{{زر قابل للنقر|[[:wikidata:Q1772440]]}}
{{صندوق معلومات شخص|معرف ويكي بيانات=Q1772440}}
'''مود باول''' {{lang-en|Maud Powell}} هي [[موسيقي]]ة و[[عازف كمان|عازفة كمان]] [[الولايات المتحدة|أمريكية]]، ولدت في [[22 أغسطس]] [[1867]] في [[إلينوي]] في [[الولايات المتحدة]]، وتوفيت في [[8 يناير]] [[1920]] في [[بنسيلفانيا]] في [[الولايات المتحدة]].<ref name = "Timeline">{{cite web
| last = Shaffer | first = K. A. | authorlink =
| title = Life & Career Timeline | work =
| publisher = The Maud Powell Society
| year = 2004 | url = http://www.maudpowell.org/home/MaudPowell/LifeCareerTimeline/tabid/78/Default.aspx
| accessdate = 2014-02-04}}</ref><ref>[https://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:William+inauthor:Bramwell+inauthor:Powell&num=10 Works by William Bramwell Powell in Google Books]</ref><ref name=obit>{{cite news |author= |coauthors= |title=Maud Powell, The Violinist, Is Dead. One of Greatest Native Musicians Suffers Nervous Breakdown at 51 [sic] Years. Displayed Gift As Child. Won Her First American Triumph In 1885 After Study Under European Masters |url=https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1920/01/09/102735150.pdf |quote=Maud Powell, the violinist, died in a hotel here today. She suffered a nervous breakdown yesterday and became so ill that her concert last night was canceled. On Thanksgiving night she collapsed on the stage during her concert in St. Louis. For twenty-four hours she was said to be dangerously ill, but she recovered and continued her tour. The illness was reported as acute gastritis at that time. .|newspaper=[[New York Times]] |date=January 9, 1920 |accessdate=2014-01-09 }}</ref>
== مراجع ==
== وصلات خارجية ==
* {{روابط فنية}}
{{تصنيف كومنز|Maud Powell}}
{{شريط بوابات|أعلام|المرأة}}
{{بذرة أعلام الولايات المتحدة}}
[[:تصنيف:مواليد 1867]]
[[:تصنيف:وفيات 1920]]