(بالتحويل من قالب:Change)
توثيق القالب[عرض] [عدّل] [تاريخ] [محو الاختزان] [استخدامات]
عدليحسب هذا القالب النسبة المئوية للتغيير بين قيمتين عدد حقيقى ويعرض النتيجة بتنسيق قابل للفرز. إن بناء الجملة لهذا القالب كالتالي:
{{change|1st No.|2nd No.|dec=rounding|pre=prefix|suf=suffix|sort=on/off|italics=on/off|bold=on/off|invert=on/off|disp=row/out|rowspan=rowspan|align=alignment|bgcolour=background colour}}
parameter | function |
1 |
1st No. is the first number displayed representing the base value. |
2 |
2nd No. is the second number displayed representing the object value. |
dec |
This is the number of decimal places to round the percentage change to. |
pre |
This adds a prefix to the first and second numbers. |
pre1 |
This adds a prefix to the first number. |
pre2 |
This adds a prefix to the second number. |
suf |
This adds a suffix to the first and second numbers. |
suf1 |
This adds a suffix to the first number. |
suf2 |
This adds a suffix to the second number. |
sort |
This adds or removes the {{nts}}-compatible sort key from the first two cells. The default is only to add this if a prefix or suffix is used (i.e. only if needed). |
italics |
This can either have the value of on or off . italics=on makes the output italic. The default is italics=off .
bold |
This can either have the value of on or off . bolds=on makes the output bold. The default is bold=off .
invert |
This can either have the value of on or off . invert=on switches the base and object values in the calculation of percentage change. The default is invert=off .
align |
This adjusts the alignment of text in cells. align=center and align=left aligns the text to the centre and left respectively. The default is align=right .
rowspan |
This adjust the row span of cells. The default is rowspan=1 .
bgcolour |
This adjusts the background colour of cells. The default is bgcolour=inherit (inherits this value from the table).
disp |
This controls what is output. disp=out produces the percentage change only (and thus align , rowspan and bgcolour do not work with disp=out ). The default is disp=row which produces three cells in a table row.
توضح الجداول القابلة للفرز التالية استخدام هذا القالب:
نص ويكي | Tables | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{|class="wikitable sortable" !Region !first !second !change |- |Big Meadow |{{تغيير|1830000|1900679.75}} |- |Little Meadow |{{تغيير|400000|500000}} |- |Mount Acme |{{تغيير|2450000|2205678.37}} |- |Acmevale North |{{تغيير|1250000|1000000|rowspan=2}} |- |Acmevale South |- |Homeport |{{تغيير|5120000|5589462.60|dec=0}} |- |Longwood |{{تغيير|930000|930027.92|dec=3}} |- |Meadowbrook |{{تغيير|2450000|2450000.00|pre=$}} |- |Johnstown |{{تغيير|3400000|3902340.05|suf= kg}} |- |Lakewood |{{تغيير|2250000|2236005.56|align=center}} |- style="background-color:lightblue" | Fox Hollow |{{تغيير|1180000|1190345.32|bgcolour=lightblue}} |- |Riverton |{{تغيير|10550000|11236005.55|bold=on}} |- |Timber Creek |{{تغيير|1360000|1310948.30|italics=on}} |- |Terminated |{{تغيير|1500|0.00|bold=on|italics=on}} |- |Upstart |{{تغيير|0|26250.50|align=left}} |- |} |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
يستخدم هذا القالب وحدة:Math وقالب: Ntsh، وينتج نوعًا متوافقًا مع قالب: Nts وقالب: Ntsh.