(بالألمانية) {{استشهاد}}
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عدلالمتغيرات الأكثر استخداماً في الصيغة الأفقية
{{Literatur|Autor= |Titel= |Verlag= |Ort= |Jahr= |ISBN=}}
جميع المتغيرات التي تستخدم في الصيغة الأفقية
{{Literatur|Autor= |Herausgeber= |Titel= |TitelErg= |Sammelwerk= |Band= |Nummer= |Auflage= |Verlag= |Ort= |Jahr= |Monat= |Tag= |Kapitel= |Seiten= |Spalten= |ISBN= |ISBNistFormalFalsch= |ISSN= |Kommentar= |Originaltitel= |Originalsprache= |Übersetzer= |Online= |DOI= |arxiv= |Zugriff= }}
عدلParameter | Meaning | Comments/Examples |
Autor | Author | Authors (Forename Surname, Forename Surname...) |
Herausgeber | Editor | Editor of the compilation or the cited work (if no author is given) |
Titel | Title | Title of the cited work |
TitelErg | Subtitle | Further information about the title (e. g.: With an introduction by Lieschen Müller.). |
Sammelwerk | Compilation | Title of the overarching work: magazine, anthology ... (automatically preceded by "In:") |
Band | Volume | "Bd. 1" (not automatic, "Bd." must be entered), "Vol. 34" (English version: Volume, Vol.), "Book 12" |
Nummer | Number | Number, , Issue or Heft ("Nr." or "No." is automatically added) |
Auflage | Edition | "1." (A full stop must be entered.) |
Verlag | Publisher | |
Ort | Location | |
Jahr | Year | |
Monat | Month | Written in full ("Januar", "Februar", ...) only for دورية |
Tag | Day | "1, 2, 3, ... 31" only for دورية |
Kapitel | Chapter | e. g. "Early History chapter", "2.1.7 Miscellaneous" or "614b" (unlike pages and columns nothing is added here, giving freedom to describe sections of the work as they are arranged)
Seiten | Pages | e. g. "27–34" (a hyphen must be entered!), "13ff.", "192" ("S." will automatically appear) |
Spalten | Columns | Many articles are organised by columns, not pages. Enter the column no. here e. g. "3–4" (hyphen must be entere! – "Sp." is automatically displayed) |
ISBN | ISBN number | ISBN number (no need to enter "ISBN") |
ISBNistFormalFalsch | False ISBN | If the book has been delivered with a false ISBN, enter "J" (="Ja" or "Yes") here. |
ISSN | ISSN nubmer | ISSN number for magazines, ... (no need to enter "ISSN") |
Kommentar | Comments | e. g. total pages, recommendation, PMID etc. |
DOI | Document Object Identifier | 10.1109/MSPEC.2005.1526906 (Document Object Identifier) The DOI number is displayed thus: |
arXiv | arXiv number | astro-ph/0506600v1 (The Archive) The arXiv number is displayed thus: |
Online | Web page | URL (example: "[http://server/file.pdf PDF, 1 MB] ")
Zugriff | Access date | Date of the last time the data was accessed (for online sources, if not also available in print) |
Originalsprache | Original language | RFC 4646 code for the language in which the original was published e. g. „en“, „en-US“ oder „ar-Latn-EG“ |
Originaltitel | Original title | The original title in the original language |
Übersetzer | Translator | The German translator of the edition in question |
Typ | List of works | Only valid value: wl (Werkliste = "list of works"). If this parameter is entered, the name of the author does not appear in the result. So the details can be used in lists of works. |
إذا تم إدخال متغير بدون اسم ({{Literatur|Hans Müller|...}}
)، ستظهر رسالة خطأ.
عدلContribution to a compilation work
{{Literatur |Autor=Max Mustermann |Titel=Aspekte modernen Wikipädisierens |Herausgeber=Bernd Beispiel |Sammelwerk=Soziologie der Wikipädianer |Verlag=Wikipedia-Press |Ort=Musterstadt |Jahr=2003 |ISBN=978-3-9801412-1-5 |Seiten=213–278}}
- Max Mustermann (2003), Bernd Beispiel (ed.), "Aspekte modernen Wikipädisierens", Soziologie der Wikipädianer (بالألمانية), Musterstadt: Wikipedia-Press, pp. 213–278, ISBN:978-3-9801412-1-5
: صيانة الاستشهاد: التاريخ والسنة (link)
Article in a scientific journal
{{Literatur |Autor=Max Mustermann |Titel=Semantischer Kollaps bei Löschdiskussionen |Sammelwerk=Journal of Wikipedianism |Band=Vol. 2 |Nummer=3 |Monat=März |Jahr=2006 |Seiten=17–67}}
- Max Mustermann (März 2006), "Semantischer Kollaps bei Löschdiskussionen", Journal of Wikipedianism (بالألمانية), vol. Vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 17–67
يحوي نصًّا زائدًا (help) and تحقق من التاريخ في:|date=
(help)صيانة الاستشهاد: التاريخ والسنة (link)
Newspaper article
{{Literatur |Autor=Max Mustermann |Titel=Wikipedia wohin? |Sammelwerk=FAZ |Tag=1 |Monat=Februar |Jahr=2003 |ISSN=0174-4909 |Seiten=3}}
- Max Mustermann (1 Februar 2003), "Wikipedia wohin?", FAZ (بالألمانية), pp. 3, ISSN:0174-4909
: تحقق من التاريخ في:|date=
(help)صيانة الاستشهاد: التاريخ والسنة (link)
Foreign work
{{Literatur |Autor=John Doe |Titel=Einführung in die Trollerei |Originaltitel=Introduction to Trolling |Originalsprache=en-US |Verlag=Wikipedia-Press |Ort=Musterstadt |Jahr=2003 |ISBN=978-3-9801412-1-5}}
- John Doe (2003)، Einführung in die Trollerei [Introduction to Trolling]، Musterstadt: Wikipedia-Press، ISBN:978-3-9801412-1-5
: صيانة الاستشهاد: التاريخ والسنة (link)