مستخدم:محمد إبراهيم الخضري/ملعب
النظرية لها عدد من المعاني المختلفة باختلاف الفرع التي تستخدم به هذه الكلمة.<المتتالية البشريه الروح والقلب والجسد The theory `` has a number of different meanings according to the branch in which this word is used.
{{مرجع كتاب|الأخير1=Medicine| الأول1 Human cascading soul, heart and body Academy of n/f| العنوان= book ( Human cascading()soul, heart and bodyn |الناشر=Mohamed Ibrahim Alkhodary |المكان.|= Kwait salmya |الصفحه= https://www.facebook.com soulheartbodyprofElkhodary/ Text of theory (Treating all acquired diseases as a result of the effects of daily life, whether negative or positive, treats the soul and reassures the heart and body) What is the meaning of theory and what is it used for?
The theory holds that treating the soul first treats the heart and body
an introduction That most of the problems that a person meets and causes him organic diseases are mainly diseases that affect the body’s organs first and cause failures from work or result in the interruption of some of the body’s systems. Perhaps the largest organ including and related to the entire system and organs of the body is the heart Yes it takes signals from the brain but it is life God Almighty takes his basic instructions from the soul, but the soul is the only influence first and foremost in both the body and the heart. I was exposed to it in A theory of experiences and readings in different interpretations and different forms, but unfortunately I did not find a scientist to set a rule from which future generations learn from what the soul is and what types and when it leaves and when it comes back and when it comes up and when it comes to the end of life all these questions I wrote in my humble books
- Soul_Heart_Flesh
- Your secrets in a book
- Magic_ religions
I am the owner of its name
- Cascading_human_south_heart_ body
- D_Mohammed Ibrahim Ibrahim Al-Khudari
Thanks to its foundation
- Econmology
Which is the basis I did not make but it is a science that has existed since the beginning of creation only I am the owner of his name There is no arrogance and no arrogance, but he contemplated what the Creator created, thinking and help from God
- ^ What do you care about theory and its benefits in treatment
1▪ depression and sexual isolation 2▪ Treating the practice of confidentiality 3▪ Raise awareness of sexual culture 4▪ Treatment of homosexuality 5▪ Transplant and increase self-confidence 6▪ Treating suicide desire 7▪ Develop autism skills and determine the direction of treatment 8▪ OCD treatment 9▪ Treatment of emotional refraction and psychological problems Medicines that Used> No chemicals or abnormal oils are used 1 olive oil Summary of fig juice Lemon, cinnamon, star anise, cashew fruits, walnuts, dates, glycyrrh, paemon, greek semi-seed, flax seed, pond seed, fresh vegetables and natural oils that delight the soul with natural scents, specific types of incense, not for magic and ferment, but relax the body, aim and reassure, and because sugar and so on affect natural health Exhibitions Labels will read and end in books The bidder! It is a disease Patient! He is the opponent Healer ! Healer And Thank you very much Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Khudari
__________________ References 1 The Holy Quran and its Sciences 2 https://www.facebook.com/secrtinbookDrMelkhodary/ 3 https://www.facebook.com/soulheartbodyprofElkhodary/ 4 السحر Book of magic and religions والأديان 5▪ الاديان_السماوية_والجنس Heavenly religions and sex