مساهمات المستخدم نورهان فضل
مستخدم له في سجله 2 تعديلًا. أُنشِئَ الحساب في 15 يوليو 2024.
16 يوليو 2024
- 10:2110:21، 16 يوليو 2024 فرق تاريخ +1٬347 نقاش المستخدم:نورهان فضل ردّ حالية وسم: ردّ
15 يوليو 2024
- 22:2122:21، 15 يوليو 2024 فرق تاريخ +2٬246 جامعة شلمنقة The city of Salamanca was called Talmanca when it was founded and planned to be built by Muslims. It is located in the region of Castile and was the star of science in Europe. Muslim scholars emerged from it until the fall of Castile in 1479 AD, which means that the founders of the University of Castile had Muslim ancestors, and there are other universities in the world that are older than them. +Al-Azhar University is an Egyptian university established in the year 970, and history records that وسوم: مُسترجَع تحرير مرئي فحص التحرير (أداة التحقق) مفعلة