قالب:شبه متقاعد

عدلThe syntax for this template is simple: {{شبه متقاعد}}
if you want it to display the above, or {{شبه متقاعد|date=date (any format is acceptable)}}
if you want it to display a date along with the above. You can also provide an explanation or note {{شبه متقاعد-|explanation (be mindful of using certain restricted characters)}}
if you like.
Semi-retiring implies that you will be editing occasionally. If there is chance that you might eventually return to regular entry, then it is preferable to announce a {{عطلة الويكي}}.
Editors should promptly remove this template from their userpages for any reason. If not editing anymore, use {{متقاعد}} in preference.
This template should be placed on a userpage only by the concerned user, or by his or her request.
عدل{{شبه متقاعد|التاريخ={{subst:Monthyear}}}}
{{شبه متقاعد|رسالة صغيرة توضيحية.}}
رسالة صغيرة توضيحية.