\n{{subst:AN3 report|diffs=' + difftext + '|warnings=' + warningtext + '|resolves=' + resolvetext + '|pagename=' + params.page + '|orig=' + origtext + '|comment=' + comment + '|uid=' + params.uid + '}}';
const reportpage = 'Wikipedia:Administrators\' noticeboard/Edit warring';
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = reportpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Reporting complete';
const an3Page = new Morebits.wiki.Page(reportpage, 'Retrieving discussion page');
an3Page.setEditSummary('Adding new report for [[Special:Contributions/' + params.uid + '|' + params.uid + ']].');
// notify user
const notifyText = '\n\n{{subst:an3-notice|1=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(params.uid) + '|auto=1}} ~~~~';
const talkPage = new Morebits.wiki.Page('User talk:' + params.uid, 'Notifying edit warrior');
talkPage.setEditSummary('Notifying about edit warring noticeboard discussion.');
Morebits.wiki.removeCheckpoint(); // all page updates have been started
}).fail((data) => {
console.log('API failed :(', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console
Twinkle.addInitCallback(Twinkle.arv, 'arv');
// </nowiki>