This template takes the positional parameters inputted, strips beginning and ending blanks and newlines, and creates a parameter string from the parameters using {{!}}.
This eliminates the need to have some kind of stripping template for every positional parameter - which makes the template easier to read and maintain. It also allows the positional parameters to be entered, one per line, which if you have a lot of positional parameters, makes the template easier to read and update than one long line of parameters stringed together.
The parameter string returned can be used as positional parameter input.
This template was initially created for use by the search prefixes template.
توصيف |
{{إنشاء سلسلة وسائط
يدعم القالب 30 وسيط كحد أقصى.
قالب:Search prefixes
قوالب التعامل مع النصوص |
حسب الحساب | {{Str mid}} | To return a substring specified by position and length. | {{Trunc}} | لحذف عدد محدد من الأحرف. | {{Str left}} | To trim down to a specified number of characters or duplicate the string to a specified number. | {{Str crop}} | لاقتصاص عدد محدد من الأحرف من النهاية. | {{chop head and tail}} | لاقتصاص عدد محدد من الأحرف من البداية والنهاية |
| {{Str right}} | لحذف اول عدد أو حرف | {{Str rightc}} | To return a number of characters from the end, returns a parameter if the string is empty. | {{Str rightmost}} | لحذف آخر عدد أو حرف من جملة. | {{Str sub old}} | To trim down to a specified number, starting at a given number from the left. | {{str sub new}} | Select a substr based on starting and ending index. | {{Str index}} | Returns a given character from a string, but not accented letters. |
حسب الفحص | |
مخصص | | {{WikiProjectbasename}} | يحذف "مشروع ويكي" من اسم الصفحة. | {{Remove unranked}} | Removes the string "unranked_" from the left of a string (taxonomy). | {{Ship prefix}} | Returns the length of a ship's name prefix, if listed (ship names). | {{Title year}} | يعود برقم السنة من عنوان الصفحة إن وجد. |
إدخال، إبدال، وطول |
{{strloc insert}} | Inserts a string at character location strloc, or appends if strloc<=0. | {{حلقة}} | Repeat character string a specified number of times. | {{حلقة}} | يكرر سلسلة عدد محدد من المرات. | {{استبدل}} | يستبدل نص بنص آخر. | {{Str rep}} | Returns the string, after replacing the first occurrence of a specified string with another string. | {{Str len}} | يعود بطول السلسلة. |
{{اذا الطول أكبر من أو يساوي}} | [if len]gth [g]reater than or [e]qual to. | {{Str ≥ len}} | To check if a string is "longer or equally long" or "shorter" than a given length. | {{Str ≤ len}} | To check if a string is "shorter or equally long" or "longer" than a given length. | {{str ≠ len}} | To check if a string is "not equal" or "equal" to a given length. | {{str ≤ ≥ len}} | To check if a string is "shorter", "equal", or "longer" than a given length. |
تحليل وتقنيات |
{{Str endswith}} | To check if a string ends with a given string. | {{Str find}} {{Strfind short}} | Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string. | {{إبحث}} | البحث عن كلمة في جملة محددة. | {{Str sub find}} | Searches a substring in a string at the given offset. | {{Str letter}} | Returns the number of letters that begin a string. | {{Str number}} | Returns the number of numbers that begin a string. | {{str gtr str}} | Compares two strings for alphabetical order, and returns a value accordingly. |
{{ASCII code}} | Returns the ASCII value of a single character. | {{a or an}} | Takes a noun and produces the appropriate indefinite article, based on whether the first letter is a vowel. | | | وحدة:String | | ...Magic words | About {{padleft:|}} . | ...ParserFunctions | About {{#titleparts:|}}, {{#expr:|}}, {{#ifeq:|}}, etc. |