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- Aquaculture
- Blue whale
- Craig Venter
- Cetacea
- Eschrichtiidae
- Earless seal
- Gray whale
- Orca
- Marine biology
- Manatee
- List of marine aquarium fish species
- Sirenia
- Walrus
- Whale
- Antarctic krill
- Sponge
- Narwhal
- Dugong
- California sea lion
- Marine mammal
- Steller sea lion
- Benthos
- Steller's sea cow
- Great Barrier Reef
- Coral reef
- Mussel
- Portuguese man o' war
- Amazon river dolphin
- Meiobenthos
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Rorqual
- Fin whale
- Bryde's whale
- Baleen whale
- Humpback whale
- Crabeater seal