حجرة العجائب
حجرة العجائب كانت مجموعات موسوعية من الأشياء التي لم تكن حدود تصانيفها تم تحديدها بعد في عصر النهضة الأوروبي.[1][2][3] والمصطلحات الحديثة تصنف هذه الأشياء ضمن التاريخ الطبيعي (أحياناً مزور)، الجيولوجيا، وصف الأعراق البشرية، علم الآثار بقايا دينية أو تاريخية، أعمال فنية (بما في ذلك لوحات الكابينة)، والآثار.

انظر أيضاً
عدل- ^ "معلومات عن حجرة العجائب على موقع d-nb.info". d-nb.info. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2019-12-18.
- ^ "معلومات عن حجرة العجائب على موقع britannica.com". britannica.com. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2015-09-05.
- ^ "معلومات عن حجرة العجائب على موقع ark.frantiq.fr". ark.frantiq.fr. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2019-12-18.
مزيد من القراءة
عدل- Under the Sign: John Bargrave as Collector, Traveler, and Witness, Stephen Bann, Michigan, 1995
- The Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe, ed. Oliver Impey and Arthur MacGregor, 2001, paperback, 431 pages, ISBN 1-84232-132-3
- Cabinets for the curious: looking back at early English museums, Ken Arnold, Ashgate, 2006, ISBN 0-7546-0506-X.
- Mr. Wilson's Cabinet Of Wonder: Pronged Ants, Horned Humans, Mice on Toast, and Other Marvels of Jurassic Technology, Lawrence Weschler, 1996, trade paperback, 192 pages, ISBN 0-679-76489-5 (see website link above)
- The Cabinet of Curiosities (novel), دوغلاس برستون and لينكولن تشايلد, Warner Books, 2003, paperback, ISBN 0-446-61123-9.
- Helmar Schramm et al. (ed.). Collection, Laboratory, Theater. Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century, Berlin/New York 2005, ISBN 978-3-11-017736-7
- The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine: The Kunstkammer and the Evolution of Nature, Art and Technology Horst Bredekamp (Allison Brown, translator) (Princeton: Marcus Weiner) 1995.
مصادر خارجية
عدلHistoric cabinets
- متحف جيه بول جيتي Augsburg Cabinet: 3-D model online interactive with high-resolution photography, description of subjects depicted, and mapping of exotic materials.
- متحف أشموليان: Powhatan's Mantle, pictures, full descriptions and history.
- The Augsburg Art Cabinet, about the Uppsala art cabinet.
- Dutch influence on 'wunderkammer' or 'rariteitenkabinet'.
- The King's Kunstkammer, a Danish Internet exhibition on the idea behind renaissance art and curiosity chambers (text in English).
- ماورتشهاوس, Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague: Room for Art exhibition.
- متحف المتروبوليتان للفنون, New York: Collecting for the Kunstkammer exhibition.
- Museum of Ethnology, Vienna: head-dress of مونتيزوما.
- متحف ريكز: Presentation and very large and detailed image of the art cabinet made for Duke August of Brunswick-Lüneburg.
- مؤسسة سميثسونيان: Crocodiles on the Ceiling exhibition.
- Website with photos of remaining Germanic cabinets
- Wunderkammer Theorie High resolution images of two Wunderkammer
- Kunstkammer Image rich German site of Kunstkammer and Wunderkammer
- Idols of the Cave A history of science website devoted to Wunderkammern
- Salvadoriana History and current items of the Wunderkammer that the Salvador family started on the XVII century in Barcelona.
Modern "cabinets"
- Cabinets of Curiosities. Museum in Waco, TX with a Cabinets of Curiosities Room named for John K. Strecker, who was curator for 30 years, the museum was established in 1893 and was the oldest museum in Texas when it closed in 2003 to be incorporated into the Mayborn Museum Complex.
- A Small Wunderkammer. Web magazine issue dedicated to building a small, contemporary Cabinet of Curiosities.
- MuseumZeitraum Leipzig. Work and collections of the pioneering German modernist Johann Dieter Wassmann (1841–1898).
- The Renwick Gallery at the Smithsonian Institution includes a contemporary Cabinet of Curiosity entitled "Bureau of Bureaucracy" by Kim Schmahmann
- Weblog modern equivalent of a Wunderkammer (Anthropology Essay)
في كومنز صور وملفات عن Cabinet of curiosities.